Well-Known Member
There you go not making sense again.That is exactly how it would happen. Who are you going to shoot at when your bank account is drained? When a your water is turned off?
Sooner or later the bank is going to want their house back. I have cash, gold, a water purifier, and a generator. I can live in my house forever. Problem is, I can't pay the bank. Who will the bank send to get their property back?
Now, I already know your response since we had this exact exchange of words a few months ago. You will say that it is not the government coming at you with's the bank.
Then, I will say that the bank is coming in direct response to not handing over your guns. I will then say that someone wearing jackboots eventually WILL come to your house.
You will then agree with me just like you did a few months ago...

I love it when canndo argues a point that he conceeded months before...