• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How many innocent lives are your guns worth?


Well-Known Member
Well they are collecting stuff under HIPA. That is the Health Insurance Privacy Act. I know what you may think.

But, actually these giant budgets for national defense specifically prohibit the collection of information across the board on US citizens.

Not lawful. Even the NSA, listening to everything, is not collecting. That kind of data storage is not possible. The voice recognition software is listening for certain voices. But, mostly it's key word collection. All adults In the USA, of any sense, understand this. Don't use the key word collections on your cell phone even in jest. To us it is like Joking about the gun they will NEVER find, in the airport security line. Stupid.

So, the FBI with a lot of diligence and police work can find out most anything on an individual. But, it is not lawful to run scans on collected data, looking randomly for patterns. The Marketing Orgs do that. :)

So, the data for certain specific reasons can be mined and the evidence used against you. But, we have the 9th Amendment. We can, at the top, do anything, for any reason that which is not specifically prohibited in the Constitution. And the Feds are not allowed to snoop. They are not allowed to keep dossier on all individual citizen like in countries with no Protection of the 9th. The 3rd Reich, for example. Germany just completed all citizen gun registration and you know what happened in Oz....mandatory confiscation. Not Here.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to rephrase the original question.

How many innocent guns are your freedoms and right to protect your family worth?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Gabrielle Giffords:

"Too... Many... Children... Are... Being... Killed..., Too.. Many... Children..."

Well if she tells us how many "children... being... killed..." is "optimal" we can do the math, and i personally promise to not kill any children beyond my share of the aceptble maximum number.

And you can take that to the bank.


Well-Known Member
As many lives as it takes to protect the second amendment. So we can protect the entire constitution when the time comes...

How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?

I think it is very very interesting that the right smears Obama with the "terrorists and revolutionaries" that he supposedly hung out with but those same people laud SOME terrorists, the ones who advocate armed inurrection, the ones who advocate civilian millitia, the ones who are willing to "protect their rights". What is the difference in their minds between a patriot and an insurectionist?


King Tut
How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?

I think it is very very interesting that the right smears Obama with the "terrorists and revolutionaries" that he supposedly hung out with but those same people laud SOME terrorists, the ones who advocate armed inurrection, the ones who advocate civilian millitia, the ones who are willing to "protect their rights". What is the difference in their minds between a patriot and an insurectionist?
In the eyes of our government, there isn't a difference.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?

I think it is very very interesting that the right smears Obama with the "terrorists and revolutionaries" that he supposedly hung out with but those same people laud SOME terrorists, the ones who advocate armed inurrection, the ones who advocate civilian millitia, the ones who are willing to "protect their rights". What is the difference in their minds between a patriot and an insurectionist?
It all depends on your perspective. You, for example, may not be a terrorist but you do support them by advocating government intervention and increasing control of the populace.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'm really sick of you bothersome liberal retards. If I were to kill anyone with my gun(s) or other means, including my bare hands, that person wasn't innocent. If you liberals think those you might kill will be innocent, then turn your own guns in. Then cut off your hands, legs and dick; and wire your mouth shut. Mission accomplished. Just leave me and my guns alone, we both did nothing to you nor anyone else who didn't deserve it by threatening my life.


King Tut
How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?

I think it is very very interesting that the right smears Obama with the "terrorists and revolutionaries" that he supposedly hung out with but those same people laud SOME terrorists, the ones who advocate armed inurrection, the ones who advocate civilian millitia, the ones who are willing to "protect their rights". What is the difference in their minds between a patriot and an insurectionist?
Btw, I never claimed to be "civilized".


Well-Known Member
I must not have posted the paragraph i typed about how off base it is to refer to polite society. Oh well.

I wonder if you realize how many are armed to make the society even a bit polite?

I'll say we were much more of a polite society, long ago. Now, not so much. Do you need a gun in polite society? Yes. You just won't need it so often.

It really is just an attempt to say that guns aren't welcome in "polite society." But, I don't go there very often.

So, the 2nd is about the break down in civil structure. A sudden lack of civility. A home invasion. All the way to protecting the Constitutional rights of others in a militia. We need the guns when polite society breaks down. Like yesterday, and today.

So, the numb-nuts are not on the same page at all. They seem to think civil society is a big stable slab of granite. It is when it is armed to the teeth and teaches the children well.


Agreed!! And so it shall be

How is it good that one group of people(military) can have these guns but another group can't? Either society needs these weapons or they don't. Plain and simple. If the govt feels they need them then why not all of society? What they promise not to use them in certain ways...get real.


Well-Known Member

hit the button on the bottom for 'more dumb laws from PA' or whatever it says, only a couple more but still funny as shit. I was wrong about the horse one, you do need to camouflage your car until the horses pass, but do not need to take it apart.
Oregon is pretty epic for dumb laws.

Two especially good ones;

- You are not allowed consume ice-cream on a Sunday (Land of the Free...)

- Unmarried women are not allowed to go parachuting.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Oregon is pretty epic for dumb laws.

Two especially good ones;

- You are not allowed consume ice-cream on a Sunday (Land of the Free...)

- Unmarried women are not allowed to go parachuting.

This is the best law. Car sex in public is "legal."

"Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Police officers aren't allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car to investigate."


Well-Known Member
What do some of these very old, outmoded laws tell us? Perhaps that contrary to conservative belief, things are now pretty much as they have always been and we haven't oh so recently emerged into some liberal dominated hell.


Well-Known Member
I don't get how you think with this prose.

Old laws show nothing about your subject. Just check who has been in charge mostly since WW2. Democrats.

And since the power grab in the 70s by "progressives, it is getting more and more so. The President has very little he can do with this wimp agenda in our schools. He can either resist it or promote it.

And how false can you get when the liberals, you, keep saying we are being driven into the past by conservatives? When powers that be are trying, out loud, to gut the other party? False.

The rise of this progressiveness is not some sudden emergence into hell. It has been happening for a long time.

But, this gun stuff will backfire. A PUN.


Well-Known Member
How do you "protect the entire Constitution" with your gun? How do you preserve any of your rights with that gun in a civil society?

I think it is very very interesting that the right smears Obama with the "terrorists and revolutionaries" that he supposedly hung out with but those same people laud SOME terrorists, the ones who advocate armed inurrection, the ones who advocate civilian millitia, the ones who are willing to "protect their rights". What is the difference in their minds between a patriot and an insurectionist?
Without 2A, we have nothing to defend the rest of the Constitution - that said, if you think we live in a civil society... you're a tad off with your evaluation, or you're living in a pretty fucked up world of your own that's loaded with peace, and cake... just make sure that the cake is not a lie.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What do some of these very old, outmoded laws tell us? Perhaps that contrary to conservative belief, things are now pretty much as they have always been and we haven't oh so recently emerged into some liberal dominated hell.
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.


King Tut
What do some of these very old, outmoded laws tell us? Perhaps that contrary to conservative belief, things are now pretty much as they have always been and we haven't oh so recently emerged into some liberal dominated hell.
So you agree that the reasons the 2nd was put in place existed when it was written and still exist?