New club house open at GC3.

Rare D MI

New Member
Yes vertigo was "blocking the view" of incoming patients for our neighbors we were sharing space with. And he was blocking sales of everyone around us with stellar deathstar that sold out in 3 hours.


Well-Known Member
Does not sound like a very friendly atmosphere for a vendor, that is disappointing to hear. ...was thinking. Bout joining to scoop up some DJ short n rare rankness beans.

Rare D MI

New Member
Does not sound like a very friendly atmosphere for a vendor, that is disappointing to hear. ...was thinking. Bout joining to scoop up some DJ short n rare rankness beans.
There are other places you can get both of those. It is a lot cheaper to get beans directly from DJ, so I would pursue meeting him. RD beans however will be the same price anywhere you go. Unless you run into me and get a bunch. Then I cut deals.


New Member
Thats not to say that the person sharing the booth had bad meds. His meds were great. I even bought 10 grams of his wax. Not all vendors have shit.

Rare D MI

New Member
Indeed, other than the tattle-tale thing they were nice people, the guy had really nice, well grown herb and good wax.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty excited about the G3C crew taking on the expansion for the space and educational room. That said, they really knocked it out of the ball park! Class A clubhouse. Thank these guys and show them some love :bigjoint:

Cool. How does G3C work...I'm about twenty minutes away... thought of dropping in. Do they offer tables for rent?


Well-Known Member
Chasing people away? G3C averages 30-50 new members a day and 2500 people in just foot traffic. Chasing people away in a pot forum too?. Lol step away from your glazed screen and come up here and judge for yourself instead of having these other pissed off idiots make your mind up about the G3C. As clubs grow so do rules and changes in the rules, it's just something people have to learn to respect. Give this club a shot, if you have anything that you might wanna transfer, bring it up here and give it a try. Someone is always looking. Vending might be alittle hard for new people but if you got good quality someone will snatch it up new or not.
But, you can't just walk in and get a table sometimes Becuase of limited table space and the ammount of reservations. The best days to come in and possibly get a table are Wednesday, Thursday& Friday. Saturdays and Tuesday's are often booked with advanced reservations.
We do have a waiting list that if you want to wait until someone doesn't show or calls in to cancel that's cool too. Sometimes it pays off sometimes you might wait all day and not get a table, that's unfortunate too.

How would you rec a vendor get started up there. I thought of giving it a try. Have quality meds and have a passion for helping those in need. I went up there a few years ago and it was so loosey goosey it spooked me off. Also heard some stories from a guy that went up there to vend and said he was treated very poorly by other vendors and such and then decided never to go back. Dude has perfecto....Grade A meds. If it's a good place to vend...I may be interested. Thanks :peace:


Active Member
I went up there a few years ago and it was so loosey goosey it spooked me off. Thanks :peace:
I felt the same way. The smoke is just out of control there, it is impossible to leave the place without reeking of charred green pot. Get pulled over on the way home and the officer has every right to draw blood and charge a DUI.


Well-Known Member
I dunno..... Everything smells that way. I love it! Can't imagine not stinking. Funny though, I have never owned colonge. When an officer says I smell like pot I usually say, the best pot! Never been blood tested! Likely because I will show no shame!


Well-Known Member
Carry some Cologne or fabreeze in your car....

Buy some really really strong Womans Citrus body spray in the biggest bottle you can find. It's usually about 6 bucks at Wallie World. Shit's gold. Reduces green smell with Citrus.

I found out by accident lol. I bought a car from this chick and she left the spray in the truck ... on day I was looking for some AX to spray down the ride and saw that under the seat..."hmm this may work" And it did.

More affordable than a $100 bottle of cologne and seems to work even better.