Ursus marijanus
Do we have to go there? cn
You are about 20 years late in this debate, bear. We now have artificial intelligence clients that successfully navigate a maze, or choose the future object, etc, better than humans.Somewhat dissenting opinion. The computer used a subset of logic, since logic is a process ... but not reasoning. Instead it did what computers do best: crunch through a combinatorially huge series of maybes to spot an optimum as defined by highly-specified parameters.
But machine logic and human logic are not quite interchangeable. And while (human-style) logic is a necessary component of reasoning, it's the process part of that but not the setup part. Those are the premises upon which the logic operates, and often there isn't an analytic solution. Jmo. cn
I worded it incorrectly, but I meant to say that you tried to validate your points by invalidating mine down; which is illogical, and highly ironic considering we are discussing logic lol.... Not once did I not try to prove MY point. I gave an example or reason for every statement I made..."You try to support your arguments by attacking mine."
That's allowed, is it not? I prefer to call it defending my arguments/ presenting a counter-argument.
Have you ever had an anxiety attack that caused you to hyperventilate? I once hyperventilated for 3 days straight.Xanax shouldn't exist. terrible terrible drug that leads no where good. even if you don't overdose.. the withdrawals can easily kill you
Plus it is not easy to die from withdrawal. You would have to be ingesting like 4 mgs a day ever day to have any risk and that is a lot!Have you ever had an anxiety attack that caused you to hyperventilate? I once hyperventilated for 3 days straight.
It was xanax that stopped me from hyperventilating. Xanax is fine if taken correctly.
Have you ever had an anxiety attack that caused you to hyperventilate? I once hyperventilated for 3 days straight.
It was xanax that stopped me from hyperventilating. Xanax is fine if taken correctly.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get a reprieve from that bull shit. You think Canada is waiting to see what US policy will be in the next several years? I know that is the case in Mexico, but apparently Mexico wants it legal and it would appear Canada wants it for me...
what sucks is I have 2 cancers (bladder/throat) and still can't get a card .... fucking Dear Leader Kim Jon Harper has muddied the waters so much you can't even get a paper signed as no one knows what the system will be.
Thank you fb, but I have a bug about vids. can't watch the damn things. I like books. cnYou are about 20 years late in this debate, bear. We now have artificial intelligence clients that successfully navigate a maze, or choose the future object, etc, better than humans.
I can site many examples, but SIRI is a clear one. SIRI is an artificial intelligence which predicts, reasons, and makes choices, using nothing more than hundreds of millions of transistors. Did you know that if you tell SIRI you are traveling to a location distant from yours, without purchasing a plane ticket with your phone, she will ask you if you want to purchase a ticket? She will then remind you of your departure date and time when it is close. She will also recommend a cab and tell you the traffic... That's logic and reasoning to me...
I could go into the inverse-lambda calculus to describe how computers can determine and predict human speech, but that would blow over everyone heres head...
Too often people associate 1s and 0s with black and white. I offer a simple contradiction; the digital image. It is a bunch of 1s and 0s that can be sequenced to create beautiful and vivid analog visual stimuli.
I could go into A2D converters, or D2A as well, but again it would be pointless. The main point of this is that logic is based upon physicalities (truths), that we USE to reason. If I put my hand in a fire, it will burn. Fact. I then use that truth to logically determine that it is best for my health to not put my hand in the fire.
I can write that example in lambda-calculus for digital processing, just as easily.
I do understand your point that human reasoning and logic still trumps robots/computers in most cases, but you can actually writing learning code that will learn as fast as it encounters new unique states. In theory, you could create an infinitely smart robot for a certain application if you had the time to train it before hand.
Just to make my point clear. Human and machine reasoning IS interchangeable. Specifically because machines are nothing but human made objects. The very reason to even have language supports this fact; if we werent able to express our reasoning or thoughts, why even communicate. What you are concerned with is a computers ability to decipher human reasoning. Trust me, it happens all the time. Just ask any terrorist that had a Apache heli fire some hellfire missiles on them just because the pilot looked at them and winked.
e2: for bear;
Just watch the TED conference on robotics. There are some pretty badass bots out there dude; emotion sensing, care giving, productive teaser, etc. All of which are based in presumption, reasoning, and at the core, logic.
I deeply encourage you to watch this entire Artificial Intelligence course, which I took last semester(advanced AI class btw. If you understand it all, you understand AI pretty well) (PS: these guys write the books; this one specifically as well. ASU actually has very good robotics professors):
didnt video for length purposes.
Do you even respect this plant? It has more beneficials properties than just getting high or medicinimal purposes. You can feed people and clothe them as well as making biofuel. Thats why it's illegal and thats why it's the price it is.What black market?
The black market is driven by money
If everyone grew weed, the supply would bring the price down to the point it wouldnt be worth risking it.
I personally would grow 15 foot high 8 lb plants in my back yard
Well if you ever find yourself wanting a little review of 2nd/3rd order calculus or AI education, that is a tremendous resource; I'm surprised ASU leaves those up as they consist of the entire lecture, and every lecture of the course.Thank you fb, but I have a bug about vids. can't watch the damn things. I like books. cn
I know this is a little late but can't stand people saying stupid shit. Everything a doctor does is a recommendation. You don't have to do shit and can always get a second opinion. People get prescriptions all the time and don't fill them for various reasons. Your mmj card acts as an ongoing presciption that is issued by the state based upon a doctor's recommendation. Walgreen fills your prescription based upon a doctor's recommendation.Name one doctor that has prescribed marijuana in the last 30 years?
Oh that's right
They give recommendations. How do you sue for a recommendation?
I could not care F@$%ing less about others and what they say.There is no real criteria for it; anyone can go to a certain "Dr." and say they feel better when smoking it and boom... you've got your rec. Every time I hear a dirty lazy no good stoner use the word "medicate" or "medicine" I want to punch them in their mouth. Most people feel better when they smoke, otherwise people wouldn't take all the risks and spend all the money to get it, but to call it medicine is just a cop out and an insult to the few people that could legitimately use it medicinally. Please just say you're getting stoned instead of "medicating".
Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't. I'm sure that 95% of you people that "medicate" don't need it and if you argue that it helps with anxiety, etc. Well, they make pills for that. Marijuana is for people with AIDs, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and so on.
Ok, rant over. Thanks!
When I was a kid in Massachusetts in the 1940-50s, liquor was only sold in state controlled "package stores" which were closed on Sunday.
...Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it medicine. I guess I could start referring to Johnny Walker Black as "medicine" cuz I feel better when I drink than when I don't...
I have to take nortriptyline and cymbalta for cranial nerve pain, they block the pain receptors in the brain much like cannabis. Hash and edibles feel better than the oxycodone I take.Currently there is growing amount of evidence to suggest that the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis and individual cannabinoids may be effective in alleviating neuropathic pain and hyperalgesia.
Evidence suggests that cannabinoids may prove useful in pain modulation by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. Considering the pronounced antinociceptive effects produced by cannabinoids, they may be a promising therapeutic approach for the clinical management of trigeminal neuralgia.