Office grow....

How long does it take you to move a pound? How much do you profit off that pound? It would take you 450+ transactions to move said pound with your idiotic methods...

Flippin' a pound a week and pickin it up 1/4 at a time yields a good $400-500/week and that's serving ounces, half o's, or even breaking it down to grams like you.

^Prob takes you an eternity to make $500 lol.


100ppl buy a gram....50 ppl come back...25 ppl tell a friend.
this is not my day job...I dont have to sell jack shit.
I dont fuck with the MIDDLE MAN please save the buy low sell high stretch the "work" out shit
I got nothing but while the customers stack up...ill be blowing vapors
SnakeByte: the actual storage units dont have electric sockets inside....

Cunt Nugget: I nickel & dime so that ball sack lint like you can take center stage...I will make $5960 - $2500 more than you lb for lb
You will get robbed before me
You will run dry before me
You will get more time than me...
You a 2min rabbit pump fuck...Im a full flagged porn beat it.

I dont buy big..I dont buy small...I DONT FUCKING BUY!!! DIPSHIT!!!....whos still in highschool now FUCK WAD?
I sell it by the in take your "gino" suck the creme out a cannoli
fuckin Fino fanook
Hahahahaha I assume I'm Cunt Nugget. Sorry can't be too sure..been a while since I've argued with a 9 year old. BUT anyways...
I nickel & dime so that ball sack lint like you can take center stage
what lOl
I will make $5960 - $2500 more than you lb for lb
Uhhh how are you going to profit $6k on a pound that shouldn't ever cost more than $3,500? LOL
You will get robbed before me
You will run dry before me
You will get more time than me...
Never dry, never robbed, clean record.
You a 2min rabbit pump fuck...Im a full flagged porn beat it.
If you said this to someone in real life what do you think they'd do? LMFAO
I dont buy big..I dont buy small...I DONT FUCKING BUY!!! DIPSHIT!!!....whos still in highschool now FUCK WAD?
I sell it by the in take your "gino" suck the creme out a cannoli
fuckin Fino fanook
When I was in high school I played the game better than you, get the fuck outta here lOl. You're nothin' but a little boy pretending to be something, and your not even good at that.:dunce:

100ppl but a gram....50 ppl come back...25 ppl tell a friend.
this is not my day job...I dont have to sell jack shit.
I dont fuck with the MIDDLE MAN please save the buy low sell high stretch the "work" out shit
I got nothing but while the customers stack up...ill be blowing vapors
Get out of this fantasy world you're living in. Even if you were telling the truth you'd still be a fucking moron. . .
Uhhh how are you going to profit $6k on a pound that shouldn't ever cost more than $3,500? LOL

448G @ $20 = my take
448G @ $8 = Your take...

Game Over.
if you want to start a PISS war...lets start another thread...this was/is/& shall remain about OFFICE SPACE GROWING.
The faster I can get rid of my buds, the better.. Because then I can get more and move that quicker, and make more money at a faster rate.. And High School'ers are the only fucking people who pickup grams dumbfuck.. If I'm picking up weed, why would I get charged $20 bucks a gram, from some trashy wigger, that I already don't want too associate with.. When I can get from a person more reputable and professional for 280 an oz.. BTW, most weed is pH and ppm tested, and trimmed well, so I don`t know how thats your selling point you fucking wangster.. Your a low level punk, who listens to, to much rap music.. You`ll grow up one day, maybe.. For the good of humanity I hope it happens quick, or you at lleast die off, like the scum you are..
If you want to follow this PISS match go to the Black briefcase forum...
Im in the business to make money...Im not in MED $280oz dont apply to me
I take a fucking bigger risk than ANY Med state grower...So I intend to CASH THE FUCK IN ON ALL MY GRAMS

there you have it
GODWORK, But some of them DO have light sockets.
There are sockets you can get (I'm sure you know) that have plug socket outlets:
Nice and cheap
Snake I have to be honest...I never thought about that.

If I can find a storage space with service...i might really try that out.
Hahaaha, Nunya :-|.. I get it bro.. I don`t give a fuck that he sells Grams and Five Peices.. Im saying he`s stupid for doing it.. And trying to explain to his dumbass, why it doesn`t make sense.. Go ahead a grow commercially, that can be a good idea if done right.. Nickeling and Diming isn`t worth it in the long run, Thats why the few and far between are the only one`s who do it.. Why would you be a Mom and Pops, when you could be fucking Wal-Mart..