Office grow....

wow just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading 5 first pages of this thread ... Your a dummy for real ... your basically trying to convince us were stupid for not selling dime bags ? what a waist of time !!!! taking bigger chances ? din't you say you had big balls ? Your putting your neck out 450 times! 450 chops ! the % of getting arrest followed / phone tapped is way higher then the wholesale middle man making 5-10 calls a week changing numbers every month.... and all that to make an extra grand or two on a single pound ? instead of moving 5 pounds and making a grand in an hour once a week lol I guess your are.. just a little punk who would get robbed trying to move some thing bigger then a pound ahaha I feel sorry for ya but hey !! we cant all have solid plugs u know...
Godwork apparently values in safe money is better than risky money and that overall (the long term) he will make more given that amounts being sold are equal. If he's confident that his plan will work who's to say yay or nay. I'm from the school of nunya

But more like nunOmy, if you get what I mean
Hes bragging about having big balls to pull a show in storage locker but is afraid to go out and sell more then a gram hahaha BIG BALLS INDEED
Godwork apparently values in safe money is better than risky money and that overall (the long term) he will make more given that amounts being sold are equal. If he's confident that his plan will work who's to say yay or nay. I'm from the school of nunya

one person understands...

This fucking ass burglar isnt even reading what he has typed...
You want to talk about the size of my fucking ballz & the size of my brain....
I stick my neck out 450+ times huh?...but I got no balls...admit that if you wasnt a chicken shit poop dick
you would understand what it takes to go against the grain

Your not about the life I live...thats why you do things your way....
I dont sell weed to a couple of buddies...I sell weed to complete strangers. Its WAY more risk...but I manage it.
& for the work that I do..I earn more...

You flip your low ball pounds or whatever..Im good..
The real issue that Most of these guys are having... is trying to understand HOW I DO IT.
thats what all this extra vaginal moisture is about.
I wish the "powers that be" kill this thread...its stale...the only update to this thread should be valid proof of a win...or a Fail.
Fuck it.

Im going to pull this off...
What about water? Is there any in the space? Most offices I have been to with that small a space have a shared bath. I see that as the biggest issue. That is why I can not use a garage shed i got.
I wouldn't of said any thing ... but your the one saying how people are stupid and loosing money by not selling it in grams .... there are wholesalers and there's dude that nickle in dimes ... Every body has hes way BUDY
I see you are this rude to everyone...Isn't a troll one who insulted people via internet? Hmm Therefore YOU are a troll..and a hypocrite.
All i have to say is best of luck with this spacel, be very careful and make SURE YOU TAKE EVERYTHING TO CONSIDERATION! The chances of this working for u are young are very slim so dont bother...... but if you have a idea how the world works and business properties then "maybe" your golden :) CHECK YOUR LEASE, STAET LAWS and not just for mj but for comerical spaces, fire inspections etc BEST OF LUCK.... ill check up on you to see if you do have these large balls u speak of!
This works....just not the way i planned it....

2x4 tent...6 bulb t5...160cfm inline/scrub... 2 (seed) plants topped... 6-8 (clone) plants sog...
the ona works well...& the property manager is the key...if its a laid back place people really dont give a fuck who you are.

In the future...I would say clone only sog... in an office space with a kessil system...pull your ounce per plant & ship it out

IGROWX where the fuck is your GHS GWS grow...???