FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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I was just thinking that those sprouts can't catch a break...terrible upbringing, horrible music...Do the humane thing, and stop bringing seedlings into the world without giving them proper care....

Sometimes, I pretend you and your family come into my work, when your on vacation from Texas, to go skiing, suddenly I look at you with disgust when I see that stain of a person that is gimpmaggot, I immediately slap you in the face, and say "that's in case your thinking about saying something stupid" you go mute...
I wink at your mommy and say "how can such a huge piece of shit come out of that sweet turd maker? She looks at me as if she doesn't really know how, with a shrug of the shoulders(cause you are one of those asshole babies, not delivered vaginally) she is so ready for my glaze i can smell her hungry hole, but i have other plans...
femspermy (sisters name?) looks at me like i am Marky fucking mark and starts to cry cause she knows i will be splitting her open, like a log later....I grab her by her hair like a caveman, walk off the job and ride into the sunset....nothing but glazed donuts from here on out....
don't you worry though Flynn, i stop in from time to time to plow down your mom in her squawk box cause your step dads dick is stained from your asshole, and she is sick of your shit too....delusional yeah right

this made me LOL so hard that i could only read about halfway through before i had to go take a huge dump.

then i came back, read the rest, and had to go take another huge dump.

such was the extent of how hard i laughed while reading this.
I am glad i could provide you with assistance for your morning duties! Fuck Sandy... I am sending relief Bucks way
this made me LOL so hard that i could only read about halfway through before i had to go take a huge dump.

then i came back, read the rest, and had to go take another huge dump.

such was the extent of how hard i laughed while reading this.
Originally Posted by chewberto

Sometimes, I pretend you and your family come into my work, when your on vacation from Texas, to go skiing, suddenly I look at you with disgust when I see that stain of a person that is gimpmaggot, I immediately slap you in the face, and say "that's in case your thinking about saying something stupid" you go mute...
I wink at your mommy and say "how can such a huge piece of shit come out of that sweet turd maker? She looks at me as if she doesn't really know how, with a shrug of the shoulders(cause you are one of those asshole babies, not delivered vaginally) she is so ready for my glaze i can smell her hungry hole, but i have other plans...
femspermy (sisters name?) looks at me like i am Marky fucking mark and starts to cry cause she knows i will be splitting her open, like a log later....I grab her by her hair like a caveman, walk off the job and ride into the sunset....nothing but glazed donuts from here on out....
don't you worry though Flynn, i stop in from time to time to plow down your mom in her squawk box cause your step dads dick is stained from your asshole, and she is sick of your shit too....delusional yeah right

oh shit . ... .
I am glad i could provide you with assistance for your morning duties! Fuck Sandy... I am sending relief Bucks way

it would normally be a couple hours until that sort of things gets stirring, and it usually doesn't happen in such quantity or force.

but the pressure to the gut from repeated guffawing was too much.

i even read it to the wife. well, i tried to. i couldn't make it through without cracking up. she had to read it on her own.
Story-time with Chewberto....every time he calls me delusional....I read it this morning and cracked up too,,,Great Hash Hash can really spark a flame
my brother in law is in town and wants to make hash. anyone got some good vids (not of failspammy, of course) on how to make hash? he wants to do BHO.

Sometimes, I pretend you and your family come into my work, when your on vacation from Texas, to go skiing, suddenly I look at you with disgust when I see that stain of a person that is gimpmaggot, I immediately slap you in the face, and say "that's in case your thinking about saying something stupid" you go mute...
I wink at your mommy and say "how can such a huge piece of shit come out of that sweet turd maker? She looks at me as if she doesn't really know how, with a shrug of the shoulders(cause you are one of those asshole babies, not delivered vaginally) she is so ready for my glaze i can smell her hungry hole, but i have other plans...
femspermy (sisters name?) looks at me like i am Marky fucking mark and starts to cry cause she knows i will be splitting her open, like a log later....I grab her by her hair like a caveman, walk off the job and ride into the sunset....nothing but glazed donuts from here on out....
don't you worry though Flynn, i stop in from time to time to plow down your mom in her squawk box cause your step dads dick is stained from your asshole, and she is sick of your shit too....delusional yeah right

Holy shit ladies and gentlemen we have a winner
Really. Like, can someone quote that post with the definition of delusional? :lol:

Did you? like, have to like, put the word like in your post, cause you don't get any likes.....There is an extra 4 to add to your extensive collection.. Oh wait these don't count... Welp, maybe next time! How are those bastard sprouts doing today? can someone tag that?
I was just thinking that those sprouts can't catch a break...terrible upbringing, horrible music...Do the humane thing, and stop bringing seedlings into the world without giving them proper care....

I will bring many many more seedlings into this world. And even making my own strains.
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