FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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shaggy I've never directly called you a name but I've called better people than you "fucking morons" more than once.
you have had so much time already, you really think 5 days is gonna give you some more booming growth huh? how long after transplant are you going to wait to chop em? i know you are the master of stress but be careful with the cutting to close to transplant, what am i saying you have done far worse already, carry on.

It'll be like 1-2 days after transplant. And they will grow plenty by then :D
Now where did that definition of delusional go? :lol:

Sometimes, I pretend you and your family come into my work, when your on vacation from Texas, to go skiing, suddenly I look at you with disgust when I see that stain of a person that is gimpmaggot, I immediately slap you in the face, and say "that's in case your thinking about saying something stupid" you go mute...
I wink at your mommy and say "how can such a huge piece of shit come out of that sweet turd maker? She looks at me as if she doesn't really know how, with a shrug of the shoulders(cause you are one of those asshole babies, not delivered vaginally) she is so ready for my glaze i can smell her hungry hole, but i have other plans...
femspermy (sisters name?) looks at me like i am Marky fucking mark and starts to cry cause she knows i will be splitting her open, like a log later....I grab her by her hair like a caveman, walk off the job and ride into the sunset....nothing but glazed donuts from here on out....
don't you worry though Flynn, i stop in from time to time to plow down your mom in her squawk box cause your step dads dick is stained from your asshole, and she is sick of your shit too....delusional yeah right

Sometimes, I pretend you and your family come into my work, when your on vacation from Texas, to go skiing, suddenly I look at you with disgust when I see that stain of a person that is gimpmaggot, I immediately slap you in the face, and say "that's in case your thinking about saying something stupid" you go mute...
I wink at your mommy and say "how can such a huge piece of shit come out of that sweet turd maker? She looks at me as if she doesn't really know how, with a shrug of the shoulders(cause you are one of those asshole babies, not delivered vaginally) she is so ready for my glaze i can smell her hungry hole, but i have other plans...
femspermy (sisters name?) looks at me like i am Marky fucking mark and starts to cry cause she knows i will be splitting her open, like a log later....I grab her by her hair like a caveman, walk off the job and ride into the sunset....nothing but glazed donuts from here on out....
don't you worry though Flynn, i stop in from time to time to plow down your mom in her squawk box cause your step dads dick is stained from your asshole, and she is sick of your shit too....delusional yeah right
Really. Like, can someone quote that post with the definition of delusional? :lol:
actually I think it had more to do with indirectly calling you a fucking sub-moron.

So, yeah. You're trying to get attention but you can't think of anything to actually mention to insult me. So you're just being random and attempting to be funny. Cool :D
This is the kind of music my plants listen to. Eventually I want to do music experiments, and see how specific artists effect different plants. But I'd have to buy like a cheap Ipod for each plant and have it charging at all times. And I'd have to figure out how to make it where they couldn't hear each others headphones... If anyone has any ideas post them.
I never saw season 1 or 2 of Weeds, and I saw up to Canada which I think was season 6, so I never saw season 7. I'm almost done watching season 2 now, and I'm not sure if I want to re-watch seasons 3-6, because it's been over 2 years since I've seen them and it might be a good idea just so I remember everything when I watch season 7. Does anyone else watch Weeds?
I also just got done recently watching Breaking Bad. Did anyone watch that and does anyone know if there will be new seasons?
I think I'm going to make it a semi regular occurrence to post music I listen to on here. The plants listen to this music whenever I'm home, so it IS related to my grow :D
This is the kind of music my plants listen to. Eventually I want to do music experiments, and see how specific artists effect different plants. But I'd have to buy like a cheap Ipod for each plant and have it charging at all times. And I'd have to figure out how to make it where they couldn't hear each others headphones... If anyone has any ideas post them.
What if you tested the effect of music on the root system vs. the top section? What da ya think fin spam?
I think I'm going to make it a semi regular occurrence to post music I listen to on here. The plants listen to this music whenever I'm home, so it IS related to my grow :D
I play indian dance music and bollywood hits to my plants, im growing indicas. :) I think they like it better than rap, i think you should only play gangster rap for them if your going to rip people off that buy them....oh wait... :(
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