The fuck cats thread

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Famous People who were afraid of cats

Alexander The Great

Napoleon Bonaparte

Benito Mussolini

Julius Caesar

Adolf Hitler
(Although it was more dislike than fear)

So why would these Conquerors(Not including pathetic Mussolini) Fear little cats?
I don't know but its interesting.

My opinion.
I don't like many cats aside from my own. More of a dog person.


Well-Known Member
He is just so pro cat and anti dog owner it makes me laugh sometimes is all Sunny. No matter what someone says about their dog, he has a comeback about how great his cat is. And he doesn't miss a comment.

I digg fdd, so I'm picking on him a little, nothing personal. He deserves it sometimes.


Well-Known Member
i met a guy in prison doing life for killing a guy that talked shit about his dog. Actually he may have kicked the dog or something too. cant remember. anyway he basically gave his life for a dog.
I love mine but i wouldnt die for them. They are just animals at the end of the day. They eat better than me and get better medical care as well. Over $3k in the last couple years. (getting old)


Well-Known Member
He is just so pro cat and anti dog owner it makes me laugh sometimes is all Sunny. No matter what someone says about their dog, he has a comeback about how great his cat is. And he doesn't miss a comment.

I digg fdd, so I'm picking on him a little, nothing personal. He deserves it sometimes.
sorry i wasn't wft'ing at you but the whole thread, anyone that doesn't like cats never had cats
i love my dog and every one i have ever had but i love my cats too, equally
i have had intelligent dogs and some that weren't too bright, same with cats
how could you not love this


Well-Known Member
I love cats and dogs. Just dogs show the affection back and cats don't (not usually.. and when they do, it's like they just want something from you). Simple as that IMHO.


Well-Known Member
He is just so pro cat and anti dog owner it makes me laugh sometimes is all Sunny. No matter what someone says about their dog, he has a comeback about how great his cat is. And he doesn't miss a comment.

I digg fdd, so I'm picking on him a little, nothing personal. He deserves it sometimes.

dogs are stupid.


Well-Known Member
You must have a lot of hate in you to go hating on cats. They make people happy, that's good enough for me.

I love both cats and dogs.