The fuck cats thread


Well-Known Member
this isnt about you hating cats its about which animal is useful enough for you to stop a bullet so it can die instead of you which is sad
love all animals cats have their pros and cons and so do dogs
Nope your wrong...i'd help my dog just as my dog would help me, their a part of my family and can name every dog i've had since i was 5...the fact is a cat won't stand by your side to help you. I'd rather die with my dogs than use them as shields for bullets


Well-Known Member
I mean, rodent killing? Dogs far proceed that list.
They sure do, but I though cats were the popular mousers on farms now.

My gf has a cat and the useless shit just pukes up food around the house,sleeps and gets hair on everything
We have a tiny dog that leaps up in an instant and runs off to the sound of a puking cat. She's good like that.

Nope your wrong...i'd help my dog just as my dog would help me, their a part of my family and can name every dog i've had since i was 5...the fact is a cat won't stand by your side to help you. I'd rather die with my dogs than use them as shields for bullets
I have pets, not bodyguards. In any case, I don't really think much about bullets or shields.


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with having a pet that can protect you or your family while away on buisness? And i don't think many people do


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with having a pet that can protect you or your family while away on buisness? And i don't think many people do
I never said it was wrong. Is there anything wrong with having a pet that is simply a pet - companionship, fun, comfort - stuff like that?


Well-Known Member
Nope not all, my dogs are my family, playmates,and comfort. I would never expect them to give their lives for me but they would regardless and so would i


Well-Known Member
i mean, seriously. if you can afford thousands of dollars worth of guns, get your stupid ass to a nicer locale.

how many dogs excel at mousing? or general rodent control?

cats are more versatile than dogs in many respects.
i saw a stray cat jump out of a tree and kill a squirrel blew my mind.........but a yorky is a better mouser than any cat

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Cats suck. They somehow know when I'm allergic to them and single me out of a group of people, then hop on my lap and try rubbing all over me. They have dingleberries. They leave dead shit laying around like it's some sort of gift. They piss all over my trash cans and my porch. And they think my porch is "The Spot" for fighting and fucking.


Well-Known Member
this isnt about you hating cats its about which animal is useful enough for you to stop a bullet so it can die instead of you which is sad
love all animals cats have their pros and cons and so do dogs
Well dogs are more useful. But I also just prefer them.

my favorite dog was a mini Doberman. The guy was so small I'm sure a cat would fuck him up if he wanted lol. But he was always there wanting to play and just chill with me. That's why I liked him. Because he was there for ME and not for my house. Can't say the same for most cats. MOST cats though, some cats are pretty cool and show they actually care for their buddy (owner).

meechz 024

Active Member
I'll tell you why cats suck ass IMO.

When i look into a cat's eyes, it feels like a robot is looking at me and discerning through it's programmed language if I am a threat or not. Their facial expressions seldom change..They have this coldness to them that I can not vibe with.
Dogs are different. You can look at someone's dog in the eyes and they will tell you if they care about you or if they don't. It's like the difference between chilling with someone who cares about you but doesn't want to show you, and chilling with someone who knows how to show love. Dogs show love.


Well-Known Member
Hairballs or 4:30am morning walks {in -40 temps}
Yapping at every blade of grass or constant meowing while in heat
Hair everywhere or everywhere hair
Humping your leg or walk across the table after using litter box
Dog breath or Tuna breath
Chew toys or chewed socks
Dog shit everywhere or Cats marking their territory
Vet bills
Etc Etc

I prefer pussy to bitch :wink:

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Cats and dogs live along side us as our companions, they are both lovable creatures they like to please us and both are clever but in different ways. I had a cat that would pee down the plug hole in the bath and who would knock the front door to be let in, she had kittens and was the most amazing mother I would sit and watch her with kittens and tell her what a clever girl she was and she would purr really loudly as if she knew what I was saying. But my dog was equally clever he would know the exact time my husband would come home from work and he would be waiting patiently at the gate no other time of the day that exact time. If you are an animal lover it doesn't matter wether its a cat or dog we love them both.