Club 600


Well-Known Member
Me too!
And I almost picked a bag up last night...
I might have to make a run to the store...
I'm going to have to make a run to the store.
Damn you, Extrema, and your hunger-inducing properties!!!
Damn youuuuuu!!!!!!!!
Damn you to Hell!
You blew it up!
Um... no... wait a minute...


Well-Known Member
well heres some poopy pic quality of: some quality outdoor buds from 2012... :) blue widow and casey j, them pink hairs were cool. wish iwouda had my new camera back then... :(
Picture0065.jpgPicture0063.jpgblue widow 100112.jpgPicture0069.jpgPicture0067.jpgBlue Widow 100112 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
pics of my cheetos (crunchy & puffed twists)
And a double-decker turkey & Tilamook medium cheddar with mayo on whole wheat.

If this had been any other (shorter, smarter) thread on riu, the mere mention of "Cheetos™" would have almost immediately disintegrated into a flame war over the relative snacking merits of "crunchy" vs. "puffs", culminating with a dogpile on the poor lackwit who dared to even mutter under his breath "puffs twisted" or "fantastix".



Well-Known Member
How tall are those plants when they finish in flower? Looks like under 2ft right?

i use my 600 in a cool tube and keep my ladies short... and get about 2 zips per. Usually I pull 8 per run. At least
how tall do you grow them out? Anyone? I'd like to hear your opinions if you have a chance.


Well-Known Member
how tall do you grow them out? Anyone? I'd like to hear your opinions if you have a chance.

i like my plants to be less than 2ft tall before flowering under my 600, if it is a sativa then i like to flower even sooner. if i let them any bigger i end up just cutting off all of the lowers because i hate having spongy buds. ( notice i keep saying " i like to" because i don't always get things the way i want, i'm currently wrestling with plants that are taller than me!).

call me old fashioned but i like a bud to haaaaaard!.


Well-Known Member
been living a hollywood movie mate, you wouldn't believe it.

hope all is well in the 600, it's been a while. fuck me whodat is back.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
how tall do you grow them out? Anyone? I'd like to hear your opinions if you have a chance.
I go about a foot tall in flower, but I l.s.t them first, so it take more time to veg and spread. As I don't cut my plants in flower, just the bottom only. I did do 5 in flower with each 600w hps. got about 10 zips off each light. Not bad, but I need to improve.Picture 947.jpg


Well-Known Member
i grow vertically so they can range from 1foot high, straight from seed into flower, or sometime big monsters that start at 3 foot....all depends on what I got and how I can squeeze it all in to my cab.
how tall do you grow them out? Anyone? I'd like to hear your opinions if you have a chance.


Well-Known Member
i have been starting between 12" and 18". that being said i thought that was small. i do think 12" is to short depending on how you veg.

How dry do you all let your girls get before you water again, soil people of course.


Well-Known Member
How dry do you all let your girls get before you water again, soil people of course.
Can you remember we had this conversation about 2 1/2 years ago mate, hehe. At the moment I am leaving it to 2 waters per week, so the plants get pretty dry. But at this time of year I don't see the point in trying to shove water down a plants face. All that happens in my small cab is the humidity goes up through the roof. So generally I get a good indication of watering times by the RH meter. But as a rule, every third day, plants have pretty much used all the water and hopefully the roots are stretching around looking for more secret untouched water channels in the soil, kind of like gold prospectors.....