Club 600


Well-Known Member
due to me being legal now, and finding a bunch of local people willing to mix super soils and teas for me, i'm kind of renewed in my wanting to change things up a bit. i've basically been growing the same way for over 10 years. no teas, no super type soil mixes, basic nutes, nothing special. very crowded tents, 3 gallon bags.

i experimented a lot the first few years then found what worked best for me and stuck with it. i'm seriously considering buying super soil and teas and 5 gallon smart pots. i'm just curious. i'd use the same clones i've used the last 3 grows to compare. i tried a 5 gallon a few grows ago but the plant wasn't in there long enough to use all the space available and was no larger than those in 3 gallon pots.

fewer plants, more tieing down/super cropping/topping (whatever is needed). the problem is, i need X amount to make it from crop to crop, and experimenting sometimes leaves me coming up short.

i'll have to think this out. oddly enough, a good idea while beautifully high might not actually be all that good. lol


Well-Known Member
If you read one of the soil bags. These days it is most likely to contain a reasonable amount of coco coir in it. A lot of companies will then add dried nutrients to make the desired npk ratios per metre cubed of medium they have. So mixing soil and coco is nothing imo. I have a lot of coco mixed into my compost heap.

Soil will be held together by moisture for the large part. And although my pots can get dry, they do not loose all their moisture otherwise the soil would more than likey just collapse around the roots into dust. So I think loosing beneficial microbes by watering when your plants need it is not something to worry about. You know you have let your soil dry too much when what you normally water a pot with has a larger % run off.

As far as run off, and how much you water, each to their own, but most gardening shows I have seen they recommend quite a large run off when watering. Probably not entirely necessary for an annual plant like weed, especially if you are only feeding on alternative waterings, or even less often if they are in a good rich medium.

I think it's something you have to watch carefully indoors with soil, overwatering is not a god thing, also plays havock with your environment.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to mix nutes as little as possible in my day to day waterings... maybe a little Cal/Mg (which has sugars), but that's about it. Not to say I won't be making any teas for the ride. Only that I'm relying on a heavily amended soil mix to feed my plants the majority of the way, and am trying to stay off the bottle.
Sometimes my tea has no "nutes" (guano's and other things.) because my soil is amended. so sometimes i just bubble Kelp+worm castings, and some molasses and i'm good.


Well-Known Member
That's what I've been up to with my teas... about to step it up a little for this grow tho and try some new stuff. Word on the street is Azomite is another good one to throw into the mix when brewing.


Well-Known Member
on the waterin,
in veg to about 3 weeks in 12/12 i water 1/2gal(2 liters) to a 5gal root pot,every 3-4 days,medium is sunshine advance#4.
as the plants kicks in to full flower,im up to a full gal(about 4 liters) a pot,and at this point,the plants drink that in 2-3 days
(full root system)

my medium is always moist by the time i water agin,not sure about them microbes diein off,but who knows.
id like to think that they are still doing some work down there.
you say the medium is moist when you water again. do you use a meter?

i'd like to get a standard of reference. i may have to start a thread.

it would be for those who use those 12 inch or so mositure meters.
how deep to you put it?
how deep is the pot?
where on the meter from dry/moist/wet scale do you figure it's time to water?
should the microbe life be kept alive continually (this sound reasonable)?
is it really ok to kill off the colonies every few days?

i've been reading about this stupid plant for decades and i still have so many questions. :)

i'm all over the board. sometimes most are real dry and a few are 1/2 way on the moist scale. sometimes they are all dry and sometimes, kind of moist. i'm moody like that. :)


Well-Known Member
In 3 gallon bags i do the lift test FatBoy.
yeah, i found out the oddest thing about the lift test. i'm good at things like that but i've lifted "heavy" bags that were dry. never a dry bag that was heavy but those few times the heavy bag was dry, causes me to meter them if they seem heavy. i always empty out 1/2 my tent each watering to move things around so i use the lift test about 1/2 the time.


Well-Known Member
you say the medium is moist when you water again. do you use a meter?

i'd like to get a standard of reference. i may have to start a thread.

it would be for those who use those 12 inch or so mositure meters.
how deep to you put it?
how deep is the pot?
where on the meter from dry/moist/wet scale do you figure it's time to water?
should the microbe life be kept alive continually (this sound reasonable)?
is it really ok to kill off the colonies every few days?

i've been reading about this stupid plant for decades and i still have so many questions. :)

i'm all over the board. sometimes most are real dry and a few are 1/2 way on the moist scale. sometimes they are all dry and sometimes, kind of moist. i'm moody like that. :)
no meter,purty much gos with what D posted about it too.
hate to sound redundant(lift them plants,lift them plants,lift them plants)once you get that fill for them,you just know.
everyone has diff grow rooms,so ones meter readings just might not work for your grow room.

and yes,with a 5gal root pot,you will need to veg longer,or use a root(booster)of some sort,to get the full effect of them,is what i have found.

and im all with mixing my own teas,but if one do not want to do that,then try out (xtreme gardening compost tea brew)very easy to use.


Well-Known Member
I was eyeballin' those teas the other day. You ever used em Gen? I haven't had the chance to look and see what is in them.


Well-Known Member
I aint doing that, I got a sore back lad.....:)
in my 40s i would mix up two, 5 gallon buckets of nutes and then pour it into 2 gallon watering cans.

somewhere in my 50s i thought, i'm going to hurt something one of these days. i now fill 2 gallon cans one at a time. it's slow and annoying but better than a hernia etc. !


Well-Known Member
No shit, huh? Water is HEAVY. :lol:

edit: Anyone else notice our avatar info is all screwy lookin'?

here we go again, riu..


Well-Known Member
xtreme gardening compost tea brew nice!

that is just what i'm looking for. i'll have to read up but i think it will work. :)


Well-Known Member
the tea brewing people do a shitty job of explaining what is going on.

the $49.00 bag. how many gallons is it good for? how often can you reuse the activator? stoners...


Well-Known Member
these are two (plushberry clones) from the same mom,have done about 3 runs,both get CNS17 grow/bloom,but the one on the left gets (xtreme tea compost brew)

as you may see,the one on the left is way thicker in growth,as with the right,has more dark green color.
these are in 12/12 now,pics soon.

teas of any kind will work,you just have to make sure you do it right,and it will make a diff.:peace:



Well-Known Member
these are two (plushberry clones) from the same mom,have done about 3 runs,both get CNS17 grow/bloom,but the one on the left gets (xtreme tea compost brew)

as you may see,the one on the left is way thicker in growth,as with the right,has more dark green color.
these are in 12/12 now,pics soon.

teas of any kind will work,you just have to make sure you do it right,and it will make a diff.:peace:
that is quite a difference. good job.

i was offered plushberry clones. should i jump on them? i don't know the guy but he's local and wanted to hook up for some swapping.


Well-Known Member
pluhberry is a cool daytime smoke,lots of flavor.

xtreme tea has all the normal stuff
composted worm castings
kelp powder
humic acid
rock dust,meat meal,bone meal,sulphate of potash

tga 081.jpgtga 084.jpg

no need to buy the spiffy lil flow-n-brew,but it isssss nice(small-n-compact)
2 cups(1 red solo cup)(hahahahaha>>>>
to the base of the plant,followed up by normal feeding.