Maybe just a pause for a thought- In the above post I mentioned a Saprophytic Fungi that will start to break down the dead roots. There's probably hundreds of specialized fungi, bacteria and protozoans that get turned ON when needed. These microbes are a lot like light switches. They're always around in some level, from fully active to dormant to somewhere in between. When needed, their numbers swell, and when the task is done, their population dwindles down to whatever level they're needed.
So is the air you breathe. It's full of all of these bacteria and fungi. They blow around perpetually. You can easily create LAB serum in the dead of winter by collecting microbes from your living room floor. I do it all the time.
This is why I support not buying more microbe powders. Collect local Beneficial Indigenous Microbes. The BIMs you collect will have everything you need, and because they're local microbes, by definition they are the absolute best suited to survive in your area. Think local.