• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Red Light girl its a mission now


Active Member
Yellowstone park is big my friend it goes into three states southwest montana, south east idaho and north west wyoming. There is some beautiful prostitutes in Vegas yes they are very expensive you have to find a good girl thats independant the girls from the companies are never good your never guarnteed anything from them thats why independants are better. In the US i think that a good 90% are drug addicts with the 10% not being drug addicts that are high class girls that are gonna cost anywhere from 500 to 1000 an hr some are a bit cheaper 350 an hour. I always like the higher class ones personally especially in vegas some are just hot soccer moms check out backpage com and check the nevada girls under escorts you will see what im talking about. Other parts of the world its a little different i can tell a person on drugs from my expierence in the drug scene. The girls i was with in the Dam didnt seem to be on drugs i saw no tracks or anything there was some that smelled drunk and i did see some i know where high but i didnt go to those girls. The thing about the highclass girls of Vegas is that some are as particular about who they pick as a customer as you are in finding a hot one. She may show up and decide she doesnt even care about your money shes got others that will pay.
Thanks I was just curious because I can get to vegas cheaper than dam I think I would like this experience before I die.


Well-Known Member
I saw lots of words, anyone care to summarize in 20 words or less?

OP, seriously, you exceeded the average attention span by 99% of your content.

The Growery

Active Member
ahaha bliss, basically he fell for a call girl in amsterdam and he is considering going back to ask her to come to the states with him


Active Member
She was an 11 on a scale of 1-10 and you didn't even bone her???? Wow, that's just crazy.
I never said that i didnt fuck her. If you read i did i didnt go into detail but i did have sex with this girl. I booked the trip today this morning so im going back. Its not to just bring her back to the states its not gonna go like. Just getting to know her outside of the RLD would be nice. This girl was super hot and thats what im attracted too. I blame this on porn. Porn has ruined me that any average chick wont do. Maybe its physchological or maybe its the internet and all the porn ive watched since JR high.
I never said that i didnt fuck her. If you read i did i didnt go into detail but i did have sex with this girl. I booked the trip today this morning so im going back. Its not to just bring her back to the states its not gonna go like. Just getting to know her outside of the RLD would be nice. This girl was super hot and thats what im attracted too. I blame this on porn. Porn has ruined me that any average chick wont do. Maybe its physchological or maybe its the internet and all the porn ive watched since JR high.
Nearly every kid thats fucks a hooker over there falls in love with them bro, they couldnt give 2 shits about you.
Last time me and the boys went my bud ended up paying 250 euro for 45 min of filth. this was like 7am, we was back in the apartment thinking he'd been abducted or some shit


Well-Known Member
Stop! You're making me want to pay 250 euro for some filth! My wife says we need to save up for a new place first. :mrgreen:

p.s. My first time - bleah. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


Active Member
Yeah dude i didnt pay any extra to be in there for 45 min. I probably only did the sex thing for 15 mins the other 30 mins we where talking most of the girls once finished are pushing you out the door so they can get back in the window. This chick i could tell wasnt a pro like the rest. She was fairly new from what the security guy told me. I really dont get how most of the poeple here dont seem to look at these girls as human or even think they could have feelings. Like i said before if i go back and shes not there ITS NO BIG DEAL.. Yes it would be nice if she was there and the trip wasnt a waste but i dont think a trip to the Dam would be a waste. Either way im not gonna be heartbroken too me tho its worth the shot. If shes not there then theres still a bunch of other girls to go see. Win-Win to me. But if i could hook up with this girl outside the RLD and getting something going with her then im gonna be a happy guy im telling you guys shes perfect I usually can find a flaw but this girl there was none as far as appearance. Not all hookers are nasty trash. Ive met escorts that had kids and a job besides escorting but when they needed money the escorting always could pay the bills. You never know whats gonna happen tommarow so I live life as an adventure and this should be a big one. If it doesnt work i have a plan b. and a plan c. If this trip dont work out im going to Brazil. I talked to this guy that works there every other month. Theres towns where the girl to guy ratio is 12-1. He was there with his wife in a resturant that was filled with women. He said that when his wife got up to use the restroom the minute she was gone. There was 4 girls over there giving him there phone numbers. Theres so much competition amongst women and very little dick to choose from. The thing ive learned about some cultures such as brazilians and columbians is that there very loyal. They wont cheat on you with your best friend. They stick by there guy and will fight any chick looking at him. In america its different there are girls that are loyal. But theres a good portion also of american girls that are worse than prostitutes as far as ripping you off and using you. I guess living in Montana the slim pickings of beautiful girls is pretty rough when i lived in Florida and Vegas there was no shortage of beautiful women but those girls in those places wanna see you driving a BMW or a bently. These girls from poor countries that you even have a car is amazing to them that you have two cars. For me lately ive been greatly turned off by some of the American girls i have talked with lately but there are the few that still interest me. Believe me guys i know the trip is crazy. But without doing it i will never know. In booking i reserved the right to cancel the trip. I have been looking for a chick closer to home that meets my standards and can intrigue and make me feel the way the romanian girl did. Ive been putting myself out there talking to girls wherever they are hanging out none have had the effect on me. Maybe if none of this works out i may have to lower my standards and settle which ive never done before who knows.
I remember one friday night out on the district, hit the bars n clubs till closing time, smashed off the best E's you can imagine , most of our lot went back to the apartment like some little bitches while me and my boy roamed the town ripping shit up.
Nearly every window i went to i fell in love with all of them, but you know the underground rooms?? where you walk in , its all dark and theres about 10 rooms in there with the hottest chicks you could ever see. Ther was this one chick who i connected with , she knew i was smashed off my face and i ended up chatting with her for a good 10-20 mins.. this big ass black dude comes up to me, ( no racicm intended) goes 'you paying or what' i remember i was a drunk and wrecked state and told him to fuck off becuase me and this girl were having nice chat. he grabs me by the collar and throws me outside on my ass, never forget it! love dam tho i go a few times a year now.


Active Member
Im guessing when you said you took some good E you meant extacy which would make sense falling in love with every girl in the district. The flood of Serotonin to your brain gave it this effect. I used to dig the E bombs but not anymore i hate the next day when your all etartded in the head. I now know my brain chemistry and what it likes and doesnt like stuff like Ex and Coke it doesnt like anymore. Opiates are a difft story i love them the flood of Dompamine to the brain thats the other happy chemical in the brain. Not soo much anymore tho cause i turn into a shitty character when i start doing those kinda substances. I think now that ive gotten older I like reality more and like to remember stuff best i can. I know that if i would have been drunk theres no way ii would even probably remember anything from the dam. Im kinda a black out ddrinker anymore and when i drink i dont know when to stop. Thats why i like my ganja its a coherent inibriation a safer way of intoxication. I know what your talking about the basement rooms where you walk in past the curtains and its a hallway full of doors. I especially liked this hungarian girls room she had. It was a basement room also but when you walked past the curtains there wasnt a hallway with doors it was just a little room big enuff for the bed a sink and a little chair smaller than most of the jail cells i have been in. I love the dam i think if the USA legalized prostitution there would be less violence. I bet these guys that shoot up malls and shit are very sexually frustrated people that havent been laid in years.


Well-Known Member
just a comment on the "first profession". it had to be farming or food gathering. lol :) sex on an empty stomach, yuck!

EDIT: ya know i started to think, sometimes i dont want to have sex in my face 24/7. in fact id rather it be almost the opposite. It all depends on wether or not you use sex as a copeing mechanisim, or its more of an attraction/love.

i think sex tends to be more open in places where religon hasnt brain-washed people either.

Look what those slime ball FLDS, Catholics, and Evangilists have done to people. SICK!!


Well-Known Member
Its nice to see a guy who respects women, even those who choose to sell sex. I would say, in all honesty, that there is NO WAY that that could end well for you, montanachadly(OP).

That being said. GO FOR IT. You only live once. And there is always that off, very remote, one in a million chance, that you will live happily every after. I hope it works out for you man. Im to the point now where i've almost given up on the love thing. I probably never will find a "souldmate", but ya never know, right?


Well-Known Member
btw OP: your hormones man, your hormones. u better make DAMN(no pun) sure she is cool. But dont set yourself up to be let down... I hooked up with the hottest girl of my dreams once... screwed my damn life up. i ended up taking care of her as she died from cancer. ugh im sry im way off subject. :(


Well-Known Member
I'll be interested in what her 'owner' has to say when you try to get her to leave with you.