Thanks I was just curious because I can get to vegas cheaper than dam I think I would like this experience before I die.Yellowstone park is big my friend it goes into three states southwest montana, south east idaho and north west wyoming. There is some beautiful prostitutes in Vegas yes they are very expensive you have to find a good girl thats independant the girls from the companies are never good your never guarnteed anything from them thats why independants are better. In the US i think that a good 90% are drug addicts with the 10% not being drug addicts that are high class girls that are gonna cost anywhere from 500 to 1000 an hr some are a bit cheaper 350 an hour. I always like the higher class ones personally especially in vegas some are just hot soccer moms check out backpage com and check the nevada girls under escorts you will see what im talking about. Other parts of the world its a little different i can tell a person on drugs from my expierence in the drug scene. The girls i was with in the Dam didnt seem to be on drugs i saw no tracks or anything there was some that smelled drunk and i did see some i know where high but i didnt go to those girls. The thing about the highclass girls of Vegas is that some are as particular about who they pick as a customer as you are in finding a hot one. She may show up and decide she doesnt even care about your money shes got others that will pay.