Alaska. 907. The last frontier. Who lives there? Who been there? Who wants to go?

i've been watching that show, alaskan frontier or w/e it's called.. it's the kiltcher family and they have a homestead some where up in ak.. looks like a really hard way to live imo..
much respect for that way of life.. imo, if you want to drop out and live up in ak, you'd be better off doing it when you're younger then waiting till you'll all old and shit.. it's a shit ton of work imo, much better suited for a younger person, but i guess old alaskans are just tough by nature.. :D
i've been watching that show, alaskan frontier or w/e it's called.. it's the kiltcher family and they have a homestead some where up in ak.. looks like a really hard way to live imo..
much respect for that way of life.. imo, if you want to drop out and live up in ak, you'd be better off doing it when you're younger then waiting till you'll all old and shit.. it's a shit ton of work imo, much better suited for a younger person, but i guess old alaskans are just tough by nature.. :D

Nah, it's... a lot of hollywood bullshit. Guarantee you bring that "hardass" my way and I'll have him wimpering and crying about the elements. I'd take him for a sheep hunt in unit 12 and he would crrrryyyyyy lol.

now, if you actually live in the wilderness of alaska, yes, it can be hard.. but.. even the natives stuck a deal with the "civilized people" to make their lives better. We won't get into that topic though.
At at Fast Eddies twice in Tok...great food!! Drove from FL to AK and back in a Toyota minivan with 2 65 pound dogs. 16,000 miles and 7 weeks on the road; great trip. Food was excellent everywhere we ate.
Also ate a good restaurant in Talkeetna...great squash soup. A lot of kids all over my dogs...they'd never seen the breed before.
How do I know that this post isn't fictional? You could have googled fast eddies :) lol!!! j/k man.

When you drive from FL to AK, did you take the southern route or did you go north to dawson and come down the taylor highway? Tok to Dawson (taylor highway) has AWESOME scenery. Probably the best I've seen this state offer to be honest :)
We went from FL to Rochestr, MN for the Flatcoat National, then across I-90 to WA, tok a right thru Bellingham and staright up thru BC gravel roads and logging truks, hit the ALCan for a VERY short time, entered AK and stopped in Tok. Left Tok taking LEFT from the motel to the first traffic light and went by a school and headed toward Wasilla where we stayed at the Best Western on Lake Lucille where a friend of mine had an equity position. (3 doors down from Palin's house) Still think I Googled that? LOL. And it was butternut squash soup. Thought that Denali was a waste of time. Drove to Seward and had a 1 day cruise. Got more details...thought the Indian Culture Center next to Elmandorf was cool. Took my dogs to a female vet in Anchorage for recert. and had some frozen seafood sent from the little 10th St. market to my bro.
Nope. Sounds legit to me. Sounds like the southern route. Going to dawson first (northern route) is about a 200 mile out of the way trip, but well worth it. I used to take underage girls to dawson to drink and party. 18 is the age there. hell yeah i would make a 500 mile trip to drink when i was under 21!!!

Numsi, Glad you got to see Alaska. Florida is very nice too. I like visiting pompano beach. that is one of my hiding spots :)
Well, on slope, -20 is a cutoff for hydraulic equip without variances, -35 ambient for work, -70 w/c for work. so, -25 with a -55 wind chill... we were working. -40 no wind chill, we weren't. Kinda messed up. Windchill effects humans way more. But... they are so sissified up on the slope it makes me sick. They had to adjust these figures for all the pussies that come from florida and texas and what not... they cant hack it. a 30 year alaskan can if he has the right gear.

a buddy of mines tool pusher is a boss, -60 ambient with no face mask doing 12hr shifts like that is something only a real man can achieve. face made of leather jeez....
just seen the most amazing sunset and view of denali last night, almost cried that my tablet was dead....
a buddy of mines tool pusher is a boss, -60 ambient with no face mask doing 12hr shifts like that is something only a real man can achieve. face made of leather jeez....

Wear a mask in that cold ass shit.
I froze my lungs one time & got pleurisy (sp?). Not something you want to endure for a couple weeks.
Believe me.
I lived in Venice (retired) for 6 years and moved "several hundred" miles north:) to continue my retirement. I was able to go to Anchorage on business once, too. Had a great week up there....steer clear of the moose and bear :)
talking about cold....fuck it was cold today, wishing the snow would come to war us up but also wishing it wont so the 2013 breakup isnt so bad. So much snow last year fucked up the whole fishing season. Cant wait to be able to wet a line again and.....fuck that ice fishing shit no way not for me. i will work in the cold but wont volunteer to freeze my ass off for free.
Yeah, exposed skin is just asking for it. no way will i work in that amount of cold uncovered. im a tough bastard, but... even faceless gear will make your face burn.. gotta run goggles and masks. like i said, the right gear will make you immortal to the cold :)
id never do the same but that guy was a champ and had done it all his life, its about -15 right now and all my pipes are frozen cause i had to leave the house unattended for not even 24 hours and it got cold, fucking annoying as hell.