Alaska. 907. The last frontier. Who lives there? Who been there? Who wants to go?

View attachment 2453462 Shit was WIDE, usually only 7-8 feet there. The road to my cabin was damaged as well as the bridge. Not 2 weeks earlier, a young fella that a friend of mine was swept away and trapped under the water resulting in a fatality. It was rough in the valley this year.
ya,I haul gravel and do dirt work around there.It was crazy.Today the swamps have rivers running over the frozen layer.The ground was so saturated at freeze up its making things crazy in the meadows and swamps.Watch out when you are sledding.The swamps are warm and flowing even though its 10 below zero
I usually don't go sledding too much until jan/feb. If I don't have enough snow, it tears my track on my sled up. I just wait. Usually spend a week or two at the arctic man, north of paxson. I get all my sled abuse out of my system and go back home and start enjoying summer!!!
I usually don't go sledding too much until jan/feb. If I don't have enough snow, it tears my track on my sled up. I just wait. Usually spend a week or two at the arctic man, north of paxson. I get all my sled abuse out of my system and go back home and start enjoying summer!!!

You don't like you're ass scraping off on the road while you sled?
I usually don't go sledding too much until jan/feb. If I don't have enough snow, it tears my track on my sled up. I just wait. Usually spend a week or two at the arctic man, north of paxson. I get all my sled abuse out of my system and go back home and start enjoying summer!!!

Lol I read that wrong I thought you ment when you go sledding with not enough snow and your sled gets a hole in it!
I even do it when I ride the thing. Been doing it since I was like 7 riding my first suzuki 125 fourwheeler. I love horsepower. I even make the blowoff valve noses. BWAAHHHHHH PSHHHHHHHH, BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH PSHHHHHHHHH.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
I usually don't go sledding too much until jan/feb. If I don't have enough snow, it tears my track on my sled up. I just wait. Usually spend a week or two at the arctic man, north of paxson. I get all my sled abuse out of my system and go back home and start enjoying summer!!!

My buddy's lodge burned down up there. It was right on the lake & he rents sleds during Arctic man.
We might know some of the same folks.
2 stroke, run niggga niggga nigggga nigggga run nigggga niggga niggga.

you better not edit my post. lol, it was not meant to be racist in any form.
Ok Greenhorn, if you gotta bust my chops about that post, just pm me. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone. :) Jusss trying to be funny I suppose.