Alaska. 907. The last frontier. Who lives there? Who been there? Who wants to go?

Wish I could visit...see the aurora and experience 24 hour daylight. Instead I'm stuck in the desert where as beautiful as it is everything wants to kill you.
Born and raised El Paso. You can have my share of the desert and the summer heat. The aurora is incredible. No amount of high quality video can suffice. It’s awe inspiring to be looking at it and just past it is deep space. Black and sprinkled with stars. Walk outside my cabin that faces north and look up to see the Big Dipper. No light pollution. None. Come visit. No aurora in warm weather though.
There’s a dog sled trail system here far older than history records. Just past my house is a trail that heads south generally. This is not for vehicular travel although in winter snowmachines use the trails too. There’s a fork in this trail and it’s marked by a decorated spruce tree. Christmas ornaments hanging all over it so dog sledders can see it with their headlights. Ones you actually wear on your head eh? There’s a sign there telling you left takes you to Nenana. To the right Minto and Nome. Nome is 500 miles away but in winter with the rivers frozen dog teams can make it. Nothing but a few villages in between. It’s pretty impressive. It’s almost overwhelming to some. You can see Denali from Fairbanks on a clear day. As the crow flies it’s over 250 miles away.