Super mini plants (update)


Well-Known Member
DUDEs, my buddy just came over we took another look at the plants, he spotted some white pistils in the top leaves were the buds are gunna grow he said, i saw them too they are SO tiny and would of been impossible for me to see. i have seen them now and am so happy - he says its female 100% and the things i was looking at is nothing at all to worry about. also on the other plant we have no sign of nothing yet. so its looking good to - my camera wasnt able to focus on the 2 pistils they were so incredibly tiny but take my word shes female guys!! soon as i get noticible ones ill take a picture!


Well-Known Member
DUDEs, my buddy just came over we took another look at the plants, he spotted some white pistils in the top leaves were the buds are gunna grow he said, i saw them too they are SO tiny and would of been impossible for me to see. i have seen them now and am so happy - he says its female 100% and the things i was looking at is nothing at all to worry about. also on the other plant we have no sign of nothing yet. so its looking good to - my camera wasnt able to focus on the 2 pistils they were so incredibly tiny but take my word shes female guys!! soon as i get noticible ones ill take a picture!
Right on bro, now go celebrate!! Im havin a drink for you right now.


Well-Known Member
dude im so happy, so much relief .been relaxing all night doing nothing but staring at the walls haha. cant wait till we see the other one, praying for girl #2 . and hopefully all goes well with both wouldnt wanna jinx anything!! :D will be posting pictures either tomorrow or sunday morning!


Well-Known Member
dude im so happy, so much relief .been relaxing all night doing nothing but staring at the walls haha. cant wait till we see the other one, praying for girl #2 . and hopefully all goes well with both wouldnt wanna jinx anything!! :D will be posting pictures either tomorrow or sunday morning!
Im happy for you to, im drinkin olde english tonight, heres one for you....and heres one or the ladies...and heres one for me. Our shit will be ready around the same time so we should figure out how to smoke one together when theyre cured proper. "Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?"...the mad hatter...alice in wonderland.


Well-Known Member
haha sweeet, im off to work now we will talk tonight!! and for sure dude cant wait , and still no signs of nothing on the smaller one! the longer the better ya! ? :D also ive never seen the movie but ive heard the saying haha!


Well-Known Member
big one is a girl, small one no signs of sex but little bits of mold on the top of my soil scattered around only on the small plant.. but it looks like its gunna spread im worried help!!

so here is a picture of my big girl with the pistils i promised you, yep thats right shes woman!!! so happy

here is the mold .. wtff!!!!

both the plants side by side :)


Well-Known Member
i just checked again, i tiny little bit was starting on my big plants soil to.. wtf what do i do . i mixed the top soil around a little bit to stop the growth from continuing but idk if this will do anything in the long run, im assuming i should dry my plants out alot more than what i am doing currently??


Well-Known Member
i just checked again, i tiny little bit was starting on my big plants soil to.. wtf what do i do . i mixed the top soil around a little bit to stop the growth from continuing but idk if this will do anything in the long run, im assuming i should dry my plants out alot more than what i am doing currently??
Yup, your right. Your suffering from one of the most common problems new gardeners have, overwatering. Remember when i said in your first thread i think. Water until it comes out the bottom and then let your soil dry out, well almost. If you lift your pot up and its really light, then water. Mould happens because your not letting the top of the soil dry out. If your soil doesnt dry out youll be giving your girl swamp like conditions. They dont like that. You can get root rot and shell die. This is a good thing that this happened now because youll probly listen to this advice and itll never happen again. Roots like it when they have air that gets to them, thats why ebb and flow works so well. Air time. Next time you do this add some thing that doesnt hold water like pearlite to your soil. It will drain better so you can water more often without having a swamp, a LITTLE more often. The pearlite will make it drain faster but overwatering is overwatering no matter how good your soil drains. Also dont try and keep water in your tray. Ive seen water in your tray and unless you just watered which you may have, thats not such a good idea. High humidity, poor circulation, organic mayter in soil, high temps, low light to soil, and dark periods can all contribute to mould problems. If you want to do somthing about it, take a tablespoon and scrape off the top layer of dirt as far down as you can get without destroying any roots and replace it. If you can get some perlite great, if not, f it, just dont forget to let them dry out more and you should be just fine. Also dont mix the mould deeper into the dirt if possible. Thats really great seeing those little hairs comin from her landing strip. On the big girl too,congrats, lookin good. Cant wait to see the buds!


Well-Known Member
Yup, your right. Your suffering from one of the most common problems new gardeners have, overwatering. Remember when i said in your first thread i think. Water until it comes out the bottom and then let your soil dry out, well almost. If you lift your pot up and its really light, then water. Mould happens because your not letting the top of the soil dry out. If your soil doesnt dry out youll be giving your girl swamp like conditions. They dont like that. You can get root rot and shell die. This is a good thing that this happened now because youll probly listen to this advice and itll never happen again. Roots like it when they have air that gets to them, thats why ebb and flow works so well. Air time. Next time you do this add some thing that doesnt hold water like pearlite to your soil. It will drain better so you can water more often without having a swamp, a LITTLE more often. The pearlite will make it drain faster but overwatering is overwatering no matter how good your soil drains. Also dont try and keep water in your tray. Ive seen water in your tray and unless you just watered which you may have, thats not such a good idea. High humidity, poor circulation, organic mayter in soil, high temps, low light to soil, and dark periods can all contribute to mould problems. If you want to do somthing about it, take a tablespoon and scrape off the top layer of dirt as far down as you can get without destroying any roots and replace it. If you can get some perlite great, if not, f it, just dont forget to let them dry out more and you should be just fine. Also dont mix the mould deeper into the dirt if possible. Thats really great seeing those little hairs comin from her landing strip. On the big girl too,congrats, lookin good. Cant wait to see the buds!
dude thanks for this, i figured i must of over watered - thats the only possible thing i could think of, i have been at work all day and they are in the dark period - as i had already stirred around the top soil to break up the blooming of the mould i cant really remove, i will wait till tomorrow morning to take a quick peak on how they are doing. im worried about if my roots have already rotted or what?? am i in big trouble? or can this be fixed by just lletting my plants dry out completely . and also i will eliminate any run off from now on. ive mostyle been watering every day or every otehr day, just the past week i waited 2 full days before i watered again, i probably shoulda waited a 3rd. i just would hate to under water and have the whole thing die one day when im off to work... but now i can see this over watering can be a huge issue too. and as for the weight thing... im not really good with that lmao, would there be any better way to be able to tell exactly when you should water??? and thanks mann - so glad shes a girl just waiting on the other one, i wont be really upset that much if its male now that my big one is at least a chick. but all the power to the ltitle one for being a female!! i start the 3rd week of flowering on the 19th !!!


Well-Known Member
I have a couple around that age in 3 litre pots with happy frog and perlite mix and i water like every 4/5 days when the pot feels like it "hollow". When theyre starting to get too dry the leaves and branches, but mostly leaves, just sag right down. Youll know it when you see it if you can hold back on the water. Thats a little to far, but it happens. I almost think you should make a mark on your calendar right now when the last time you watered was and then see how long it takes for them to tell you theyre thirsty. Note taking will pay off for your next time. I did see perlite in your dirt, mine has more and i still water less. Dont worry about your roots, theyll be fine if you dry em out, dont worry about anything. Grower talent is earned by making mistakes like this, just relax and let the budz grow big bro. I got some sweet tooth and im not worried...ahhhhhhhh fffffhhhhhh. See, no worries.


Well-Known Member
You dont want the leaves to droop every time, you should just see how long it takes once so you know. Then use that as a reference. Just wanted to be clear, dont do it every time.8-)


Well-Known Member
thanks alot dude, i have a watering calender. i always mark down when i water but ill make to do it properly this time, also if the mold comes back, ill make sure to remove the top layer of dirt and re add some new stuff, will this get rid of my mold? thanks guys, i hope it works!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot dude, i have a watering calender. i always mark down when i water but ill make to do it properly this time, also if the mold comes back, ill make sure to remove the top layer of dirt and re add some new stuff, will this get rid of my mold? thanks guys, i hope it works!
It should bud, just let that soil dry out good. Mold thrives in darkness and moisture. Put them together for any extended period of time and mold is gonna come in hot. ;) Remove the visible mold let it dry out and you should be golden.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot dude, i have a watering calender. i always mark down when i water but ill make to do it properly this time, also if the mold comes back, ill make sure to remove the top layer of dirt and re add some new stuff, will this get rid of my mold? thanks guys, i hope it works!
Make sure that you scrape it off this time. Mold spores are tough to eliminate 100%. You will be at risk for it coming back but you only have to keep it away for a couple months and then you can sterilize your equipment with bleach, wash the walls of your box and all that good stuff. The biggest thing is just dont over water and you will be fine...just fine.


Well-Known Member
Make sure that you scrape it off this time. Mold spores are tough to eliminate 100%. You will be at risk for it coming back but you only have to keep it away for a couple months and then you can sterilize your equipment with bleach, wash the walls of your box and all that good stuff. The biggest thing is just dont over water and you will be fine...just fine.
dudes thanks so much , for all your help thorughout seriously dont think i coulda done it myself. i just peaked at them, i do notice most of the mold has come all back- when i get a chance ill scrape off all the visible stuff replace with new soil( and yea i figure itll be hard to get rid of all of them... but i want to make it an enviornment that they wont be able to grow in . but im sure it will come back with every single watering now ... there is no way to flush them out or something??? ) it sucks balls no but yea i guess only 8 more weeks!! :D pistils are shooting everywhere out of my big girl, no signs yet on the small one but ill take a closer peak later on tonight.


Well-Known Member
dudes thanks so much , for all your help thorughout seriously dont think i coulda done it myself. i just peaked at them, i do notice most of the mold has come all back- when i get a chance ill scrape off all the visible stuff replace with new soil( and yea i figure itll be hard to get rid of all of them... but i want to make it an enviornment that they wont be able to grow in . but im sure it will come back with every single watering now ... there is no way to flush them out or something??? ) it sucks balls no but yea i guess only 8 more weeks!! :D pistils are shooting everywhere out of my big girl, no signs yet on the small one but ill take a closer peak later on tonight.
nah, i doubt if you scrape it off and replace it AND let the soil dry like i said that itll come back. Once its gone unless your over watering, its gone. No flush, you pour a crap load of water through those things now and you can kiss her goodbye. No swamp, no worries.


Well-Known Member
if you got mold on the top of your soil it means you need more air circulation get a fan blowing under the plants