Super mini plants (update)


Well-Known Member
im going to have to move the lights tomorrow , there pretty dam close, an inch if not less, and canada is wicked - unfortunately i dont watch hockey hahaha
im a world cup soccer fan thats about as far as i go with sports :P
With a handle like luigi i shoulda known, who do you cheer for, Italy, spain, portugal? You should spread those branches open and snap a picture so i can see those bearded clams. No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls!


Well-Known Member
With a handle like luigi i shoulda known, who do you cheer for, Italy, spain, portugal? You should spread those branches open and snap a picture so i can see those bearded clams. No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls! No balls!
haha dude luiji is my nick name, - i vote for greece!!! and here are some photos for u guys.... i sware there is stil no fucking sex showing ??? ive had them on 12/12 since the 5th (night time) so this is the 8th day of flowering and still nothing!!! wtffff i hope there both sexy ladies <3 they look SOOOO nice and getting huge, im really nervous about the height now. but im spinning them around the lights!

outside the box

small one

small one sex??? nothing??

small one sex??? nothing?? #2

big one

big one sex?? nothing????

height left on lights... about 2 and a half inches on the 2, 42 waters, and about 4inches on the 2 , 26 waters



Well-Known Member
I see a small preflower! can you get me a better picture of this right here?

View attachment 2440163
i will take a closer an better picture tomrrow, omg im so excited now fck im so pissed i missed this... than again i wasnt really positive on EXACTLY where to look, even tho ive seen all the pics and what nots. the little baby one... the reason why it doesnt have any fan leaves is because when it was a baby, the entire thing basically died and looked like a stick... then it like rejuvinated it self but grew only i guess where the buds grow? not sure how to explain it better. any thoughts on this one? should be fun


Well-Known Member
No balls is a good sign. Males show their sex first. A small round sack. Tiny, it looks like a ball. It takes about a week for them to show. Females take longer to show so if you dont see sacks yet then theres a good chance that theyre females! Mine took seven days exactly for sacks to show, if the balls are coming theyll be coming soon. Ill try to post pictures of my balls i even have to make a joke or can you just make up your own?


Well-Known Member
omfg OMFG omfg OMFG GUYSSSS I THINK THEYRE BOTH FEMALES!!!! no balls , and ive compared them wih all the pictures, they got FEMALE PARTS OMGGGGG SO EXCITED!!!! here are some pictureS!!!!!!!!! sorry for kinda blurry, its gets fuzzy when its SUPER close.

big one - look at that gorgeous little spot where a pistil wants to shoot out

small one , same thing - just smaller :D

so happy and excited guys, just give me that double comfirmation to make me sleep good at night hahha !!! WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO


Well-Known Member
on the big one, its hard to see, but the stipule thing is pointing up ( both of them ) and the thing i thought could of been were the pistil is kept is the one hanging down, not to sure about the second one i guess. ughh fuck i was so pumped god dam - this is soul crunchin


New Member
Slow down Bro...don't get so excited just yet...i don't see any sign of sex ...i wouldn't to worked up abt it until u actually see plain as day white hairs sticking out...big enough to get a pic of.


Well-Known Member
hmm, after work ya, but you guys are probably right i jumped the gun - sorry , its nail biting... fuck i just want em to be females :( :(

I know the feeling!! I remember my first grow i was just as anxious as you it was gonna kill me. Then i seen pistils and i was soo happy, then i seen balls too and i kicked the wall. LOL


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling!! I remember my first grow i was just as anxious as you it was gonna kill me. Then i seen pistils and i was soo happy, then i seen balls too and i kicked the wall. LOL
lmfao its leaning on that line for me , if i see balls im gunna be extrememly pissed..... esp cause these dam things veged for like 7 weeks when i was planning on making it 3 weeks tops LOL. guess everyones first time is always fun...


Well-Known Member
lmfao its leaning on that line for me , if i see balls im gunna be extrememly pissed..... esp cause these dam things veged for like 7 weeks when i was planning on making it 3 weeks tops LOL. guess everyones first time is always fun...

Nothing like it, beside having your first child.


Well-Known Member
haha ohh mann, if these are females it will be a great new year LOL
heres a picture of my balls luigi. It took me seven days to grow these. i dont even know if their balls, first time as well. I was just inspecting with my jewelers loop and they appear to be male pollen sacs. like I said, my reading has lead me to believe that these male pollen sacs show at around a week depending on strain and female signs take around two weeks to show.....Your at one week and I dont see bags of baby batter. The focus on your camera isnt stellar so i might have missed em or they might not be there yet....or my theory and data may be just plain ol dead wrong. But if it isn't, im thinking two females so far. All that nitrogen you added is probably making everything grow fast now right, pistils and all, growing fast from all that N...right?



Well-Known Member
dude i hope so, i just checked them again, i dont see much but those stipules things, yet i dont have a magnifying glass.. will i need one to see them or what? ahh im so nervous FUCK