Gun Laws - Change Is Coming

TheMan13, let me ask you this:

What legitimate reason would you, or anyone else need an assault rifle (or any other fully automatic weapon) for?

2:24, looks legit too me...
"This is how we slice watermelon, in Russia"

I do believe that was stated in my question ^^

Other than the local MJ question, I do believe I qualify for such permitting if I actually sought it today.

So for your own shits and giggles is a "legitimate" reason?

Sorry, that doesn't meet the muster. Driving 180mph down woodward might be fun too, but I don't have a legitimate reason to do so.
So for your own shits and giggles is a "legitimate" reason?

Sorry, that doesn't meet the muster. Driving 180mph down woodward might be fun too, but I don't have a legitimate reason to do so.

What is the reasonable threat present to deny me the right I clearly have risked my life for? What exactly are you so scared of? I can only live 24/7 with this weapon if the government is my boss?
Right, why the fear? No unstable individual ever got there hands on such weapons.

My grenades... looking for my grenades. I think I had 5. Pretty sure. Oh well, it'll turn up somewhere. Maybe one of the day-care kids saw it and liked it. How cute.
What is the reasonable threat present to deny me the right I clearly have risked my life for? What exactly are you so scared of?

The question is what are YOU so scared of that you have to own a weapon that could kill 40 people inside of a minute?

There are two legitimate weapons for civilians to own, imo. One is for hunting, the other is for personal protection. Short of a zombie apocalypse, you would have a tough time convincing anyone with a functioning brain that you need an assault rifle to protect yourself.
...but I like 'em and we got this second amendment thing. And I don't like people telling me "no" And I have an awful squirrel problem.
The question is what are YOU so scared of that you have to own a weapon that could kill 40 people inside of a minute?

There are two legitimate weapons for civilians to own, imo. One is for hunting, the other is for personal protection. Short of a zombie apocalypse, you would have a tough time convincing anyone with a functioning brain that you need an assault rifle to protect yourself.

Listen brother we've hit this snag in the past ;-) I don't want to have to whip the memes out on your azz :bigjoint:
An "assault rifle"...

st0wandgrow... could you tell me what an assault rifle is...? and what the difference is between an assault rifle (sold to civilians) and these legitimate civilian weapons for hunting and protection that you speak of? Just curious...

Assault rifles are standard in the military (TheMan13, correct me if I'm wrong), and have huge capacities via a detachable magazine. They can be either automatic, or semi-automatic. In other words you can kill dozens of people in a short period of time without having to re-load. I don't see any practical use for these for a civilian .... other than to go in to a mall/school and kill a bunch of people.

If people want to hunt, there are shotguns and rifles that are made for that purpose, and if people are worried about personal protection, they can buy a hand gun. There is no need for a civilian to own anything beyond that, imo.
If people want to hunt, there are shotguns and rifles that are made for that purpose, and if people are worried about personal protection, they can buy a hand gun. There is no need for a civilian to own anything beyond that, imo.

The problem here brother is this, just as in the results/outcomes of those Washington DC and Chicago gun ban experiments, please look into them rather than simply utter liberal talking points that cannot be backed up.

When these bans were establish, like every other ban in history and as you are proposing here, there were opponents and opposing arguments. History, and the statistics produced, now prove those opponents as correct then as they are now.

Why are we wasting time on a specific means of violence, as this does not help solve the problem of violence of which CANNOT be banned either. Are you picking up what I am putting down here?
Gun ban? As in ALL guns? Who said anything about a gun ban? What is being discussed is a specific ban on weapons no one needs. Not handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns, black powder.

The word is reasonability.

Someone asks why we need assault rifles in a mall and we get hit in the head with "Why are you taking away all guns?"

Then it's "The bad guys will be the only ones with weapons!"

Or the ever popular "It's my Second Amendment right you're messin with!" Personally, I have a hard time believing the ever-wise founding fathers with ball and musket ever envisioned everyone should be packing a Bushmaster or AK.

The word is reasonability.
what if these school shootings were planned by a third party (gov?), this is the second school shooting in a month. maybe a good excuse to introduce a radical new law further limiting our right to bear arms. the government has a lot of reasons to want a unarmed public. a lot of sinister reasons... ever since 9/11 man I've been questioning the motives of the government...
The word is reasonability.

The word is reasonability.

That word (when spelled correctly) means simply agreeable, just so ya know ;-)

and obviously I, and many others, do not agree with you and your political party ...

Is it true that a random sampling of ordinary u.s. citizens will discover that nearly one in four families will have a member with the misfortune of a mental illness diagnosis of some sort? not to stigmatize, but gets me thinking about the multitude of wildcards out there that I may have to get lethal on w my ninja psychology skills.
and who decides whats reasonable?? so i can reasonably own a ruger 10/22;MM;cat105530580;cat104800680 because its a rifle right? how about a sw mp22?;MM;cat105530580;cat104800680 can i have that? thats also a rifle right? and don't give me bs about mag capacity either i can get a 25rd mag or a 50drum for the ruger also right from cabelas. i can do the same comparison with a .223 too. so again, who decides whats reasonable and by what criteria will that will that decision be made? i personally will not leave the safety of my wife and children solely to the police . my home is my castle and my family is everything to me and i will protect them without question or regret to the best of my ability. the reason tragedies like this happen in alot of cases isnt because of guns, its because of irresponsible gun owners. kid shoots his friend on accident, why? because the gun was not locked up properly. this most recent tragedy didn't occur because this coward was a gun owner. his mother owned the guns and taught her, by all accounts, unstable son to shoot them. will i be surprised when it comes to light that the weapons were easily accessible and most likely not locked up? hell no. like i said in another thread i don't have all the answers but i do know what is right for me and my family and thats about the only part of it i do have control over. atleast for now
Is it true that a random sampling of ordinary u.s. citizens will discover that nearly one in four families will have a member with the misfortune of a mental illness diagnosis of some sort? not to stigmatize, but gets me thinking about the multitude of wildcards out there that I may have to get lethal on w my ninja psychology skills.

i literally cannot stand going to the theater because listening to people eat popcorn drives me insane. for the longest i couldn't eat dinner with my family at the table because i couldn't take all the mouth noises. better about it now. my wife saw on the net one day that said that was an actual mental illness. who'da thought? thought i'd put a little validity in your comment :-P i'm not crazy though i promise
ok, i'll go further to say most ppl w mental illness are more often victims, instead of perpetrators.
Also, we often learn who all gets the sad opportunity to go temporarily crazy, only in retrospect. I have mood swings and a wicked temper on rare occasion. Given that, along with my bulletproof faith, I'd prefer to never have a gun in my home. However if I had dependants, like a wife and child, I'd take a guess that I'd feel differently about gun ownership... possibly. would I be any less borderline, heh heh. I feel safe, usually.
didn't you have some nutjob over there go crazy on a vacation island and kill like 70 people recently? think if you were one of those vacationers you'd have liked to have a gun handy?

in America we own guns and we won't give them up willingly, and woe the fool who try's to take them by force!


You say this, but if a handful of police officers walk upto your house and attempt to take your guns by force, what're you going to do, shoot them all? No, you'll take them to court, because they'll just send in a swat team and shoot you dead. Good use those guns were.

I rather see americans and their right to bear arms like the shool child who tells his parents he needs a laptop for school work when he actually wants it so he can play computer games in his bedroom. I don't really have an issue with people owning guns if their law allows it, i wouldn't say no to a rifle and a shotgun myself, but it amuses me that you think you can stop anyone taking them off you. Although the cold dead fingers quotation seems most fitting these days because that is exactly how it would play out if you attempted to resist an officers actions, heck, these days, simply in not stopping as you cross the road when he asks you to, let alone not handing over the weapon when he asks.

If you want to own guns, that is fine, it doens't bother or concern me, but at least go about it in a mature fashion. As was stated by someone else here, it should not be possible for your kid just to pick up one of your guns and shoot you and others with it. It's a license for you to own and use guns, not anyone who happens to be in your house and stumble across it.
my wife and i have been married almost 14yrs and just this year is when she finally agreed home defense in the form of handguns was a good idea. my wife has spent the last 13yrs adamantly against guns. situations change