And Rrog...
Say you are in a crowded mall... Guy #1 pulls out his Glock with 17+1, 3 more 17's in his pocket. He starts shooting people. #1 is just like the other mass shooters, he has every intention of going down with those that he takes.
Guy #2,3,4,5,6,7... pulls out his gun and looks for the shooter... the slower guy #8,9,10,11,12 pulls out their guns to save the day, about 5 seconds after 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10 seconds after 1...
Guy #13-32 come running from the food court with weapons drawn, ready to take down the bad guy, about 25 seconds behind the first shooter, who is probably dead by this point...
Then the police show up... weapons drawn.
How do you think this plays out? I have serious doubts that gun fire stops when #1 is down. Not a chance...
Then you talk about kids with guns... jesus... the arcade empties... 12-16 yr old boys with S&W in hand come running to the scene? There would be 3x as many people dead as the original shooter had bullets on him. No question.
Say no one comes running to the scene... just the people in the crowded area where #1 got started... still... how does that play out?
Here's one myth: If no gun is available, all potential killers will find another weapon. Sharp pencil, a rock, etc. A linear correlation is often proposed. That's just bullshit.
So... If a guy has a mind to murder a few that deserve it, give that fucker a gun or three!
Here's another beauty: Let's fix the gun problem.. with more guns. Let's make them exponentially more accessible. Clearly it's worked well so far, and I'm proud to say America is so far ahead of all other nations. What's a few kids sneaking off with daddy's 357? I mean in the big scheme, it's a small price to protect my God-given right to bear fully automatic arms.
People need to get with the program.
Illegal? What a shame. You sure I can't go buy a fully automatic weapon? How come? It can't hurt anyone. Same with grenades. So I like juggling grenades. What's the big deal? I collect weapons of war and mass destruction. Somethin' I picked up from my dear old nana. I remember when she knitted my first flack jacket
But why all that fuss? Weapons don't kill, only psychopaths run around shooting and blowing things up. I'm pretty stable at the moment and I promise to be good.
TheMan13, let me ask you this:
What legitimate reason would you, or anyone else need an assault rifle (or any other fully automatic weapon) for?