Veg and Bloom Grow

Starting this thread has been a great learning experience. I've now run 4-5 strains, in 4-5 different mediums, using one nutrient product. Veg+Bloom has consistently performed for me without any deficiencies in coco, soilless and soil. No cal/mag or pk boosts. The proof is in the pics.

I'm running an White Fire OG right now(3 weeks in), Happy Frog with Veg+Bloom at 1.3EC occasionally 1.6EC and things are looking great!


The only problem is the pics you post have been posted on numerous forums under many different user names so we all kinda alreasdy know you ARE Veg+Bloom.

Like i said, that doesn't help you or other growers, we would rather you just post as Veg+Bloom.
Lucius, I'm not Veg+bloom. I use Veg+bloom, but thats where the relationship ends. You've actually presented this conspiracy before and I've answered the same. I'm a big beliver in finding things that work and sharing them. It makes me feel good. Maybe post some pics of your problematic plants and I can help you figure out why they are yellowing?? now that would be productive :) I'll hve harvest pics by Monday. The JTR I am chopping are some of the best yet! Very excited to have some fresh smoke for new years!
The only problem is the pics you post have been posted on numerous forums under many different user names so we all kinda alreasdy know you ARE Veg+Bloom.

Like i said, that doesn't help you or other growers, we would rather you just post as Veg+Bloom.

Why can't he post under different user names on other forums? That's just silly.
Because it works !! . I go into hydro store after hydro store....all say Advanced is the best seller. Why? Because the shit WORKS

Of course it does. So does Miracle Grow and Osmocote. We have done side by sides and the bases are almost identical in growth.
or the real truth, the mark up is 50% and they make the most $$$ on it. now what sounds more realistic?

So the markup is 50% and that's why they buy it? Your statement as to why it is a best seller makes no sense. If you are saying AN makes 50% what. Study business and you will find that would actually be on the low side.

I get Sensi for $14/liter (A&B total). Sups just as cheap (25% cheaper than list) Notice also that on the Internet, AN usually ships free.
I get Sensi for $14/liter (A&B total). Sups just as cheap. Notice also that on the Internet, AN usually ships free.
right, and that's what growers want, AN shipped to there door. So, you get the base for $14, now add in everything to make it complete.
after seeing this thread i thought "ill give this nute line up a go" so i orf
derd a 1lb for 20 bucks. took like 2 weeks to get here. i ckmplained about how slow it was and they sent 2 free lbs too me for free and they over nighted em. so i got 3 lbs for 20 bucks.
after having server cal mag def i finally added calmag to my soil-less mix and my growth took off.
i just go to ppms and put about 350 of v+b and 150 ppm of calmag and about 75 ppm of silica product and sum ph down this product works. no doubt about it. i like it it dissolves easy and its gonna last me awhile and i have a perpetual set up.
after seeing this thread i thought "ill give this nute line up a go" so i orf
derd a 1lb for 20 bucks. took like 2 weeks to get here. i ckmplained about how slow it was and they sent 2 free lbs too me for free and they over nighted em. so i got 3 lbs for 20 bucks.
after having server cal mag def i finally added calmag to my soil-less mix and my growth took off.
i just go to ppms and put about 350 of v+b and 150 ppm of calmag and about 75 ppm of silica product and sum ph down this product works. no doubt about it. i like it it dissolves easy and its gonna last me awhile and i have a perpetual set up.

I'd go with 500 - 600 ppm (1-1.2 EC) v&G - Remember the micro's are in the base so it is good strategy to go with as much base as you can. V&G has Silica in it at the rate of 30 PPM. The scientist dude said that is all one really needs of silica. (unless UR in soil, in which case you need none) I don't see how you need cal/mag when it's loaded with it. Try it with more base and no cal/mag and see how it goes.
I'd go with 500 - 600 ppm (1-1.2 EC) v&G - Remember the micro's are in the base so it is good strategy to go with as much base as you can. V&G has Silica in it at the rate of 30 PPM. The scientist dude said that is all one really needs of silica. (unless UR in soil, in which case you need none) I don't see how you need cal/mag when it's loaded with it. Try it with more base and no cal/mag and see how it goes.

Lemme explain my story....
i seen op post results with vb and roots organic. Thinking there is only one roots organic I asked my hydro shop for a couple bags and he brought them out. And I planted my tga gear they all were doing great until about 3 weeks in and they all started dying. I had my ph at 5.8 because I thought it was pure coco. (shoulda read the bagbut ima dummy) and once I talked to a friend he said I had the soilless mix of roots organic and to numb my ph up to 6.5. After I threw out my shitty plants that were over two months from seed and only 7 inches tall and really skinny. I started new gear same medium same vb. my growth took off. So I thought maybe I don't need calmag and my plants were a nice lush green. As soon as I stopped adding calmag I started showing signs of deficiency. As soon as I out back into my feed my plants look good.
Should I bumb up my Ppms? Like I said my last feed was at about 400 of vb. they are really healty plants so I'm sure Icahn bumb it up but I don't wanna over do it.
For what it's worth from a newb.I used veg+bloom from start to finish on my first ever grow and had nice results I'm told.Ran .6 to .8 EC in veg and up to 1.5 to 1.6 EC in bloom and only had some slight yellowing of leaves in the last week.
i dknt kno hiw to read the ec. idk if my meter has that. im sure it does i just always went by ppms.

did u use any aditives? and what did u run it in? coco soil hydro?
i dknt kno hiw to read the ec. idk if my meter has that. im sure it does i just always went by ppms.

did u use any aditives? and what did u run it in? coco soil hydro?

Just cut the number in half and add 2 zeros.. and you're close. 1.0 ec = 500ppm roughly but then again i don't use EC i use a Truncheon and go off of PPm. 400 in veg and 800ppm in Flower, sometimes a bit more.
Harvest time. Again I ran these in Happy Frog and Promix. The Happy Frog were definitely happier plants but the finished promix buds seemed a little more ripe. I think I may have been underfeeding the promix plants at 1.2-1.6EC which was definitely the right dose for the Happy Frog plants. So 500-800ppm seemed right for the Happy Frog but I think I could have gone 900-1000ppm with the promix.



promix lower cola, bigger calyx

Top feeding in Coco.

And for you guys that are clearly working for Veg + Bloom ie you sign up just to post on this thread) you're not helping the product out.

Its a good product.

Shit i'd bump it up a bit, by like 100 ppm or so...feed as much as they'll take. coco is real airy base so kinda like a water system. first grow on my own with veg+bloom, hopefully have more pics tonight