Veg and Bloom Grow

Back to the grow... Canna coco has really been working well for me. I dumped the promix as I felt it was getting overpriced with a 20% increase in price. The Canna coco is nice and fluffy and very conductive to root growth.

3 gallon smart pot with canna coco freshly transplanted, 1 week into flower

How do you like those smart pots? I've got some root maker containers coming in the mail for some experimentation, I like the concept of both products.
I like the smart pots. They are a little flimsy compared to the Geopots but have lasted me 3 grows now and I'm sure I can get a couple years out of them.
How do you like those smart pots? I've got some root maker containers coming in the mail for some experimentation, I like the concept of both products.

I've tried smart pots , roots organic pots and gro-pro pots. The gro-pro's are the best IME. Very little side leakage when watering, are very durable and they stay firm in place when filled. Built very well. They are also half the price of Smart pots. You should be able to find them in Hydro stores where Sun System products are sold. Recommend 3 gallon pots. Do not try to up-pot with them. Not so easy.

Click on here for a description.


This is a 2 gallon which ended up too small. I tore away an area to give you an idea of lateral root density. The roots were so thick, when I watered them, it would slowly seep through. As the roots became thicker, I did notice I didn't need quite so much nutes either. Where I would normally see tip burn at 2 ec, With the pots I was seeing it at .9 ec. One more thing: with these pots, the medium becomes cooler due to the increased ventilation. This became a problem for me because I was battling low temps this winter so it did seem to effect my grow . Recommend not to use where temps average in the low 70's. If you keep em warm though, they will take off.
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing. Lots of valuable info here. (my browser doesn't let my return key work) grrrr. I have just done a grow with GHS Powder Feeding Keep it simple. killer stuff. FEDX has tripled its shipping cost so I won't be ordering any more. I have just ordered 1 pound of the V+B, I hope it works as well. On a note GHS make PF for Moms, Indica, Sativa and mixed, slightly different formula for each type of plant. Thanks again all info appreciated
Started using this product (veg+grow)
about 2 months ago its tap water friendly
1 part...u add .5-1tsp to gallon of water that it...
i can say in veg state it works...
i use .5 teaspoon per gallon...
im on week 4 and here are results from clone

I have been giving it a try. It seems like I can only use 1 tsp to 5 gallon water (tap 217 ppm )in my hempys in vegg . Any more n they turn to dark. Does this seem about right.. and do you use any bloom boosters or other supplements in flower or vegg ? Their P & K seem a little low for all the way thru flower.
I all so have some trouble with purple stems in vegg so I started to add some Epsom salt and flora duo B 1-5-4 to help out. It seems to be getting better.
So far I like the stuff. A little hard to dissolve in larger amounts. I have a couple of soil grows at 5 weeks in flower that have only gotten vegg & bloom, some cal mag and floralicious and just finally got them up to 1 tsp per gallon . They are doing great, just wondeing if I should use a booster or add some Flora duo B ?

Thank you and if you have any tips on the stuff I would appreciate it .

Thanks, Tdub
I would run the dirty formula in soil. From what I have read it has large amounts of organic calcium and magnesium in it as well as plant extracts etc. You won't need cal/mag or floraliscous with it. I ran their RO/SOFT and TAP formulas in soil and had to watch my run off pH. I am trying out the +size PK they have and so far I've noticed more pistils at week 3 of flower.