Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

I was just laughing at a funny comment. I said what I had to say pages back. To each their own. It goes wonderfully in my garden and I know many who wont touch it. That's cool with me different strokes for different folks. The dogshit comment was funny. Lighten up man were not against you at all.No harm in it but why u mad bro? Lol. Hit this :joint:
typical responces from kids, im so good, im better, you suck..real old kids..nothing to do with grow fact just personal insults..typical when you over your head on info.. and then the arrorgant idiot comments on how they yield..

dood instead of asking the same thing over and over go learn more on ellements, compounds and plant needs. then come back and try, why the hype over organic is better then if source dont mean you want somnething to pass through a root easy with little effort or something that is harder to pass through and needs more of it to work right thus causin other ellements to not be allowed to absorb properly. you do know when you have to much of one thing at the roots it blocks others from entering and then get a deff plant with burns from lack of food supply?. it knows forms same as it knows phos from nitro or any other ellement.

they use it cause it has the highest available nitro to the plant. nitrates are lesser but they dont need to be so hi when a plant can eat it easier...would be like 2 steak on a plate, one got dumped with salt to the extreme..other wasnt. what would you have a harder time choking down. works the same for a plant

You didn't explain how a plant can distinguish between urea derived nitrogen from others. I was all lost too (yes that's how it's spelled, there is to,two and too) until you brought up the steak thing. So the plant doesn't like salt? is that what UR saying?

it knows forms same as it knows phos from nitro or any other ellement.

It all just clicked !! Thank You.
he must be from the south. im not an english teacher by any means, but i cant breeze through his posts cause they look like they're in another language. you can have your botanist shit, my buddy is 36 years old and swears he knows everything there is to know about plants. well he gets a p and a quarter a light and im sure this guy does the same. fucking know it all. the reason you hate on advanced is cause you cant afford it. so keep blabbin like you know everything, i aint gona believe shit you say until i see a pic of your garden.

the proof is in the pudding.

lololol...ya hes young enough to be my son, typical of you kids to act that way, pay for nutes??..that must suck to be you then. i dont pay son, wheres this proof you spout off of what? that your just trolling?. ya we see that
You didn't explain how a plant can distinguish between urea derived nitrogen from others. I was all lost too (yes that's how it's spelled, there is to,two and too) until you brought up the steak thing. So the plant doesn't like salt? is that what UR saying?

It all just clicked !! Thank You.

in a sence they dont like salt. i just used that to get the point across. nobody like over spiced or strong foods. salt is just a term used for nutrient or ellement in a salt form. not organic that uses carbon. if they arent salt or carbon it cant be taken in by a plant, is why organic is slow. its not food til its shit by bugs to a carbon form. others dont waste time with that and have it ready to go in a bottle. might hep to learn what c.e.c. is also for nutrition availability and how tat end works for picking and choosing what to eat
and for the hard of reading nowhere i have i said advanced nute doesnt work same or as well as any other. i said the lies make me sick that its better. when it isnt. problem is...and it shown bright here that must dont understand foods or chemistry, they do that alot in this bizz...look at the bad lie info on led being better. most dont even know lighting basics to agree with them.
heres some nitro info for the few that actualy want to learn something.

Plant Utilization –
Nitrogen is one of the 17 chemical elements required for plant growth and reproduction. Nitrogen is in chlorophyll, a green chemical which allows plants to capture energy from the sun and make food for themselves in a process called photosynthesis. It is also the basic element of plant and animal proteins, including the genetic material DNA and RNA, and is important in periods of rapid plant growth. Production – Nitrogen is an abundant element on and around Earth—approximately 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas (N2). As with all plant nutrients, however, nitrogen must be in specific forms to be utilized by plants. Converting N2 into nitrogen plants can use is called nitrogen fixation. Most often, nitrogen gas is converted into plant available nitrogen by using complex chemical processes or nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Most manufactured nitrogen fertilizers begin as ammonia. At temperatures of 400ºC - 500ºC and great pressure, nitrogen
from the air and hydrogen from natural gas combine to produce ammonia. The ammonia can be used directly or further processed into other nitrogen fertilizers. Legumes such as beans and alfalfa grow specialized nodules on their roots. Rhizobia, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, live in these root nodules and convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen plants can
use. Farmers take advantage of this unique symbiotic relationship by periodically growing legumes in nitrogen-deficient soil to naturally boost nutrient levels.

Forms –
In the soil, nitrogen exists in different forms, which interact with one another and with plants, animals and microorganisms. Most crops use nitrogen rapidly, therefore, farmers and home gardeners often supply nitrogen to the plants in a variety of ways, including the application of manufactured fertilizers, applying composts and manures, and growing legumes in rotation with other crops. Plants absorb nitrogen in the forms of (NO3-) or ammonium(NH4+) ions, both of which are water-soluble. Nitrateions are absorbed quickly by plant roots, but leach easily. Ammonium ions are attracted to soil particles and move slowly through the soil to plant roots. Commercial fertilizers, both dry and liquid, are available with various combinations of nitrate and ammonium ions, enabling farmers to manage their nitrogen application. Crop advisors monitor crops to ensure the crops receive optimum amounts of nitrogen.

Plants can take up N in 4 forms:

NH4 Ammonium
NO3 Nitrate
Organic Nitrogen
Molecular Nitrogen

Regardless of the N source (inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer, manure, etc.) plants can only take up N in these 4 forms. That means that some conversions must occur in the growing media/root zone (rhizosphere) before some sources of N can be taken up by the plant. All 4 forms of available N have unique characteristics that influence plant growthin different ways. Understanding these characteristics is very important in matching the best N fertilizer with plant species, stage of growth, time of year and production objectives. The following is a brief description of these 4 N forms and some additional information on the most common fertilizer sources for each.

Nitrate NO3 and Ammonium NH4 Nitrogen:
The roots of most plants absorb N from the growing medium in the form of NO3. Nitrogen in this form, however, is not directly used by the plant but must be reduced to ammonia (NH3) before it can be assimilated by the plant. The process of nitrate reduction to ammonia is a 3 step process:

NO3 a NO2 a NH3
Nitrate Nitrite Ammonia

This conversion is dependent of the presence of several enzymes (i.e. nitrate reductase) for the conversion to complete it's cycle. These enzymes, and the microorganisms that indirectly produce them, are effected by several factors including: temperature, moisture, etc. If the conversion process stops at the nitrite stage serious damage may occur. Nitrite is toxic to plants at low to moderate levels and can cause significant reductions in growth at low levels. Both nitrate and ammonium fertilizers are commonly used to provide supplemental nutrition for nursery/floral crops. Ammonium (NH4) fertilizers must first be converted to nitrate NO3 before it can be used by the plant. This is a 2 step process in which ammonium is first converted to nitrate and then the nitrate is subsequently converted to ammonia. This process, known as nitrification, is dependent on several soil microorganisms (Nitrosomnas, Nitrobacter). These microorganisms are effected by several factors including: temperature, moisture, etc.

2NH4 + 3O2 a 2NO2 + 2H2O + 4H
Ammonium Oxygen Nitrate Water
and then

NO2 + O2 a 2NO3

Nitrite Oxygen Nitrate

Ammonium is the most common, and perhaps the lowest cost supplemental source of N for plant growth. Research has shown that the balance between nitrate (NO3), nitrogen (N) and ammonium (NH4) can effect plant growth. In Texas it is recommended that no more than 50% of the N supplied should be in the NH4 form. Increased amounts of NH4 in the growing media may result in severe ammonium toxicity (nitrites??).

Organic Nitrogen:
Many plants are capable of using organic, as well as inorganic N. As they breakdown in the growing medium, many of the amino acids, amides and proteins provide available N for plant growth. However, urea is perhaps the most commonly used source of organic N for nursery and floral crops.
Urea must first be converted to ammonia before it can be used by the plant. This conversion is dependent on the enzyme urease. Urease is another compound that is effected by factors such as temperature, moisture, etc.

NH2 C NH2 a 2NH3 + CO2
Urea Ammonia

Under cool temperatures urease is often rendered inactive and little, if any, N is available for plant growth.

Molecular Nitrogen:
Many plants are capable of fixing N directly from the atmosphere (legumes). This process usually requires the indirect mediation of soil microorganisms. Perhaps the best example of N fixation is in soy beans. Beans are inoculated with specific N fixing microorganisms prior to planting. Nodules are then formed on the root system which indirectly provide atmosphereic N to the plant.

Although several nursery/floral crops have the capability to fix N from the atmosphere, most growers provide supplemental fertility to compensate for the potential lack of these specific microorganisms in soilless growing substrates.
ya ill give ya my eyes are bad and older cant see worth a shit on here. instead of pokes and insults like immature kids why not just ask or point it out. the way its been dealt with here is shows how low some humans can be to each other. must be the bullying they got in school, heres their revenge hiding behind a pc, seen it for years, its real old
listen here gramps. dont get crazy with me. us new schoolers make you pissed cause we can yield like a boss without the know how. i get it. but dont hate on advanced for it:joint:
in a sence they dont like salt. i just used that to get the point across. nobody like over spiced or strong foods. salt is just a term used for nutrient or ellement in a salt form. not organic that uses carbon. if they arent salt or carbon it cant be taken in by a plant, is why organic is slow. its not food til its shit by bugs to a carbon form. others dont waste time with that and have it ready to go in a bottle. might hep to learn what c.e.c. is also for nutrition availability and how tat end works for picking and choosing what to eat

PLANTS DONT LIKE SALT?????????? Potassium nitrate is a salt, dude. peters and jacks classic are salts. Liquid nutrients are just salts in solution. bugs eat organic stuff and "shit them out" into ionic "salt" form.
You are pretty close, but not quite grasping it.

It might be a language barrier thing though..
listen here gramps. dont get crazy with me. us new schoolers make you pissed cause we can yield like a boss without the know how. i get it. but dont hate on advanced for it:joint:

typical of kids to be after commercial crap hi yields. thats not what my meds are about. stuff tastes like shit to me, and im not pissed., you guys seem to be cause you cant follow this info. posting true nute info isnt hate towards a company, its just posting truth. no need to get upset at your end. dont read it then
PLANTS DONT LIKE SALT?????????? Potassium nitrate is a salt, dude. peters and jacks classic are salts. Liquid nutrients are just salts in solution. bugs eat organic stuff and "shit them out" into ionic "salt" form.
You are pretty close, but not quite grasping it.

It might be a language barrier thing though..

you cant real to well either...i said salt is another term for read before you go off dood. we call them salts....all of them. its form is a salt. and other is bud.
no bugs dont shit out as a ssalt. its a crbon based not salt. learn your info before you try and say someone doesnt get it. cant even read whats infront of you dood.
no wonder so many get conned by nute guys, cant read right
they dont like harshly strong salts..look at n/p/k os each form of nitrogen. they are all diff, urea has the highest. means highest salt, burns, bad. blocks other foods.
feel like a
i got 2.9 pounds per thousand watt lamp my second time using advanced. 4th run ever growing weed. your telling me that a rookie can do the same thing with different nutes? then what does that say for the guys that been growing weed for years and still cant average 2 ps a light? they must be retarded? nutes definitely have something to do with it.

can you offer proof or any replicatable evidence of this? i have been growing almost triple the time you have and if what your saying is really true, i would give you gold or whatever you want to teach me your way, and im not saying im not good at this stuff, i can REALLY do 2elbos per 1k light once the strain and details are DIALED. pls tell me what IM doing wrong?

ps. i HAVE used Advanced Nutrients as well, the ENTIRE line so i call bullshit.

( grow, micro, bloom, bud blood, big bud, overdrive, carboload, h2 f2 fulvic and humic acid, and final phase)
i just saw your thread. i rest my case.

i havent posted a grow onto this site in 2 years, and even my last grow (with auto flowers) was a 14 oz with a 600 watt lamp, so i say you dont know what your talking about, end of story. i bet just the buds in my tent right now are bigger than your entire plants, and thats a guarentee
I see we still have our tape measures out eh lol. Weather we are synthetic or organic we still should grow from the heart. Enjoy that there are different nutes to use because if not, all the product would be the same. Yes I run advanced no I'm not gonna say my product is the shit or I yield umpteen lbs per 1000 watt. Why? Because although I love what I produce I still try others product that will have qualities I don't have in mine. Maybe just the smell maybe a different feel than mine whatever. I guess be open to others ways. I happened to start with synthetics so they just stuck. That still doesn't mean some days wish I knew how to rock some organics.

As far as yielding goes, we already know some plants have the genetic make up for that and some like hydro some like dirt some run better off synthetics than some do with organics and reversed. So genetics plays a big role in yield.

The first corn cob only consisted of 13 about kernels of corn but through breeding it now yields tons more.

Now the labeling and I'm by no means sticking up for any company at all, but just for instance bud candy and bud factor x u look at the back of the bottle same readout right? But labeling is funny in the first place because there is only so much label to print on. If it took a whole bunch of space to put all ingredients in there, what holds a gollon may need a two gallon bottle for the labeling. So it seems to simplify this it goes to derived from blah blah blah.

I'm sure I can go to work tomorrow and find other nute companies with the same vagueness to there labeling as well. I used the advanced because people bring it up at work all the time with the bud candy and factor x they do consist of different components but we won't get into all that.

Grow with your heart if you've put that into it don't worry about someone else

And on that note everyone, swing on the spiral! Time to feed the dogs and make a new photocopy of the sun I think my last one burned out on me in flower.

It is always a good conversation though, what does a plant truly like what's best for it too bad they can't verbally speak
you cant real to well either...i said salt is another term for read before you go off dood. we call them salts....all of them. its form is a salt. and other is bud.
no bugs dont shit out as a ssalt. its a crbon based not salt. learn your info before you try and say someone doesnt get it. cant even read whats infront of you dood.
no wonder so many get conned by nute guys, cant read right
Maybe people don't understand you because you aren't typing coherently.

You need to read up on the nitrification cycle, though. Nitrosomas and nitrobacter turn ammonia into nitrite and then nitrate, respectively. It's a small detail so I don't really want to troll you on it, but plant-available forms of nitrogen aren't carbon based. Soil microflora eat the carbon based stuff and break it down to usable forms. Plants get carbon from CO2 through the stomata.

I agree with you that AN is overpriced. But that doesn't meat AN isn't a solid nutrient line. It's good stuff, albeit expensive. They do add a bunch of extra garbage besides the basic macro and micronutrients. Aminos,B vitamins etc. Now, whether the roots can even uptake much of the extra stuff through the caspian strip is a different story... Look at university studies on roots ability to uptake complex molecules like amino acids and it might make you think twice about buying the stuff. But some people choose to drive hondas and some people buy mercedes. They both get you from point A to point B

But kudos to you for typing coherent sentences. You get some +rep for that.
i havent posted a grow onto this site in 2 years, and even my last grow (with auto flowers) was a 14 oz with a 600 watt lamp, so i say you dont know what your talking about, end of story. i bet just the buds in my tent right now are bigger than your entire plants, and thats a guarentee

Well you're growing autos. Thats the main problem with your yields...
I don't know how honest patrick is about his yields, but I am sure his room design and genetics play a bigger part of yield than the AN lineup. That's a nice looking room he's got. Sealed with CO2 vs a tent. That means he's delivering 2-3x the CO2 than your plants are getting.

That's not to take anything away from AN, but a lot of factors play a more important role in yield than nutes