So rudimentary and facile. Your arguments always come attached to obvious flaw, it is clear you have been misled, indoctrinated for a lifetime and shown how to think by herd mentality.
OK, I think an example is due.
So, medicine, here is a market dominated by supply, where demand will always out weight supply. Now imagine if there were an herbal medicine that every single person could grow themselves. Also, imagine if said plant had 40,000+ other uses. This plant would be a means of production controlled by the masses which would obviate every bit of demand, balancing supply and giving people freedom from coercive control of means of production, no violent redistribution needed.
Oil, another market dominated by supply where a small few private individuals own the means of production of a finite resource. This is an easy fix, and within a generation the coercive control of this means of production could be alleviated giving the PEOPLE who demand energy independence from it. Technology solves this with out the need for any violent redistribution.
Last but not least by any means, I posit that the perpetrators of this perpetual control of resources and means of production are in fact the ones committing violent redistribution.
you example is a plant. vegetation may be what you THINK of as "the means of production" but it aint. the "Means of Production" is timberland, mines, farms factories, mills, and other industry. not a fucking plant. seeds dont do dick for you if you dont have the dirt to plant it in, or the water to make it grow. under all collectivist forms of society (even the ones that claim to be without government) the "means of production" is NOT PLANTS, it's the land, natural resources, and industry, not your backyard garden.
your example is specious for other reasons as well.
"Medicine" is not particular drugs or medications. it is grounded in the knowledge and wisdom of the practitioners (doctors). many physicians have stated their belief that cannabis (your obvious thinly veiled example) can treat certain symptoms, but the lack of extensive and reliable clinical trials makes further claims dubious at best.
the practice of medicine is ALWAYS a supply side economy. theres a lot more people who want a doctor's service than there are doctors to service them. unless there is some means to weed out those who simply Desire medical service from those who Require it, those who Desire service will invariably bump some who Require, with potentially lethal results. stop by an emergency room sometime and count the number of dumbasses in there with kids with the sniffles or a minor cut on their finger.
medical training is also time consuming, arduous expensive and unpleasant.those who endure this process rightly deserve compensation for their skill, native talent and hard won expertise. that means you gotta call them Doctor, they get the awe and attention of the opposite (and sometimes the same) sex, and often make a packet. without these carrots, you'd need a big ass stick studded with rusty nails and broken glass to force somebody to got to medical school and take the internships.
likewise, developing a new drug or medical technology is expensive, time consuming laborious and requires not only doctors ($$$) but chemists ($$$) engineers ($$$) research facilities ($$$$) and somebody to run these organizations ($$$$$$$) without the potential for profit ($$$$$$), who would do this? mother theresa? the local soup kitchen volunteers? the salvation army? the net result is, artificial hearts, organ transplants, and wonder drugs like the new aids treatments, vaccines for deadly illnesses, and yes, even viagra would never exist without capitalism. capitalism is the carrot that drives technology forward, not out of some mysterious sense of philanthropy, but good old fashioned self-interest.
capitalism comes with a curse though, the curse of avarice. when enough is not enough, and skill daring and cleverness doesnt pay off like you want, then we get the devious, duplicitous and nefarious assholes who try to get rich off lies, manipulation, deceit and theft.
like william randoph hearst, dupont chemicals, harry ainslinger and herbert hoover who conspired together each pulling the rope for their own reason but all in a common direction, to ban cannabis.
the capitalism curse does not intimate that marxism is free of it's own problems, like for example, the death of dreams, the institutionalization of indolence, and the unavoidable problems of inequality in allocation of "shared" resources by those who do the dividing.
anarcho-________ism is even less savory. it eliminates the main deterrent to strongman dictatorships and local fiefdoms, the armed state. without the state as protector and guide there will be no commerce save that which can be conducted within the confines of an armed camp. there will always be some asshole who decidees he can do better for himself by taking shit from others, and in the anarcho-_______ist fairytale, he can operate with impunity.
and finally, the real reason cannabis is "illegal" today.
hearst wanted to protect his investment in pulp timber, for cheap paper under his personal control.
dupont was afraid that their new wonder fibers wouldnt sell with the new cheaper hemp fiber technologies
ainslinger was deeply invested in both organizations, but mostly he was just a self-righteous asshole and a religious zealot
herbert hoover just wanted these dickheads to support his next campaign.
THATS why cannabis is semi-sorta-kinda-almost-but-not-quite illegal.
drug companies arent afraid of cannabis legalization, but they will certainly profit from it if possible, but no matter how you slice it, cancer, heart disease, communicable diseases, and cosmetics are where the money is at. they dont need to make glaucoma medications or muscle relaxants to compete with cannabis, their addictive pills are already in the game for them. cannabis is the hop-head's choice, and even in california we couldnt get a full legalization measure passed.
muy facile.
su forma de pensar es incorrecta