uhh.. dude.
the chinese and the US are the only nations who have demonstrated the ability to drop a satellite, and that was only with satellites they controlled themselves, shooting somebody else's would be a whole new ballgame, targeting wise.
as far as your main thrust, iran has no ability to drop a satellite, they dont even claim that, since it would be absurd. further, the idea that terrorist groups could manage to shoot down a satellite hinges upon their first mission,
Capturing Tony Stark.
seriously, despite their bluster, vitriol and vehemence the iranians have a long history of NOT starting shit, they have never even attacked israel, they just bluster and shake their fists a lot. hell they didnt even START the war with iraq, if the iranians DO get their mitts on a nuclear weapon, it's doubtful their would use it unless somebody starts shit. if i were in their place, with the US constantly threatening me, blustering and squawking about war (especially after the whole deposing of their government in 53) i would want a nuclear deterrent too.
but they signed the non-proliferation treaty, took the benefits of the treaty, and promised to not seek weapons technology. they need to either abandon the treaty and forego the benefits, or accept the deal and let the iaea inspect their nuclear research facilities. they cant have it both ways, just like sadam couldnt have his cease fire after gulf war 1, but still shoot at coalition forces and prevent hans blix and his bikini inspection team from looking for the shit they actually still had.
and yes, iraq had wmd's just no nukes. there have been plenty of chemical weapons caches found, and many suspicious bio-research labs uncovered. consult your wikileaks for full details.