Well-Known Member
That's one thing the Nazis don't get enough credit for
They were really good at eliminating unemployment
Who woulda thought that underneath all that hard exterior...
That's one thing the Nazis don't get enough credit for
They were really good at eliminating unemployment
That's one thing the Nazis don't get enough credit for
They were really good at eliminating unemployment
LOL, was there an increase in spending over the last 20 years? Yep. Did the poverty rate decrease, nope sure didn't it actually increased.
Point proven, also YOU haven't got any idea how to read a graph do you?
What year did LBJ start the war on poverty again? 1965? Yep and poverty was LESS of an issue then.
HAHAHA I love pointing out stupid people.
So it comes down to the avatar..
I guess I'm a terrorist, in the eyes of Tea Party candidates. Oh well..
Your opinion means less than dirt, less than that clear slime snails leave behind.
You're an enemy of the state, an enemy to progress, to reason, to logic, to advancement.
Your own opinions prove it.
Tradition is golden to you. You're stuck in 1950's America, where the white man was king, economic prosperity depended on the military industrial complex, and the non religious were persecuted.
Got new for you, bud, a new era of Americans have grown up, we've realized the bullshit you believe in is unsustainable. "Unsustainable", a word you were never taught and never took the time to learn, it means you're not special, you're not first in line to prosperity. You're not the only one that matters. Get used to it. Compassion, empathy, more words you never knew..
All you know is "I number 1!" "God bless America!", you doofus. (ya like that? I used a euphemism from your era, ya feel special yet!?)
I bask in the thought of you getting angrier and angrier as time moves forward and our country progresses into a more liberal, accepting nation. Where freedoms are had by everyone, not just the stuck up elite fucks who think the white, rich man should enjoy all the benefits this great nation has to offer. Your tears of anguish are delicious! I salt my food with em!
You get older as we get stronger! Enjoy these moments while you still can, because, I assure you, they're receding faster than the Republican party!
See you in 2016, when the Dem's enjoy a fuckin' landslide unless your party gets its shit together!
In 2011, America spent $927 billion in welfare and related programs alone. $74 billion towards world wide poverty is only a drop in the pool, IMO.
Those programs do little to eliminate unemployment, the cause of poverty, they merely maintain the status quo. $74 billion goes a long way in other parts of the world. Even here, that's 8% percent of your figure. I think that's a decent sized "dent".
What way was poverty trending before the influx of money started? Was it going up or down?It looks to me like poverty was at double the rate before money started being spent on it. It also look like nearly every year that an increase is made the poverty level drops.
I have to give you credit for recognizing that. I don't feel the people you're voting for feel the way they would have you believe. The primary duty, and perhaps only duty, of a politician is to get elected. The recent scandal, largely unpublished, of all but two Congressmen caught making millions on insider trading tells more about them than any of their speeches. "Tax dollars spent to help people in need" is just away to create a permanent underclass of captive voters. Welfare hasn't reduced the poverty rates at all. Voting to pass the buck onto the tax payer is just avoiding our personal duty.
What way was poverty trending before the influx of money started? Was it going up or down?
OMG it was going down at a rate 10 times faster than when the spending started, soon as money got into the system people stopped being productive and started living off the system. No net improvement at all. and for the next 50 years there was no Improvement whatsoever, no matter how much money we throw at it.
Conclusion: spending money to give to the poor never changes the amount of people who are poor. Perhaps if we stopped spending that money and let the people who created it keep it, perhaps then there won't be so many poor? It is illogical to argue when the facts contradict you at every turn, Taking from one to give to another helps no one and nothing.
There may be some initial layoffs as a result of greedy business owners trying to desparately cling to their wealth disparity. Their thought being if I have more of a tax expense and continue to employ a workforce at the same level and wages there will be less of the pie left over for me to gorge my bloated ass on. However, those companies will ultimately be replaced by others who are willing to step into the competitive space and conduct business without the preconceived idea that the top guy needs to be taking home 10X the salary of the next layer of management. The most qualified and attractive workers will provide their services to companies that fall into the latter category with full benefits and a boss who lives well, but perhaps not like a Rockefeller of days gone by.
Do not forget, taxes are levied on what is left over as net income (or profit) after the expenses of a company are paid. Not off the top. A business who is willing to put more of what would have been 'profit' into paying for things like employee benefits and wages will not be impacted to the extent of one who's owner insists on squeezing out every drop for himself.
It looks to me like poverty was at double the rate before money started being spent on it.
It also look like nearly every year that an increase is made the poverty level drops. There are people falling in and out you know.
Don't forget now that we are in the toughest economic times since the great depression and the poverty level is staying even. The spending is countering an increase.
When you have people working for minimum wage under a multi million dollar company, you are going to have poverty.
There are not enough good paying jobs (and there never have been or will be) for every person to live above the poverty line. You fail to put a net under those people and you pay for it in other ways.
I ask again. Where do they train you guys? The LICS? That's my best guess...
So does that explain to you why we are spending more and more on poverty with no change?
It looks like you suck at reading graphs... take another look...
Yeah, I could have lied to you and said that I volunteer at a kitchen every Saturday, but I don't. The truth is, I left a rural area, not making shit for money looking to better.I have to give you credit for recognizing that. I don't feel the people you're voting for feel the way they would have you believe. The primary duty, and perhaps only duty, of a politician is to get elected. The recent scandal, largely unpublished, of all but two Congressmen caught making millions on insider trading tells more about them than any of their speeches. "Tax dollars spent to help people in need" is just away to create a permanent underclass of captive voters. Welfare hasn't reduced the poverty rates at all. Voting to pass the buck onto the tax payer is just avoiding our personal duty.
You won't be too happy when you get 10 tickets just driving to the corner store. Or were you joking?I was just telling my wife the solution yesterday. Every single police force in the nation should hire unemployed people to hand out fines and ticket others. You know, start cracking down on all the uninforced laws in this country. If they do it right, the proceeds will outwiegh the salaries and costs. The more cops..the more revenue..the more unemployment.
Everybody has a job...everybody's happy!