Why Republicans are effing morons by Jack Handy


Well-Known Member
Here is the problem as I see it...

The federal government has become bloated through a perversion of one of the provisions of the constitution regarding regulating trade. It has used this clause to expand into everything.

What we need to do is have that re-interpreted, thus stripping the federal government of most of the powers they have appropriated and set them back to where they were when the constitution was a document that LIMITED their power.

Then the states can deal with all of the issues such as healthcare, welfare, etc. individually. At least then people would get to vote with their feet and could leave a state that they didnt like in favor of one they did like.

Also, the government should not be able to spend more money than it takes in. That should be a mandate.


New Member
Being with the government gives you no special powers.

I am not sure what laws you think the government can defy. It is such a vague question there is no answer.
Government defies ALL the moral principles it upholds, it is allowed to commit violence without any real repercussion, it is allowed to steal, to kill. Whatever it wants.....Break into our houses and beat us to death over a plant if it so chooses....See my response above..


Well-Known Member
Government defies ALL the moral principles it upholds, it is allowed to commit violence without any real repercussion, it is allowed to steal, to kill. Whatever it wants.....Break into our houses and beat us to death over a plant if it so chooses....See my response above..
That is not legal.

And the government does not define moral principals. That is why in the bill of rights it was stated that our rights are granted by our creator, not the government.


Scientia Cannabis
That is not legal.

And the government does not define moral principals. That is why in the bill of rights it was stated that our rights are granted by our creator, not the government.

You founding fathers argued for and even put into your constitution the value (and need) of separation of church and state.
Rights are not granted by a creator they are put in place by people, by society, by democracy.

You probably believe we can't have morals without a creator which is an insult to people who don't need old books to tell us it's wrong to kill and steal etc.
Your entire premise is flawed.


Well-Known Member
You founding fathers argued for and even put into your constitution the value (and need) of separation of church and state.
Rights are not granted by a creator they are put in place by people, by society, by democracy.

You probably believe we can't have morals without a creator which is an insult to people who don't need old books to tell us it's wrong to kill and steal etc.
Your entire premise is flawed.
The separation of church and state did not mean that the founding fathers were athiests.

It is related to the amount of influence the church of England had on politics.

They believed in God, they just believed that no church should have an influence on the government.

That is why they specifically said the rights were handed down from our creator and not given by the government. Because if a government grants you a right, it can withdraw it. They were acknowledging a higher power than government.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Are you serious? The founding fathers were deists. It was pretty much the agnostic/atheist view of the day. You couldn't admit being an atheisy back then. Had Jefferson, etc, been alive today, they'd be like Christopher Hitchens, etc.


Well-Known Member
The separation of church and state did not mean that the founding fathers were athiests.

It is related to the amount of influence the church of England had on politics.

They believed in God, they just believed that no church should have an influence on the government.

That is why they specifically said the rights were handed down from our creator and not given by the government. Because if a government grants you a right, it can withdraw it. They were acknowledging a higher power than government.
Are you serious? The founding fathers were deists. It was pretty much the agnostic/atheist view of the day. You couldn't admit being an atheisy back then. Had Jefferson, etc, been alive today, they'd be like Christopher Hitchens, etc.
You guys are both right actually. Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Franklin etc were all deists, but they weren't shy in their belief that Jesus was just a really good moral man.

Early colonial politics is what brought about the idea to separate church and state. The Puritans were very rigid and fought with England over old school beliefs but still loyal. They even had their religion named "the religion" by the New England area government. Quakers were like hard core Puritans but were locked up in England as blasphemers and lunatics so they fled and settled in Pennsylvania to live forever apparently. As well as a bunch of Germans with all of their religions (Lutheran, Mennonite, etc). The Church of England had settled in North Carolina.

Other new religions were popping up that all the cool kids were joining and they were pissed at the rigid Puritans and their stodgy old fart ways, and resented not being recognized. They used to interrupt church services by running up and down the aisles naked.

Lot's of discussions during constitution framing over what religion we would be, that's when our Deists made everyone realize that it was wrong to have one religion speak for everyone, and it would be better if we just stuck to freedom to let people choose their own. They were more concerned with keeping the State out of religion than keeping religion out of the State. Fortunately for everyone the cost of freedom of religion was also the freedom FROM religion if we so choose.

I was fascinated by early colonialism but I'm an old pothead so I'm sure I got some names and places wrong but it doesn't change the gist of it.


Well-Known Member
The Pilgrims thought people that drank water were lowly. They drank strong water, which was essentially some form of alchohol.
The first public building in the colony (one shared by all) was a tavern. half the colonists weren't even pilgrims, they were adventurers who signed up to make money.
Miles Standishes nickname was "captain shrimp" and he was a big asshole.
Other than begging the indians for food, they also ventured north and begged fish from english fisherman.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cheesus, those are the type of tidbits I enjoy reading. In school it was more important to remember what date something occurred than what it actually meant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cheesus, those are the type of tidbits I enjoy reading. In school it was more important to remember what date something occurred than what it actually meant.
There is a really good book I read a long time ago and the title evades me. The pilgrims were nasty pieces of work almost as bad as the puritans. The basic premise is They did so poorly becuase of their beliefs and total lack of preparedness. They didnt come to this country for freedom. They came to this country to make money and have the freedom to be theocrats and whack jobs


Well-Known Member
There is a really good book I read a long time ago and the title evades me. The pilgrims were nasty pieces of work almost as bad as the puritans. The basic premise is They did so poorly becuase of their beliefs and total lack of preparedness. They didnt come to this country for freedom. They came to this country to make money and have the freedom to be theocrats and whack jobs
Heidi's alligator?!?!?! There was a country here, back then? They didn't come for freedom, they came to have freedom?...Alligator butt worship.

I bet you like the dark stinking kind. What did black aliagator say to the white alligator? You new, around here?