Private defense and court firms would likely be much more powerful then some individual , they would likely have agreements with each other and they will be supported by a strong network of parties of interest. You would not stand a chance.
What is a court firm? What jurisdiction does one have over me? If I am rich enough I can just bribe them...
Here is the problem with your argument... Government is not inherently corrupt or moral, nor is private business inherently corrupt or moral.
Men and women are moral or corrupt and usually not exclusively either one. And those men and women form groups such as government, private business, unions, etc. And through group action based on the morality or corruptness that group conducts business.
What you seem to have missed from that quote above is that MASSIVE government is corrupt. And it is because the workers inside the government are not accountable for anything. Just look at the Libya mess. Nobody has been fired or resigned from their job. If someone is doing a job so badly that people die, dont you think that person should be replaced? Yet it has been over a month and nobody seems accountable for the actions leading up to those people's deaths.
There has to be some form and sort of government because without it there are no uniform rules and laws governing the society. A smaller more accountable government would not necessarily be more *just* however, it can be much more accountable. Which is why I continually advocate federal powers being passed back to the states and state powers be passed back to the counties, etc.
A society of any size cannot exist without a government.