Fuck Bars!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
there not bad if taken in moderation and like a responsible ADULT. first most people dont need to take 2mg bars most would be ok with a 1mg blue. take it and stay at home dont go out and cause problems for everyone else. the only thing that will happen is you end up getting busted for something stupid and get caught with a little weed making pot smokers look bad to everyone( its the crazy weed that made them do it ). point is just be RESPONSIBLE.
Man I could not agree more...I have never been arrested, and I have done plenty of things...but maybe not as much as some...anyway, I always do things carefully and in moderation...if ya can't handle the drugs, dont do them...simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Shit, that stuff isn't meant to be taken in moderation. It's a short term fix for people that have just been through a REALLY stressful situation such as the passing of a family member. And even that people that need them don't start out on 2MG BARS! I don't know how this shit is even legal.

Anyone that starts to take these in moderation will eventually end up eating these things till they die or decide it's time to quit.

take it and stay at home dont go out and cause problems for everyone else.
Kind of hard to do that when all inhibitions are gone.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Shit, that stuff isn't meant to be taken in moderation. It's a short term fix for people that have just been through a REALLY stressful situation such as the passing of a family member. And even that people that need them don't start out on 2MG BARS! I don't know how this shit is even legal.

Anyone that starts to take these in moderation will eventually end up eating these things till they die or decide it's time to quit.

Kind of hard to do that when all inhibitions are gone.
Every time I've ever done it, it was only a 2mg pill......and thats all I took. Its just for relaxation every once in a while. But I saw somebody take a lot once and then drink on them. He passed out, so they took him home and life went on. There are always going to be people who get easily addicted or can't use good judgement. It used to be that there was always a more experienced person about who had done what you were about to try and would walk you through it...nowadays there are more people who will laugh and point because you're all fucked up. The greatest tool you have is your mind. With it you can do anything, but you must be strong enough to say enough...and listen to your body. A good rule of thumb is to take half the recommended dose of something the first time around...then wait half an hour, see how you feel, and adjust up if needed.


Well-Known Member
Well everyones not like you..that's why I don't recommend it!

Besides, you can't fool me man. I took that shit for 9 years, there's no way you can take just one and not pass out. If you aren't passing out, then you take them all the time.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well everyones not like you..that's why I don't recommend it!

Besides, you can't fool me man. I took that shit for 9 years, there's no way you can take just one and not pass out. If you aren't passing out, then you take them all the time.
Ive always had a high tolerance for stuff...I always yell for more painkiller at the dentist...but no I dont take them all the time and I dont pass out I get relaxed, watch some tv....read a book....and when i go to sleep its voluntary. Not everyone is the same, man, youre right...but I dont believe that if you try something youre automatically gonna lose control.


Well-Known Member
I suppose so, but with this drug it's very easy to let it get out of control. So if anyone if going to take it, be careful.
I don't know anyone that has a high tolerance for this stuff, unless they are eating 2-3 bars at least every other day.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I suppose so, but with this drug it's very easy to let it get out of control. So if anyone if going to take it, be careful.
I don't know anyone that has a high tolerance for this stuff, unless they are eating 2-3 bars at least every other day.
LOL, maybe its cause I've got a gigantic ass or something.....but I went to the dentist a few months back to get a cavity fixed and they were using this stuff called carbocaine... it kept wearing off like every few minutes and I kept saying more, more...and at the end hes like...wow we gave you almost 8 times more than we give most people..and it was worn off by the time I got to the car.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty hardcore to. I use to snort em, crush them and put in my beer, and my personal favorite...take Xanax shots. I'd crush em up and toss em in a shot of Courvoisier or any other Cognac!

Yea, it got that bad...you can take them once a week and still get addicted. Be careful, it's a very very physically addicting drug.


Well-Known Member
bars are great for coming off of psychedelic drugs though i hayte eating them i just sleep but if i been trippin all night and wanna come down i take like 5 bars and drink some and pass right the fuck out no shitty post trip[ body high or anything like thatr

i call them landing gear


Well-Known Member
xanax make me run around breaking car windows to steal the snipes out of the ash trays...I even woke up with a face plate from a Alpine head unit. Not the whole thing just the face plate, Talk about a "Whaaat?" moment in the morning.

After about 4 or 5 memmory lose kicks in and the video game starts.


Well-Known Member
xanax make me run around breaking car windows to steal the snipes out of the ash trays...I even woke up with a face plate from a Alpine head unit. Not the whole thing just the face plate, Talk about a "Whaaat?" moment in the morning.

After about 4 or 5 memmory lose kicks in and the video game starts.
Yea, this is because all inhibitions are pretty much gone. But it is funny that you end up stealing shit. Eventually that urge will wear off. When I first started taking them and would steal the dumbest shit..pretty much would take it just to take it.

I would wake up the next morning and be like, "WTF?!?".

Flags, pottery, lawn chairs, bikes...the whole nine yards.


Well-Known Member
i used to know a guy who once stole a bunch of cd players and speakers and shit, woke up the next morning had no idea where all that shit came from so he thought it would be a good idea to pawn that shit and get some cash. needless to say he got popped for a felony and went to the slammer.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty hardcore to. I use to snort em, crush them and put in my beer, and my personal favorite...take Xanax shots. I'd crush em up and toss em in a shot of Courvoisier or any other Cognac!

Yea, it got that bad...you can take them once a week and still get addicted. Be careful, it's a very very physically addicting drug.
Well my older brother was on them for years...and he found out an unknown side effect...you can be very easily brainwashed. His ex wife pulled a number on him. And he did go off them cold turkey...he said it was hell. I didnt see him for about 7 years while he was doing them...I just thought he didnt like me anymore. But anyway, I'm talking about once every few years I might take one...if I have it. But if theres an herbal alternative, I'll go for that instead.


Well-Known Member
Shit iv'e got a script for the bluies for my hodophobia and anxiety get them filled every month but never have taken even one...im squirreling them back...for what I haven't a clue but ive got scads of them! And by the way you guys are talking im thinking ive done good not taking them so I will continue adding to the blue mountain might be handy one day.:blsmoke:


New Member
hell i had a friend that stayed with me for a long time and I saw that (now ex) friend loose WEEKS on end @ a time because of those things man.

But myself ive taken 12mg of xanex, and not felt ANYTHING unless i was drinking or smoking with them. So i just dont take them, it pointless for me. The meds the doctors prescribe you generally work lots better than what you can find on the street anyways.


New Member
Shit iv'e got a script for the bluies for my hodophobia and anxiety get them filled every month but never have taken even one...im squirreling them back...for what I haven't a clue but ive got scads of them! And by the way you guys are talking im thinking ive done good not taking them so I will continue adding to the blue mountain might be handy one day.:blsmoke:
thats all they are good for. I resold my script to the pill heads in town for 5 times what i paid for the script.

dont take em they are fucking poision


Well-Known Member
thats all they are good for. I resold my script to the pill heads in town for 5 times what i paid for the script.

dont take em they are fucking poision
Hmmm $$$$ you say? And I don't doubt you one bit on the poison thing,none of the meds iv'e been given have fixed one thing without screwing up two,so good advice heeded.