a bit off topic... ricky mentioned ADD pills a couple times... i'm thinking about getting on company insurance so i can maybe start getting prescribed Ritalin. i think it could maybe help me.
i had a real bad substance abuse problem over 7 years ago (for about 3 years on and off).. and my breathing is still fucked up from it. I'm always taking a hit of air likes it crack and holding it in. and holding it in. and holding it in till i start to black out (fade to black) and realize what i'm doing. i normally do this several times a day. Also, there's a lot of times that i'll just inhale and exhale normally and then stop breathing for a while.
best game of pool i ever played was on my buddy's 20mg Ritalin. felt so focused. Maybe if i stayed a little more focused i could remember to breathe right.
maybe a little xanax would even help, i don't know man... that breathing shit is deffinitely like anxiety or related to anxiety
i've always told myself that if there's an afterlife there won't be any pills there to help you in your struggle with ur own consciousness... but man, maybe for some people certain drugs are like a vitamin that they need that they're not getting.