Rant from an aspiring looser...

Could definitely be it then, does she randomly feel hot? My mom has it and doesn't really snap but does have her moments, it can affect women differently.
Depends on the situation too, if the kid is a millionaire and buys his mother a house I doubt a mother will act like that. Most of the time it's when then kid is still dependent on them. I moved back in when I was 21 but my mom isn't that bad, she gets more like that when my brother is around. Bipolar people shouldn't drink...
my mother would always lose her shit before i moved out cuz i did have a job (could afford groceries and gas WOO!!! lol) which wasn't enough so i guerilla grew and dealt to fund a trip across the country to the oil field

my dad was a much cooler customer, even taking me (with my box of clones) down to the river with his truck and the canoe in the back
Carne, I'm not a good writer, I will never be able to write the full story. However, I can tell you this. I never, NEVER lack respect to people who respect me. And I don't agree that a parent can lack respect towards their children.
For gods sake! You, the parent, is supposed to be an authority figure and show the example. If you lack respect to your kid they might never understand what respect means..

I'm all for equality, no double standards! I hate this shit! I don't care if you're the president or Ghandi or Ossama bin laden, if you are disrespectful to me, I will not make any effort to please you or be polite to you.
Just like when I'm at the cash. You can see me as a smiling talkative and dynamic cashier if you speak back to me, or if you ignore me, I can ignore you back and not say a word.

And yes, I do equate minimum salary to a loser. It's not my job title that makes me a loser. The salary does...it implies I don't own a nice car, I don't own a house. I like my job, but sadly there are a lot of dead times during the day. And I like to do stuff or else time passes really slowly.
Hey man,I'll tell you like this,everything is not gonna happen when you want it to happen.You say you can do this,and do that,then do that,and take the first step closer to becoming independent,you gotta start somewhere,shiit your not a loser,the only way to becoming a loser is having a talent becoming something,but instead of utilizing it,you waste it,that's a loser.You 23,man up! instead of doubting youself,and becoming a "aspiring loser" your giving in to what lifes throwing at you,you may not have been delt any face cards,but you gotta play your hand you was delt anyway.Do what you gotta do,believen yourself,set goals and mash for them,and I gurentee you,you will be in a better position,and everybody on your dick.
your not a loser

False statement.

[TD="width: 175"]

[TD="width: 100%"]
los·er (l
r)n.1. a. One that fails to win: the losers of the game.
b. One who takes loss in a specified way: a graceful loser; a poor loser.

2. a. One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck or poor skills:

b. One that is bad in quality: That book is a real loser.

i can only imagine the OP's rants with mom start eerily like this.

does that mean i want to stab you guys now?:sad: