Why Republicans are effing morons by Jack Handy


Well-Known Member

uncited bullshit from the queen of bullshit.

that must explain why there were zero dispensaries here until the holder memo.

put up or shut up, kiddo.
He just did put up a link to a guy who is gong to jail for a very long time even though he was supposedly legal..

What the fuck is wrong with you?


Well-Known Member

uncited bullshit from the queen of bullshit.

that must explain why there were zero dispensaries here until the holder memo.

put up or shut up, kiddo.
Keep sucking Holder's dick if you want, but its a false sense of security. Its only a matter of time before whats been happening in Colorado and California also starts happening in Oregon. Just wait until things start to expand a bit. Wait until there is more money in the pot. Then you can kiss the holder memo goodbye. Just ask Aaron Sandusky. He was told there would be no fed interference because of the Holder memo. And now he is doing 10 to life

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
this is Romney position on MJ no matter what, his church controls most of wht he is allowed to support
we all know how romney feels abou tMJ , and we all know how obama and holder feel, the devil we know is much better then the devil we dont


Well-Known Member
this is Romney position on MJ no matter what, his church controls most of wht he is allowed to support
we all know how romney feels abou tMJ , and we all know how obama and holder feel, the devil we know is much better then the devil we dont
He feels the same way about coffee and beer lol.

Seriously though, if legalization were your number one priority then voting Romney would be the worst choice you could make, we agree on this.


Well-Known Member
it is, i think we would've been better off had Edwards or Clinton got the nomination. sucks that people can't have an affair in america and still run for office. even Kucinich would have been nice, he was my personal pick along with garry johnson and ron paul for republican party, but its more about selling an image to get the presidency.
Kucinich? Really?


Well-Known Member
Keep sucking Holder's dick if you want, but its a false sense of security. Its only a matter of time before whats been happening in Colorado and California also starts happening in Oregon. Just wait until things start to expand a bit. Wait until there is more money in the pot. Then you can kiss the holder memo goodbye. Just ask Aaron Sandusky. He was told there would be no fed interference because of the Holder memo. And now he is doing 10 to life
you have yet to show that aaron sandusky was state compliant.

it's all but possible to be state compliant in california anyway.

we're not even allowed to have dispensaries up here in oregon. they started to pop up after the holder memo. only two got busted, one was because the owners called the cops on each other.

why are they taking their sweet time there, falafelworks? what's with this lame ass crackdown that you are hyperbolizing?

Kucinich? Really?
kucinich is nowhere near racist enough for a stormfronter like you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Wow. I can't believe there exists people on a marijuana forum who would care about the reason why any drug user and/or dealer should go to jail. Excpect if they're involved in other crimes. I feel sorry for anyone in jail for drug related crimes at all.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I can't believe there exists people on a marijuana forum who would care about the reason why any drug user and/or dealer should go to jail. Excpect if they're involved in other crimes. I feel sorry for anyone in jail for drug related crimes at all.
dude had over 1,000 plants. how is that state compliant?

no one is getting busted for backyard grows. the only people getting busted are people that push the envelope until it rips in half.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if the dude had 1,000,000 plants. You shouldn't go to jail.
so no jail time for bathtub whiskey that makes people sick?

how about slinging meth to junkies that robbed and stole to get money for their fix?

there is a set of rules in place. you can choose to work outside of that framework, but be prepared for the consequences.

apparently it was too much to ask of this guy to stick to a compliant number of plants, greed got the best of him.

poor guy couldn't just grow 99 and put food on the table and go on a nice vacation every year, guy had to go for the gusto. turns out he flew too close to the sun with wings made of schwag.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That's the problem with you liberal folk. Greed doesn't exist, it's just, "mommy it's not fair my brother has more toys, wah wah." It should only matter if you harm others without conscent. Which includes polluting meth waste.


Well-Known Member
so no jail time for bathtub whiskey that makes people sick?

how about slinging meth to junkies that robbed and stole to get money for their fix?

there is a set of rules in place. you can choose to work outside of that framework, but be prepared for the consequences.

apparently it was too much to ask of this guy to stick to a compliant number of plants, greed got the best of him.

poor guy couldn't just grow 99 and put food on the table and go on a nice vacation every year, guy had to go for the gusto. turns out he flew too close to the sun with wings made of schwag.

good luck.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It doesn't piss you off Bucky and types like him think when you get out you won't be able to possibly ever sit correctly and wear a Depends because you were too greedy?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't piss you off Bucky and types like him think when you get out you won't be able to possibly ever sit correctly and wear a Depends because you were too greedy?
when did i call FDD greedy?

you'll notice i was talking about the guy with 1000 plants.