Why Republicans are effing morons by Jack Handy


Well-Known Member
No, they just want a 'small govt' peering into your bedroom and deciding what you can't put into your body.

- The crackdown on the MMJ industry going on under this administration is unreal.

Go against their morals and they want to put you in a 'small govt' prison.

- Incarceration is at an all time high. Also, thanks to Obama us citizens can now be tried without due process

Then they want their 'small govt' to occupy just about every country on the planet.

- Biden swears 2014 exit during live debate, days later:

Fail troll is fail.

MMJ crackdown unreal? What planet do you live on? We have over 400 dispensaries in Colorado and not one has ever been raided by the feds. Were you above the age of 10 when Bush was president? Did you pay attention to the raids then?

Incarceration is at an all time high thanks to republicans and their private prison buddies pushing them to pass stricter drug laws. The war on drugs was created by republicans and every republican since Nixon has increased money to the cause.

Yea, Biden is nation building, what the fuck are you talking about?

You prove once again one has to possess an IQ of under 80 to be conservative.


Well-Known Member
i've never seen a candidate quite like romney, i always thought he was a joke and still do. when this is the best the republicans can offer(holy hell did they have better candidates! even a better mormon candidate!) i am left with the 3rd parties and a current president who's a near clone to bush and might as well be a republican.
Oh'my, so, sad

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Oh'my, so, sad
it is, i think we would've been better off had Edwards or Clinton got the nomination. sucks that people can't have an affair in america and still run for office. even Kucinich would have been nice, he was my personal pick along with garry johnson and ron paul for republican party, but its more about selling an image to get the presidency.


Well-Known Member
it is, i think we would've been better off had Edwards or Clinton got the nomination. sucks that people can't have an affair in america and still run for office. even Kucinich would have been nice, he was my personal pick along with garry johnson and ron paul for republican party, but its more about selling an image to get the presidency.
I think Clinton would have done a better job.... Obama is way over his head.


Well-Known Member
MMJ crackdown unreal? What planet do you live on? We have over 400 dispensaries in Colorado and not one has ever been raided by the feds. Were you above the age of 10 when Bush was president? Did you pay attention to the raids then?

Incarceration is at an all time high thanks to republicans and their private prison buddies pushing them to pass stricter drug laws. The war on drugs was created by republicans and every republican since Nixon has increased money to the cause.

Yea, Biden is nation building, what the fuck are you talking about?

You prove once again one has to possess an IQ of under 80 to be conservative.

Gtfo, to even suggest things are better regarding MMJ as a whole is utter retardation, everything else you said isnt even worth addressing. I dont remember entire cities trying to get shut down before or increasing federal pressure/regulations/raids. I live in C.O. too dummy were talking broad spectrum here. No amount of insults will take away from your previous dismal failure, move along.


Active Member
its like kids sharing toys, republicans are the selfish kids that dont ever wanna share. But since were all grown now, there are shitloads of excuses to use to say why we shouldnt share, a republican can usually pull an excuse out the ass, but lately ive noticed the excuses are running out. So now they are just straight up lying, and hoping nobody will notice, well thats also obviously coming to an end as Romney slowly burns that light out..... so what next after Romney?

LOL, really think about it, the republican party has been dumbing down ever since George W Bush. To the point where the only ammo they use now is straight up lying, so im very interested to see whos next to represent them in the next race, from McCain and Sarah Palin, to Romney and Ryan (<----that guy is REALLY a joke), this shit is starting to be a circus

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member

Gtfo, to even suggest things are better regarding MMJ as a whole is utter retardation, everything else you said isnt even worth addressing. I dont remember entire cities trying to get shut down before or increasing federal pressure/regulations/raids. I live in C.O. too dummy were talking broad spectrum here. No amount of insults will take away from your previous dismal failure, move along.
can a president actually legalize cannabis? i don't believe it is within the presidents power to legalize drugs(i could be wrong), its a paradigm that he's been elected into. Romney on the other hand has a full on prohibition approach that hasn't worked for the last century.


Well-Known Member
can a president actually legalize cannabis? i don't believe it is within the presidents power to legalize drugs(i could be wrong), its a paradigm that he's been elected into. Romney on the other hand has a full on prohibition approach that hasn't worked for the last century.
Where did i say anything about his power to legalize it? This idiot was trying to argue the obama admin has been less tough on MMJ... which is just pure bullshit.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Where did i say anything about his power to legalize it? This idiot was trying to argue the obama admin has been less tough on MMJ... which is just pure bullshit.
i understand what you wrote, i agree. The only fix i see is legalization, its cheaper and more cost effective, gives law enforcement more time to do real work. if we had a system that treated drug dependence as medical or mental issue rather than criminal(unless they are criminals, resorted to crime such as theft and or violence) we would be much better off. there are a few candidates that take this position, most of them are libertarians, the only one i know in the dem's side that's spoken about this aloud was Congressman Kucinich.


Well-Known Member

Gtfo, to even suggest things are better regarding MMJ as a whole is utter retardation, everything else you said isnt even worth addressing. I dont remember entire cities trying to get shut down before or increasing federal pressure/regulations/raids. I live in C.O. too dummy were talking broad spectrum here. No amount of insults will take away from your previous dismal failure, move along.

You live in C.O. too? Where the hell did you learn to abbreviate it that way? Retard school? I bet you were one of those fucking nappy hair douches that hadn't had a bath in a month that used to bring your shitty moldy crap into my dispensary thinking it was the best in the state. You're obviously a low IQ kid that logic has purposely avoided, your ability to survive this long is a marvel of nature.


Well-Known Member
Once again you got destroyed on your argument so you resort to petty douchebaggery. Who's the kid in this situation really....
Even a dem agreed that you're pretty much retarded on your opinion of the crackdown that's currently happening.

Edit: while were throwing personal insults in here, I bet you own a shitty dispensary here in Colorado that tries to sell garbage ass hermied bullshit
for $250 an ounce, the reason I resorted to growing and havent turned back since. I've been happy at a dispensary twice in this state and I can tell from your attitude and general mental retardation that you own neither.


Well-Known Member
Once again you got destroyed on your argument so you resort to petty douchebaggery. Who's the kid in this situation really....
Even a dem agreed that you're pretty much retarded on your opinion of the crackdown that's currently happening.

Once you get past your reading comprehension issues you just might learn something from your betters.


Well-Known Member
Once you get past your reading comprehension issues you just might learn something from your betters.
I comprehended that everything you said was either false or garbage. You're even starting to sound like him, while mirroring his avoidance tactics, also cute. If you can't beat facts run from them or start insulting. You're just starting to be boring now, kiddo.


Well-Known Member
I comprehended that everything you said was either false or garbage. You're even starting to sound like him, while mirroring his avoidance tactics, also cute. If you can't beat facts run from them or start insulting. You're just starting to be boring now, kiddo.

Says the guy who was asking people for clones in another forum even though there are 208 dispensaries in the town he lives. Do you find it difficult to type with all those donut crumbs on your keyboard?


Well-Known Member
Says the guy who was asking people for clones in another forum even though there are 208 dispensaries in the town he lives. Do you find it difficult to type with all those donut crumbs on your keyboard?
Because everyone knows how awesome the 15 dollar cuts are from dispensaries riddled with mites and from stress hermie prone mothers. I was asking for a referal to find some trustworthy cuts of worthwhile strains not how to find them. Twat waffle. We're back to you failing at every argument.


Well-Known Member
Says the guy who was asking people for clones in another forum even though there are 208 dispensaries in the town he lives. Do you find it difficult to type with all those donut crumbs on your keyboard?
The guy who sees cops around every corner... LOL!!

You need to find a strain that makes you less paranoid. Seriously...


Well-Known Member
Ill actually have some of what he's smoking, must be good shit for him to be this far from reality.