1800W HEMPY SCROGs (Vertical/Horizontal) Simultaneously in High Definition! (video)


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lmao... did anyone notice the Duct Tape holding a snapped branch together in this video at 45 seconds? I snapped a main cola off and duct taped it back together about a week ago, still growing so I guess it healed. I actually did this on TWO plants because I am a little rough with them sometimes as it's hard to get around in here. I am totally going to re-arrange this room for next harvest and might not even have the vertical light again just do normal Scrogs on just about the entire area.


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The horizontal plant in the SCROG in back (my favorite plant!) has a TERRIBLE powdery mildew problem that I could never detect initially, I finally picked away some top level fan leaves as I suspected it and there were some completely white leaves under and some of the lower bud sites / leaf formations are almost solid white too with the stuff... hence it's a mix of trichs and PM but it's bad. I am bummed but I am holding onto hope that I can solve the issue and make it through the grow... if I have to h202 bath I don't think that's too horrible of a thing and I can use anything that got badly affected (plus washed at harvest) with my trimmings I suppose. But yeah I just sprayed about an entire quart of water / baking soda on the plant (from underneath, which was REALLY hard with all the plants in my way) and above... plus I individually moved every cola with my hands and sprayed under/between, all over as deep down as possible... all those little moldy budsites were soaked. I hope it works out... I noticed some baking soda residue on some plants (just fain white blotches that looked like splashes or something) but no burns or nothing negative (less PM actually) on all plants so I think it's ok because I soaked them too like crazy.

I just hope these buds are not 'garbage' now... but after seeing the H2o2 bath video I think I'm ok if I erradicate what's going on now then control it? I'll do whatever necessary minus a sulfur burner.


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I also just picked out a ton of leaves from there to get air flow and sprayed again (it was all died up already) I already think they look a lot cleaner and getting a bunch of the leaves out really opened it up. I just watched a video from Jorge Cervantes[FONT=arial, sans-serif] about leaving those leaves on (lol, irony) sorry gotta get rid of em though because this mildew is just silly nasty. None of the top buds or leaves are affected yet so I am hoping I am still in the clear here though.[/FONT]


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Thanks... I just had to clean my pump a good deal again, it clogs up and feeding slows way down... this may even improve things some. My horizontal SCROG plant looks so much better with a ton of leaves removed, I love that I can now EASILY see down into the growing medium from above, I couldn't see anything before. I feel way better about air flow and light penetration bringing down humidity in that area to hopefully reverse this nasty mildew problem. I doubt I can 'get rid of it' but maybe if I can pull it back enough that the affected branches/buds can be washed at harvest then I will be satisfied. I think all of the upper main colas will be fine though just straight up as I have the canopy under control... hence why I did not catch it until it was bad, I couldn't even see it because it was so dense up top.


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Damn near those entire buds on the SCROG look amber already... Hope that's ok... I should only be halfway done... maybe I did that w/ the sprayings for the mildew though who knows.

EDIT: Yeah, I think I did just burn the crap out of them is all... they're all brown but everything else looks great, I'm guessing new growth will take over and they'll kind of even out anyway. The plants seem pretty healthy, I don't see much signs of PM anymore but there's a lot of baking soda residue/dried up water spots... I also had my light way closer yesterday so maybe that was part of it too, I just adjusted it again so it's been backed off a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Sucks to hear about your problems with the horizontal scrog its so weird that you are having such a hard time with powdery mildew i really thought you had to have a humidity problem to have fungi issues, hope its salvageable man.


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Well Folks, Unhappy to say that... We've Got a Hermie.

In a slightly relieving sense, it was one of the two Bagseed plants... I need to check out the other plants thoroughly, not sure how I missed this and I hope it did not pollinate my entire crop or anything because then I'd I'd be pretty upset. This was one of my plants closest to a fan but I'll just hope it's ok. I am going to inspect the others soon, this one is now sitting in my cold garage and I am not sure what to do with it. This thing is way too early along to make hash out of, right?

Can I put it on the other side of my basement isolated and not worry about pollinating the other plants? I'd like to finish it out and not just destroy it but I don't have any good place for it or much lighting, it would have to finish off on a bunch of 48" T-8's or something. I just want to get it matured so I can at least use it for hash or something unless picking the nanners is going to result in some usable smoke. It's a decent size little runt (lol) so it would kind of suck to just eradicate it.



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I also wish I had more experience with PM too... because I am having a difficult time differenciating between PM and Trichs... as funny as they sounds, I have some of my budsites on the bigger plants have heavy white fuzziness on some of the leaves coming out of the buds themselves. I know what trichs look like but some of these patches are VERY dense, almost a thick white yet when I finally get the leaves off and smell it or look really close it almost looks like the trichs are that heavy (abnormally heavy compared to other plants in here) so I am worried that I am picking off good stuff but at the same time if I leave it I worry that I am not.

These leaves I have been mentioning do smell really dank and sweet when I smell them but I am sure that's just because they came off a budsite... it's definitely not a foul or offputting smell so I wonder if they are just trichs way denser than I expected. Sprayed em with some h202 anyway just to see if anything changes w/ them.


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Oh yeah... I did get Dutch Masters Saturator today, already had Reverse... I actually had these come without even knowing I had a hermie, I guess this is a beautiful opportunity to test the stuff out although probably a bit late. I will use it if I see any signs of issues in my actual grow room too, almost think I should spray everything in there as a precaution but that seems sketchy.

Picking these things off is a chore, this plant is so bushy they're everywhere and some of the budsites are so tight I cant get in there to pick them off anyway. I hope Reverse kills the pre-existing ones but I'm guessing I need to spray and remove them both. Gotta find some tweezers, I can see this initial banana hunt being a good hour process... Hopefully the plant survives in the cold for a few hours because I am not going to worry about it right now.

EDIT: actually shipment was damaged... so I am again waiting on the penetrator, I will maybe try a dish soap solution for now and then re-apply when I get the real stuff. I hear I can make my own 'penetrator' that might work ok.


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Nanners... here's about half the nanners I pulled from this plant, this is one of my smaller plants too... glad none of the others are doing this. I did spray the other bagseed plant with a very light dusting of DM reverse though just as precaution as I had some mixed up which I did not want to waste. I hit the other plant twice, before and after plucking. If I overdo it and kill it, so be it... I'd rather be safe than sorry. It looks fine though I swear even some of the nanners a couple hours later looked like they were turning brown or drying up.

I know I did not get them all, that's impossible I got sick of it... but I am going to check in several days to see if new ones are coming or if it seems to have stopped... It's going back into the room with everything else but not to be touching anything else and I won't have a fan hitting it directly or very forcefully. Was going to segregate it but I don't see how I can and keep it growing properly so I'll see how this goes. I think since I plucked and hit it with reverse I should be ok at least for a few days if I keep a close eye on it and remove it if anything seems to get worse.

It's a ton of nanners but this plant had a ton of colas/branches... I think that has a lot to do with it, tons and tons of bud sites... I am hoping the DM reverse and nanner hunter might stop new ones so I can see what this thing ends up being. It smells great, no clue what it is... just had speculations based on seeds I pulled in the past.



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I choose not to put this plant back in general population... it's still in solitary at the moment, I ended up just cutting my entire basement down to 12/12 for the time being... I am thinking just a few days to assure that no new pollen sacs emerge and if that holds true it will go back in with the others. I figure a few days of 12/12 probably won't get my veg plants into flower and when I switch back it should be just fine... if not I'll just throw them in the flower room too (it's just 2x AK47 and a Querkle/Trainwreck) was hoping they'd be mothers and I'd take clones a little bit down the road but whatever works.


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A few 'positive' thing so far today, in my opinion anyway...

1) No signs of new Nanner growth on the Hermie plant, I guess I wouldn't really expect this overnight anyway though.
2) Upon close inspection, I don't see any signs of hermies or seed growth (that I am aware of) on any other plants... maybe I dodged a bullet here.
3) I seem to be seeing some fresh new growth starting to replace all of the burnt hairs on my plants (I burned them relatively bad w/ the baking soda mix) but now am starting to see some fresh white/green growth emerging from below and even fading away some of the already burnt tips. This looks to be a great thing to me as I was worried a little bit.
4) Minimal amounts of PM compared to earlier, still some of the popcorny stuff is really dense and has some PM but I keep spraying it.

Overall nothing is really jumping out as too bad right now... the hermie is still in a different location under a dual tube fluoro... craving some light I'm thinking.


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion here doc but i would terminate the hermi yes you will lose some weight and maybe some good smoke but its worth it IMO, you are never going to be able to rid the plant of all of its male parts and i am sure just a few of those exploding is probably enough to pollinate a large amount of your bud sites, even if you have isolated the plant i bet you still would not be able to completely stop the pollen unless you have hepa filters on all of your intakes. Also does any one know how long pollen is viable for, you could wind up pollinating your crops for a few cycles if you allow it to go off in your grow room and the pollen stays viable for a while...

Sorry to hear about the hermi man hope it all works out for you.


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion here doc but i would terminate the hermi yes you will lose some weight and maybe some good smoke but its worth it IMO, you are never going to be able to rid the plant of all of its male parts and i am sure just a few of those exploding is probably enough to pollinate a large amount of your bud sites, even if you have isolated the plant i bet you still would not be able to completely stop the pollen unless you have hepa filters on all of your intakes. Also does any one know how long pollen is viable for, you could wind up pollinating your crops for a few cycles if you allow it to go off in your grow room and the pollen stays viable for a while...

Sorry to hear about the hermi man hope it all works out for you.
Yeah I agree with you, I am still on the fence with keeping it... I have Dutch Masters Reverse though, which I am giving a shot to see if I can get the results some people have had with it. In theory it should stop the bananas from even continuing to grow from this point and that's really the main reason I haven't gotten rid of the plant yet as I am curious to see if it will work or not. I do need to be cautious though, if I see any more starting to grow in I will just get it out of here completely and be done with it. Some people have said this stuff works amazingly well at stopping a Hermie and I'm definitely curious.

It seems that almost everyone who has not had it work for them did not use it in conjunction with Saturator/Penetrator or a comparable method yet those who have seemed to report good results. It would definitely suck if it pollinated my crop though for sure! Hell I just threw a bunch of the pollen sacs in my bucket of trim and stuff too which is in the basement, I might just bring that whole bucket up and burn it or something to get rid of that too.

But yeah, if no results come from the Reverse I will totally get rid of this thing.


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I haven't completely made up my mind yet... but so far, I am on the verge of calling this stuff amazing (when used in conjunction with soap/saturator anyway) I have just been using a drop or two of dish soap to serve that purpose but It's been 5 full days since I sprayed reverse and plucked TONS of bananas off the plant... I really haven't seen any new ones grow back yet. In 5 days I should have had some grow back, right?

The plant is NOT in the flower room it's around a few 48" T8's and they're Daylight 6500K to boot but it's still light and I would have thought it would at a minimum be sufficient to grow some new pollen sacs... I am probably going to wait yet another day and check again but if I don't start seeing new pollen sacs I may put this back in the flower room and check it closely every day. I am giving Dutch Masters Reverse a solid A rating so far. I can't imagine 5 days is not enough time to grow new pollen sacs, even under weak lighting. My plant is definitely not growing very fast without the HIDs around it though... Hopefully I can re-introduce them to one another, even if I just put it back in for the final 2 weeks of flowering or something.

Thoughts? Should I have had new ones in this time?

I think so...


Well-Known Member
It seems like you should have had a decent bit of growth in 5 days but i cant speak on it from experience, i must say when i heard you talking about those 2 chemicals i was quite skeptical it seemed pretty crazy to me to believe that they could possibly stop the growth of the hermaphroditic flowers and yet allow the original female flowers to continue growing just fine, but hey i crazier things have happened i guess, congratulations doc it sounds like you have successfully chemically castrated that bitch.


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Well, I did speak too soon... I found 'a few' clusters but nothing like before... they were very hidden, who knows could have even been missed but still it's a lot less than I thought. I guess it's not working 100% but I can definitely tell it does something because they were on just about every budsite the first time and I have TONS of budsites on this plant. I guess I'll keep it on quarantine indefinitely and let it finish out w/ the fluros just for kicks... I could move one of my HIDs in here but nah.