1800W HEMPY SCROGs (Vertical/Horizontal) Simultaneously in High Definition! (video)


Well-Known Member
Day 46 / 21 Flower

Some of them are a little stressed from underwatering but that's about it I think... a few plants are weak by comparison to others.



Well-Known Member
Finally picked up some perlite again so I can save these clones, they air pruned themselves and are starting to get a little brown on the tips so I am going to trim them and transplant them, hit em with some rapid start and a little superthrive (plus my nutes) and I think we'll be off to the races hopefully. They look healthy but the roots look kinda bleh.


Well-Known Member
These damn things look fatter every day, it's crazy... I mean they're still super premature young buds but damn, when I can easily see a difference each day I go in there that's just awesome to me. Starting to get some slight hints of coloration to them too rather than just looking like spaghetti-koosh-balls... I was worried about some of my main colas filling in tight into large single colas but I'm not even 30 days in and the plant in the back looks like the various budsites could be touching one another within days at the rate they're going. I am probably going to have my mind blown when I come back after 4 days next week... Assuming everything operates like clockwork in there. Excited for sure, I can't wait to see what type of yield this setup will pull too.


Well-Known Member
I just decided to make do with what I have available to me and do the Milk spraying for PM, seems so odd but I did it... and it's been an hour or so, just about all dried up and everything looks normal... about 30 minutes after I hit them again with the H202 spray though because I didn't like that diluted milky looking liquid on there just seemed like it would dry up nasty. I hear this is usually good for several days of maintenance on mildew and I need a few days where I can't spray. Hopefully all goes well, I trust it though as I have never read anything very negative about it but plenty of positives.

I am also worried I should probably run something through the root system to make sure that's all good too at least when I get back, I am starting to develop paranoia thinking I might end up with the huge problems towards the end and ruin everything when I have gotten this far. I don't have time to deal with it for about a week though so hopefully this is good for the time being.


Well-Known Member
hwats up dr. gribble , if ya got pm problems i reccomend a 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water mixture , dose the whole plant in it and the baking soda changes the PH so much that the mold cant grow and dies :Dits a nice little trick man


Well-Known Member
hwats up dr. gribble , if ya got pm problems i reccomend a 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water mixture , dose the whole plant in it and the baking soda changes the PH so much that the mold cant grow and dies :Dits a nice little trick man
Thank you! I have read about baking soda too and wanted to try it as well (I'll try everything I see with positive feedback) but embarrassingly enough to say, there's no Baking Soda in my house! I actually used it all for cleaning purposes a few months ago and never bought any more. Whoops!


Well-Known Member
Just got home... saw them for the first time in a few days, they seem to have survived although some of the leaves are a bit discolored and crispy/dry... I don't think it's nute burn because I am only around 1000ppm... maybe it's heat stress I dunno... I opened it up and it was 86 degrees which is abnormal (I am running Protekt as a little help in that department) but it's never 86 usually around 82-84 tops... I'll get pics/vids tomorrow for a good update since it's been about 7 days... definitely a noticeable difference in chunkiness though.

I suppose I could be under-feeding them even...


Well-Known Member
aww, sorry to hear that man, maybe maybe your PH was off while you were out, cant wait for the update...
I don't think I have any serious reasons to worry about anything, I bet once I get back to my daily routine of being in there (plus having the door open during light cycle, which I almost always do for temps) plus get it all dialed back in they'll be fine... I bet they might actually need more nutes, I'll check ph/ppm when I get down there at lights on again and snap some pics, maybe video or something. My HD camera is probably best to show the closeups of everything as my other camera has no zoom lens. I'm going to give them a good check for mildew again since it's been a few days between sprayings. I am pretty sure I'll just give them a H2o2 bath at harvest if needed -- looks scary but I don't think it is.


Well-Known Member
Day 53 / 28 Flower

A little past the middle you can see the closeups of the plant with the most damaged looking leaves, I just fed them really nice today though as I had my timer set to feed them very sparingly when I was away... ended up not even using 1/2 of my nute solution which I thought I'd use a lot more of... so now I think they'll be happier by tomorrow probably but who knows. I also need to get something for my roots too... PM can cause some root damage right? Maybe that's why some look sort of crappy... there's one plant that drains WAY faster than the others (runt in front of SCROG) so when I water that one overflows the drain pan before some others can even begin to drain... very annoying.



Well-Known Member
I found some Baking Soda I had in my fridge this whole time hidden behind some stuff.... awesome, I mixed that up in water and sprayed them down heavily a few hours ago... they were dry before lights went out, also spread em out a bit more and got my humidity back down to low 30's... I might even go lower for a few days to see if that helps more as well. I do think some of the more heavily affected plants are a bit 'runt-like' compared to others so I doubt they'll ever be even close to as large as they could have been but the ones toward the back are still looking decent to me.


Well-Known Member
Also a relatively decent amount of my 'hairs' have already turned amber/brown (majority of lower budsites) but also in random places just about on any plant... the majority are still white but this is awfully early I imagine and I wonder if that's another issue altogether. It could have been from heat or something else possibly since it was warmer than usual when I was gone but I dunno... maybe it's normal. I am roughly 30 days into 12/12... the lower popcorn nugs I never plucked... some of them almost have a mature look to them in coloration.

I am going to rigorously check for any signs of a hermie though too... I'd be pissed at myself if I missed one and let it polinate something.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have some helping hands to trim all of that. Nice video.
Nah, it's gonna be all me lol... well unless my other half wants to help, she might... but she's not even a smoker in the first place so I wouldn't probably even ask.


Well-Known Member
I could just be overly paranoid too... since this is my first 'real attempt' at a grow.

I did just chop off a 12" branch from a lower area with 4 budsites on it to get a closer look and bring it in here to snap some pics, camera isn't behaving so I am thinking it was all done for nothing but it's funny this entire plant it came off of is relatively brown haired already but I see no signs of male flowers or anything in the entire room... so.... maybe it was heat stress or the strain, I guess I'll know more in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
She used to enjoy smoking quite a bit, kind of a hippy chick when she was younger but ever since she had children she really hasn't smoked anymore... It's all good though, she loves it when I do. lol


Well-Known Member
Isn't the stress of having kids more of a reason to smoke lol? As far as those prematurely colored pistils go i was reading a thread not long ago and the people who were in it were talking about having certain plants that were always getting color before others and the consensus that they came to was that the plants closest to the fresh air intakes always did that.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the stress of having kids more of a reason to smoke lol? As far as those prematurely colored pistils go i was reading a thread not long ago and the people who were in it were talking about having certain plants that were always getting color before others and the consensus that they came to was that the plants closest to the fresh air intakes always did that.
Yeah, I think I might be just fine... it seems that all the plants with the most color like that are all the same strain... and one that is not is pretty close to the door. I do think a lot of these are behind where they should be at around day 30 though.. kind of runt like.