My bud's potency just isn't there


Well-Known Member
yup, Ive grown good seeds that turned out so so and also have grown bagseed that turned out way above average.
Keep my "shitty bagweed" comment in mind. Having grown up in the desert SW hard on the Mexican border I was smoking sativa in 1963. Seedy shit but kick you on your ass. The really cruddy stuff got wholesaled and shipped north where we knew the Yankees would buy it for $5 a matchbox. But I have guerrilla grown some 1 hitter quitter from seed right out of the bag. A bag of good stuff. I've also planted some that were cow feed as far as I'm concerned.
yup, Ive grown good seeds that turned out so so and also have grown bagseed that turned out way above average.
Bagseed doesn't always mean poor genetics. Look at the Chemdawg lineage and how it is claimed to have started. I haven't grown bag seed in 10 years, but have had good and bad success when I did. One can't always assume that because a seed was found in a bag of herb that it def carries a herm trait and will be of a less quality. Plenty of crown jewells apear late late in flowering and are truly desired by some growers...



Well-Known Member
Bagseed doesn't always mean poor genetics. Look at the Chemdawg lineage and how it is claimed to have started. I haven't grown bag seed in 10 years, but have had good and bad success when I did. One can't always assume that because a seed was found in a bag of herb that it def carries a herm trait and will be of a less quality. Plenty of crown jewells apear late late in flowering and are truly desired by some growers...

I'm agreeing in the majority with you.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I don't know if I would do that man...

On this subject and point I do. In fact, I planted 2 bagseeds waiting for good weather this Spring before taking it outside. Never happened. No summer in AK this year so it stayed indoors. I did those 2 in case a late freeze hit my "good" seedlings would not be killed off. Damn. Both were indica dominant, heavy budders both and forgiving as hell. Excellent bud and I'm sad I'm opening the last jar already.


Well-Known Member
I was warned today by potroast about canceling my account if ididnt stop talking shit...heads up guys! be careful what you say! This is not a free speech forum! Just trying to help you solve your shit in an objective manner....but I do think its hilarious and very cracks me up!
The little Cunt (using a capital "C" now so it matches Colton - a faggot name if ever there was one) now dislikes veterans. Ones who fought so his cunt ass could sit in his mom's basement and live life vicariously. Figures.

Mods - help me find the control to ignore this little slut.
Yes, I do dislike anyone that was ever in the military, for any country. I don't give a flying fuck if I were in a damn communist country and people were forced into military, I'd hate them anyways. But for you to think you're special, or that marines are special, you'd have to be special. We all know that the air force has the kill count, and for you to take that credit from them as if you do ANYTHING AT ALL. I MEAN ANYTHING! Other than just sit at base, waterboard innocent people, rape women, and a bunch of other gay shit with prisoners, maybe I'd respect you. But that name means nothing to me since all I see are military personel acting high and mighty for going into a proffession that ANYONE CAN GO INTO. I mean jesus, if it were a sought after position, and it was actually good, there would be fucking guidelines and an actual process to get into it. Not, oh you're almost retarded? Join the military! wooohoooo. So yeah, you are worthless, and the military uses the worthless people to benifit themselves. So right now, based on the government, i'm talking to nobody right now.


Well-Known Member
capt. stickyfingers and west coast cultivation, both of you did a good job explaining stuff. I'm going to go with liquid nutrients next time for 2 plants and i'm going to mix super soil for one plant, but i'm making one for veg and one for flowering. My plants were all 5 to 7 ft including the bucket. I definately agree about keeping the plants shorter. I grew 2 plants only last time with alot better results. Out of all my 6 grows, I only had one potent plant. What about that calcium charge you talked about west coast? I added lime a good deal throughout the grow. I found g13 labs seeds to be shit unless it's that i'm not good enough at growing yet. The reserva privada i have good luck with every time for the most part. Then i have the problem at the end my bud smells like good bud when i cut the plant. Then it gets a plant smell after it dries alittle bit. I am also going to shrink my grow area to. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
capt. stickyfingers and west coast cultivation, both of you did a good job explaining stuff. I'm going to go with liquid nutrients next time for 2 plants and i'm going to mix super soil for one plant, but i'm making one for veg and one for flowering. My plants were all 5 to 7 ft including the bucket. I definately agree about keeping the plants shorter. I grew 2 plants only last time with alot better results. Out of all my 6 grows, I only had one potent plant. What about that calcium charge you talked about west coast? I added lime a good deal throughout the grow. I found g13 labs seeds to be shit unless it's that i'm not good enough at growing yet. The reserva privada i have good luck with every time for the most part. Then i have the problem at the end my bud smells like good bud when i cut the plant. Then it gets a plant smell after it dries alittle bit. I am also going to shrink my grow area to. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.

Honestly there could be a ton of factors. I would double check most of the things you're doing, like watering properly, and whatnot. When I make mistakes, it's usually the most simple shit cause I'm always worried about the complicated problems


Well-Known Member
After sorting through all the bullshit on this forum i read everything. No more bs on this forum please. My supersoil causes my plants to get copperish spots that get bad on the whole plant by harvest.


Active Member
I feel like OP cut too early. I am under the impression that trichomes were forming throughout those nine weeks, but developing very slowly. I recently chopped a plant after 16 weeks of flowering even though the buds looked frosty and beautiful after the 9th week. I say a good way to identify harvest time for somebody not wanting to purchase a scope would be to wait until all pistils turn amber, and then give it another 3-4 days. As always though, marijuana cultivation is very subjective- many different growers have many different techniques. God speed and happy growing, brother.