Badass Movie Scenes!

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One of my all time favorites, from an outstanding movie


I tear up every single time I see this scene, unbelievable!
Hands down the best movie I've seen this year;



Unbelievable acting all around, Tom Hardy is the most badass character I've ever seen while his counterpart, Guy Pearce us an absolute psychopath!

Not sure if it's still in theaters, but fuck, if it is, you've got Pad's seal of approval, you will not be disappointed!
Not badass but a funny ass Bill Paxton as Chet.
Not a movie, but from the AMC series "Breaking Bad".
When Walter runs over the 2 drug dealers when Jesse is about to go shoot em up...

EDIT: Couldn't find the original on youtube...
If ur gonna post anything from Reservoir Dogs besides the Ear scene u have to post the Kamode(spelled wrong) story Scene.
Fuck embedding;


Best. Scene. Ever.
