Hangover cures?


Well-Known Member
ask my ol lady, she got that shit down, that IS her substance of abuse but then she remains productive on it and without it ( for at least 12 hours).


Well-Known Member
One of the main reasons you get a hangover is because alcohol dehydrates you. If you drink enough water In between drinks,mor before going to bed the hangover won't be nearly as bad.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they've both been said but drinking water in between drinks will help with hangover also drinking a beer or w/e alcohol once ur hungover is an easy cure. I thought I had heard sumptin bout a shot of vitamin B6 or one of those B vitamins helping with a hangover but idk where the fuck ur supposed to get it. Also Gatorade or sumptin like that will help with the headache.


Well-Known Member
Im Scottish....hangovers are frequent.lol

There is different degrees of hangover. Some can be cured with simple painkillers, some require greasy food ie McDonalds, some require Barocca and sleep, some require more booze and sleep.

But there is nothing worse than a cheap wine hangover. Oh god.....theres no hope.lol


Well-Known Member
Ohh boy that box wine will get ya every time. Hey try some Cisco that's some good stuff man, if u want ulcers that is.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty easily swayed when it comes to getting plastered. I blame peer pressure.lol

A friend made up some electric soup which consisted of cheap as fuck red wine and cider(never seen an apple, chemicals and water) It tasted really good, suprisingly good but holly fuck. Phone off and fuck the world with this 3 day hangover. Character building though