There is No saving P Ryan

She's a murderer. I have no problem with her going on assistance. If the shit really hits the fan, we can stop spending $700 billion on blowing up children and feed them instead.
WTF you don't know what side you want to be on...First you mad at people who get food stamps because you can't receive them...then you say you have no problem with them.

Dude you change sides more then a women changes clothes
WTF you don't know what side you want to be on...First you mad at people who get food stamps because you can't receive them...then you say you have no problem with them.

Dude you change sides more then a women changes clothes

he changes sides more often then ann romney changes $1000.00 shirts.
By definition of law she is not a murderer. Nonetheless she ordered three innocent lives to be destroyed.

If welfare wasn't so "comfortable" and killing innocent lives, born or unborn, was illegal, many less people like your friend would make babies they couldnt take care of because they wouldn't have anything to gain from it.

The damage to society goes untold, for those unwanted, hated, babies that are forced to live and grow up in a mental and/or physical hell.
The damage to society goes untold, for those unwanted, hated, babies that are forced to live and grow up in a mental and/or physical hell.

Then I wouldn't be here. I killed my parents time to get high and have fun. I was eventually dropped off at my grandparents and they were given custody. Yeah, I should've just been aborted! Stupid religious douches couldn't because of god. Imagine, if they had, I'd not have to see your bullshit on this site.
Then I wouldn't be here. I killed my parents time to get high and have fun. I was eventually dropped off at my grandparents and they were given custody. Yeah, I should've just been aborted! Stupid religious douches couldn't because of god. Imagine, if they had, I'd not have to see your bullshit on this site.
I'm happy you are here and that you have loving Grandparents.
Thing is it's a religious issue, as you state.
Rules of religion are in-forced by the church. As it should be. What's next?? Cant eat beef??? No pork??
I'm happy you are here and that you have loving Grandparents.
Thing is it's a religious issue, as you state.
Rules of religion are in-forced by the church. As it should be. What's next?? Cant eat beef??? No pork??

Canna Sylvan is perhaps Politics' most visible vegan. cn
I'm happy you are here and that you have loving Grandparents.
Thing is it's a religious issue, as you state.
Rules of religion are in-forced by the church. As it should be. What's next?? Cant eat beef??? No pork??

You had no idea I'm an atheist (secular humanist pro-life) and a vegan. :) So umm yeah. Hehe.

Hey and thanks. Even though that shit done by my parents caused my bipolar, I'd not have me, my grandparents,my wife nor my kids.
Damn, you beat me to it. :cuss:

It's the meat. It makes me swift. cn

You had no idea I'm an atheist (secular humanist pro-life) and a vegan. :) So umm yeah. Hehe.

Hey and thanks. Even though that shit done by my parents caused my bipolar, I'd not have me, my grandparents,my wife nor my kids.

LOL No I didn't
But damn, what are the chances??:wall:
do you buy special soap to wash you hands with and never wash your hands in public ????

How did you know I have special soap to wash my hands?

J.R. Watkins Hand Soap Savon.


I try not to touch things in public. Unless I get my hands really dirty, take a restroom break, etc, then I do what I must to keep clean. I also take along a waterless hand sanitizer. Unless I touch feces direct, which it doesn't kill, in that case I use normal soap.
How did you know I have special soap to wash my hands?

J.R. Watkins Hand Soap Savon.


I try not to touch things in public. Unless I get my hands really dirty, take a restroom break, etc, then I do what I must to keep clean. I also take along a waterless hand sanitizer. Unless I touch feces direct, which it doesn't kill, in that case I use normal soap.
Glad to see you still wash your hands. Would hate to see you not want to use soap and pass your ( and others ) booboo around that transfers to you anytime you enter and leave a public bathroom :spew:
I wish there were a third choice in the upcoming election. Someone with principles that match my own. Someone with integrity. Someone who knows that spending other people's money is not "charity". Someone who believes in fundamental principles of freedom.

Wait! That sounds like Gary Johnson.
I wish there were a third choice in the upcoming election. Someone with principles that match my own. Someone with integrity. Someone who knows that spending other people's money is not "charity". Someone who believes in fundamental principles of freedom.

Wait! That sounds like Gary Johnson.
at least
With Gary Johnson you dont have to rationalize voting for a racist, whack job
Like you would with Ron Paul