i'm trying to decide if you are retarded or 15 years old.
I guess we have to use *short bus* speech here for the retarded...
My taxes have not gone up yet because I havent paid any income taxes. You might be shocked but it costs money to start a business. Those expenses are deductible from the income before paying taxes, unlike your treadmill job.
Over the last 6 months my business has exploded. I am bringing in much more than 4K per month. ER: clearing 50K income per year. That is referring to business income, not personal income. Just because I now am making over 50K per year does not mean that I magically have 50K.
I can understand why you hate the rich so much. You seem to think they just magically get money deposited in their accounts by the banking fairy...
So, my taxes have not gone up since I havent paid taxes (YET). You are missing the point completely and trying to cling to an irrelevant part of the argument that you think you can win.
The government (not obama, not the dem's but the entire government) is spending like drunken sailors. We are headed for a credit and currency crash. Why the hell would I want to spend the next 20 years building up a fortune only to see it confiscated or destroyed by idiotic fiscal policy??
I have given you my personal opinion and the actions I have taken based upon the government and Obama's policies. They are not debatable as they are my experiences, opinions and actions and as such are not going to be re-written by you no matter how much you try to twist the truth. There are trillions of dollars in private business capital sitting on the sidelines because the goverment is so disfunctional that in late August of 2012, businesses and citizens do not know the tax rate they will be paying in less than 4 months. The fucking senate has not passed a budget in 3 years. The government is spending 40% more than it is taking in and there is no serious discussion of stopping that anytime soon.
But somehow, repeatedly you assert that Obama is doing just fine, he has no control over the unemployment rate, gas prices, or anything else that is going wrong. Government legislation, tax policy and inaction on fiscal stability are causing the slowest recovery in history. But hey, Romney wont disclose his tax returns so he is the anti-christ...
Some days I dont know why I bother...