Spiritual Emergency--anyone out there survive this?


Active Member
If you have experienced this, what happened and how did you get through it? For those that haven't heard of this term before....this goes FAR beyond a little crisis in faith......it fucks up your entire life and some people kill themselves or end up in a psych ward. It's nothing to fuck around with.
It sounds urgent. Helpful details? Who are you worried about?

I really think there is no such thing. But, there is evidence that broken heart is very real. It can be dangerous. Also, there is brain imaging data that shows wittnessing pain is actually experiencing that pain. Same brain patterns when you get your knuckles whacked, as watching someone get whacked. OUCH!

Also, some can be so empathetic that this can form into PTSD. Also, very real. Then clinical changes in the brain chemistry, depression, schizoid behaviors. And then brain tumors.

I just read that the Texas A & M, clock tower sniper, back in the 1960? He had a brain tumor the size of a walnut. Weird thing was no one would have know except he begged for autopsy in his suicide note.

No. Not Spiritual, but perhaps an actual emergency.
The fuck is a spiritual emergency?

The most basic answer I can give is this. Your sense of "who" you are and "how" you function in this world is maintained psychologically by your ego (not the ego as in "I'm so awesome", but this ego is the name for a psychological part of your conscious). All of us progress/grow spiritually as we develop as humans...that is called spiritual emergence and is normal and experienced as normal. Spiritual Emergency happens when the pace of spiritual growth happens too quickly and the person was not prepared to take in the information they're receiving. What happens is the ego (or sense of who you understand yourself to be in this world) starts to rapidly disintegrate and the person is left feeling like "Oh Shit! What's the purpose of "ME"?) but on a deeper level than just questioning. Basically a person's understanding of who they are, how they operate in this world, and understanding why this is, comes into question. EVERYTHING comes into question and it leaves the person totally ungrounded and feeling as if there's no point to their existence. Some experience euphoric things...some experience what is called a Dark Night of the Soul where the existence of anything Godly/spiritual is called into question. It's a traumatic experience and people are often "stuck" for months and years after this...not functioning very well. It's a total mind fuck. I read this experience has the potential for transformational growth as what is happening in those months/years after the experience is the ego is being rebuilt and you emerge on the other side as a more "true" version of yourself that is able to operate in this world at a conscious-expanding level, but the problem is there's no road map and very little help out there for learning how to navigate such an experience.

With that said....anyone go through this and how did you survive it?
The most basic answer I can give is this. Your sense of "who" you are and "how" you function in this world is maintained psychologically by your ego (not the ego as in "I'm so awesome", but this ego is the name for a psychological part of your conscious). All of us progress/grow spiritually as we develop as humans...that is called spiritual emergence and is normal and experienced as normal. Spiritual Emergency happens when the pace of spiritual growth happens too quickly and the person was not prepared to take in the information they're receiving. What happens is the ego (or sense of who you understand yourself to be in this world) starts to rapidly disintegrate and the person is left feeling like "Oh Shit! What's the purpose of "ME"?) but on a deeper level than just questioning. Basically a person's understanding of who they are, how they operate in this world, and understanding why this is, comes into question. EVERYTHING comes into question and it leaves the person totally ungrounded and feeling as if there's no point to their existence. Some experience euphoric things...some experience what is called a Dark Night of the Soul where the existence of anything Godly/spiritual is called into question. It's a traumatic experience and people are often "stuck" for months and years after this...not functioning very well. It's a total mind fuck. I read this experience has the potential for transformational growth as what is happening in those months/years after the experience is the ego is being rebuilt and you emerge on the other side as a more "true" version of yourself that is able to operate in this world at a conscious-expanding level, but the problem is there's no road map and very little help out there for learning how to navigate such an experience.

With that said....anyone go through this and how did you survive it?

OH!!! I get ya. It is not a bad thing. When your illusion crashes, that's good. The key is that there is no meaning to life. There is no purpose. That's good.

The question itself, is the emergency, right? The answer is very simple. When we start to realize our childhood illusions will not provide meaning, we freak out. But, we only freak to try to find meaning to replace the child dreams.

Adults don't need meaning. We provide meaning and help to children and the lost, emotionally. But, humans shape this world to our own meaning.

It's the absurdity of religion that insists our life contain vast answers to Why. Totally un-necessary to ask Why in this way. There is no answer. So, not a question.
Realizing that purpose is optional is key to moving on peacefuly from such a seperation of self.Accepting absurdity for what it is because you cant change it, trying to change absurdity is a futile effort,IMO.You can choose your meaning in life if u want,but realize that you must help yourself out of preconceited notions of inherent meaning first before you have a foundation of illusory meaning or growth defeating beliefs.
I suppose what I'm really wanting to know is how does one even care about staying "checked in" once the veil has been pulled back and you realize nothing really matters......as in nothing. Who you thought you were was only dependent upon systems created by other people who are oblivious and dependent upon that fabricated system themselves. So I ask then...what is "real?" What REALLY matters? They say once you see these things in life, you can't go back to what once was...but the problem is you're stuck in limbo for an undefined amount of time as if floating in a void. So what could possibly be next? McDonalds, delivering pizza? It's not a death wish by any means, but I could quite honestly say I don't care if I live or die...as I don't see "the point" anymore.
When we can't care, we have clinical depression. We need help. We are headed for self harm. I have been taken, induced, into the halls of pointless. Very serious stuff. You sound like you are one a slippery slope where your survival mechanism has been compromised. A chemical imbalance?

If we can't see the innate reason, the joy of existence, then we are in trouble. That is because in that state we can be driven to destructive behaviors as we chase to FIND the point. All you have to do is relax to MAKE the point of your existence. You are the point, you are the reason, don't you see that now? The point is not "there" it is "here", Now.

I'd say see a Doctor about it if you start to ideate about suicide. It's subtle monster that will win. Also get a giant amount of exercise. If it is a job that is a problem to find, volunteer your time. Other with connections will see your value.

Like I tell my friends when we are sailing, because there is nothing to do, there is everything. Stare at horizon or help me fix the head, how about? :)

Don't worry be happy that there is no point. We add the meaning. Get started in the Now, where the point is.
I suppose what I'm really wanting to know is how does one even care about staying "checked in" once the veil has been pulled back and you realize nothing really matters......as in nothing. Who you thought you were was only dependent upon systems created by other people who are oblivious and dependent upon that fabricated system themselves. So I ask then...what is "real?" What REALLY matters? They say once you see these things in life, you can't go back to what once was...but the problem is you're stuck in limbo for an undefined amount of time as if floating in a void. So what could possibly be next? McDonalds, delivering pizza? It's not a death wish by any means, but I could quite honestly say I don't care if I live or die...as I don't see "the point" anymore.

Happiness and fulfillment is the point, it's always been the point. The system that is laid out there is bullshit, I don't see many happy people trapped inside of it. Loving your family and friends and spending a lot of quality time with them is key. Doing activities for which you have passion, good food, great sex, great weed, all of these things are the point. I bet there were plenty of things that you wanted to do before you defaulted into corporate America, rediscover what those things are and pursue them. Fuck McDonalds and delivering pizza, get a great grow going to pay the bills and provide high quality medicine to individuals in need. This site will teach you all you need to know, it's been invaluable for me. Once you don't have to worry about survival, your life will likely take on greater meaning and purpose than you experienced before. Good luck, Zat...
well zat,thats the tough part to get past,Nothing stays the same ever,why should a persons outlook on life be the same?Its about attitude man.You want to find peace within?Or be consumed by listlessness?Ponder those questions to your very center of being,because there is nothing anyone can tell you that will bring about the acceptance of no meaning.It will be up to you how you come to terms with it and move on,in the end none of this will matter IMO,but the present is different,as you can have meaning in what you make it to be.
It sounds like you're on your way to real enlightenment.

One of the first steps on my own path was realizing some of the same things you mentioned.

When searching for answers, something that provided comfort where there was literally nothing else was discovering science.
Your having what we experts call "a mid-life crisis", here are some remedies.
1.buy a sports car you'll never drive
2. Marry a women 20 years your junior
3. Make a life changing decision in a split second, like joining the peace corp
4. Freak out and change your haircut, eyebrows and identity overnight and move to Nashville
5. Or take a second and relax. This isn't a real emergency, it's not like you've been killing hookers, or whoring yourself out. Whenever I feel anxious I get my pipe out and take hit. I'm sure your confused but hold onto something and you'll get threw. If your religious go to church,whatever helps you. Be more specific about ur emergency
zat that is actually the best thing that could happen to you. Your world is falling apart, do not worry it was all an illusion anyways. This state may seem horrible and depressing right now but just observe it, stay with it. dont try to fix it. That void you are felling right now will be filled with something so beautiful you could never imagine... :)
Realizing that purpose is optional is key to moving on peacefuly from such a seperation of self.Accepting absurdity for what it is because you cant change it, trying to change absurdity is a futile effort,IMO.You can choose your meaning in life if u want,but realize that you must help yourself out of preconceited notions of inherent meaning first before you have a foundation of illusory meaning or growth defeating beliefs.

what is spritual emergency ?

When absurdity is realized, understood, and accepted.

When one comes to this realization, talking to another about it and getting through it is something that everyone needs once this experience has occurred.

There are three ways to deal with it.

1. Suicide (or, "escaping existence"): a solution in which a person ends one's own life. I personally would not agree to the viability of this option. I think that it does not counter the Absurd, but only becomes more absurd, to end one's own existence.

2.Religious, spiritual or abstract belief in a transcendent realm, being, or idea: a solution in which one believes in the existence of a reality that is beyond the Absurd, and, as such, has meaning. I think that a belief in anything beyond the Absurd requires a non-rational but perhaps necessary religious acceptance in such an intangible and empirically unprovable thing (now commonly referred to as a "leap of faith"). However, I regard this solution, and others, as "philosophical suicide".

3. Acceptance of the Absurd: a solution in which one accepts the Absurd and continues to live in spite of it. I endorse this solution, believing that by accepting the Absurd, one can achieve absolute freedom, and that by recognizing no religious or other moral constraints and by revolting against the Absurd while simultaneously accepting it as unstoppable, one could possibly be content by acquiring personal meaning that is constructed in the process.

A person can choose to embrace his or her own absurd condition. One's freedom – and the opportunity to give life meaning – lies in the recognition of absurdity. If the absurd experience is truly the realization that the universe is fundamentally devoid of absolutes, then we as individuals are truly free. "To live without appeal," is a philosophical move to define absolutes and universals subjectively, rather than objectively. The freedom of humans is thus established in a human's natural ability and opportunity to create his own meaning and purpose; to decide (or think) for him- or herself. The individual becomes the most precious unit of existence, as he or she represents a set of unique ideals which can be characterized as an entire universe in its own right. In acknowledging the absurdity of seeking any inherent meaning, but continuing this search regardless, one can be happy, gradually developing his or her own meaning from the search alone.

"Thus I draw from the absurd three consequences, which are my revolt, my freedom, and my passion. By the mere activity of consciousness I transform into a rule of life what was an invitation to death, and I refuse suicide.

"Revolt" here refers to the refusal of suicide and search for meaning despite the revelation of the Absurd;

"Freedom" refers to the lack of imprisonment by religious devotion or others' moral codes;

"Passion" refers to the most wholehearted experiencing of life, since hope has been rejected, and so it is concluded that every moment be lived fully."
