Spiritual Emergency--anyone out there survive this?

I suppose what I'm really wanting to know is how does one even care about staying "checked in" once the veil has been pulled back and you realize nothing really matters......as in nothing. Who you thought you were was only dependent upon systems created by other people who are oblivious and dependent upon that fabricated system themselves. So I ask then...what is "real?" What REALLY matters? They say once you see these things in life, you can't go back to what once was...but the problem is you're stuck in limbo for an undefined amount of time as if floating in a void. So what could possibly be next? McDonalds, delivering pizza? It's not a death wish by any means, but I could quite honestly say I don't care if I live or die...as I don't see "the point" anymore.

I would say I've experienced what you're describing as a spiritual emergency. It fucked me up mentally, but it was very temporary. I didn't have the urge to go Awol or harm myself though.

Honestly though, killing yourself is a bitch move. What's the point in that? You're only going to be here briefly so you might as well experience it.
Eventually i plan on ending my own life, when im old, tired, and my body is worn down. Either when i am in too much pain to walk or get anything done, or the ones in my life that i have loved have died and left me to endure alone. My last free choice i think i would like to exercise, is killing myself. Not sure how i want to do this, probably the least painful way, hopefully ill still have many years to contemplate such ideas.

I think suicide takes a lot of courage, but shouldn't be done unless you too old or in too much pain and cannot give your life meaning any more, but that's just my opinion, and like you'll hear many people say... my opinions mean Jack and shit, and Jack just left the building.
If you have experienced this, what happened and how did you get through it? For those that haven't heard of this term before....this goes FAR beyond a little crisis in faith......it fucks up your entire life and some people kill themselves or end up in a psych ward. It's nothing to fuck around with.

its called growing up. expect a few "crisis" in your belief system as you age. What you are, is what is left afterwards.

its a long a difficult journey if u take that eye-openeing pill of consciousness...

I will soon post a thread of my favorite spiritual authors and some bookreadings and interviews and lectureres
In acknowledging the absurdity of seeking any inherent meaning, but continuing this search regardless, one can be happy, gradually developing his or her own meaning from the search alone.

Nice 1^

I think this quote speaks volumes,It dose to me anyway.My personal and subjective attitude is all about the search and or journey for the meaning but never in seeking the end or final destination of all meaning.
In acknowledging the absurdity of seeking any inherent meaning, but continuing this search regardless, one can be happy, gradually developing his or her own meaning from the search alone.

Nice 1^

I think this quote speaks volumes,It dose to me anyway.My personal and subjective attitude is all about the search and or journey for the meaning but never in seeking the end or final destination of all meaning.

Movin' right along, footloose and fancy free. Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me...

When u face a spiritual emergency u need to take time for urself, figure out what the issue is and realize " this too will pass". Trust me it all does in time ;)

U can handle any situation ur faced with if u have the courage to take on any challenge put in front of u.

I've been on my own spiritual journey since Jan of this yr. I was not happy so I took some risks, left my comfort zone and decided to live my life, not watch it pass by. I've been blessed to have amazing people come into my life when I needed them most. I've Travelled from Toronto to California, then out to the lovely western prairies of Canada that i'm now proud to call home.

I've driven half way across the country alone in my car and loved every moment. Yes I got lost and cried a few times wondering what the fuck I just gotten myself into but my adventures have turned me into a strong independant women ready to take on any thing!!!

A positive attitude does a long way these days, took me 30 yrs to figure this out ;) lol
When u face a spiritual emergency u need to take time for urself, figure out what the issue is and realize " this too will pass". Trust me it all does in time ;)

U can handle any situation ur faced with if u have the courage to take on any challenge put in front of u.

I've been on my own spiritual journey since Jan of this yr. I was not happy so I took some risks, left my comfort zone and decided to live my life, not watch it pass by. I've been blessed to have amazing people come into my life when I needed them most. I've Travelled from Toronto to California, then out to the lovely western prairies of Canada that i'm now proud to call home.

I've driven half way across the country alone in my car and loved every moment. Yes I got lost and cried a few times wondering what the fuck I just gotten myself into but my adventures have turned me into a strong independant women ready to take on any thing!!!

A positive attitude does a long way these days, took me 30 yrs to figure this out ;) lol

We need more people like you in the world :D

Most women, that i seem to meet at least, can't go anywhere by themselves. When physically alone, must be attached to their cell phone. When get dumped, immediately shack up with the next chump that shows up. Most haven't gone through such a spiritual journey that is required to be a full person.
We need more people like you in the world :D

Most women, that i seem to meet at least, can't go anywhere by themselves. When physically alone, must be attached to their cell phone. When get dumped, immediately shack up with the next chump that shows up. Most haven't gone through such a spiritual journey that is required to be a full person.

Aww thank u :)

Funny enough I had my cell with me driving from Toronto to Saskatchewan but no reception 90% of the way, just me, my tard kitty and a map I printed off the internet. Best adventure to date :) It was 22 celsius in march, the rivers and lakes were all still frozen due to record high temps ;) ( that i brought back from cali lol ) steam coming up, the animals I saw, and truckers are truly wonderful people, i wedged my car between a few for safe naps :)
I suppose what I'm really wanting to know is how does one even care about staying "checked in" once the veil has been pulled back and you realize nothing really matters......as in nothing. Who you thought you were was only dependent upon systems created by other people who are oblivious and dependent upon that fabricated system themselves. So I ask then...what is "real?" What REALLY matters? They say once you see these things in life, you can't go back to what once was...but the problem is you're stuck in limbo for an undefined amount of time as if floating in a void. So what could possibly be next? McDonalds, delivering pizza? It's not a death wish by any means, but I could quite honestly say I don't care if I live or die...as I don't see "the point" anymore.

I put a like on this post. The main reason for the like is this part.

"Who you thought you were was only dependent upon systems created by other people who are oblivious and dependent upon that fabricated system themselves. So I ask then...what is "real?" What REALLY matters?"

I've had a very traumatic experience occur a few years back. Near death, betrayal, truth. I had died. One of the most euphoric and painful moments of my life. Second one by the way. The first time was not euphoric and if I had died, at least one person would have gone to jail. Anyway. You have received a great gift by coming to a realization about how the world is, and hopefully the universe is in a whole, especially for the most part, your current conscious universe is the earth.
Use your gift to create your future. You can see who you were and where you've been. Now it is time to rise up and be the person that you truly want to be. Suicide would only be an absolute waste now. Use this emergency, and the fact that you are still up and about as a trigger. You are the gun.

***Was that last line cheesy enough?
I agree, now that you have experienced the absurdity of existence, the biggest test now is to continue living... but this comes with the biggest amount of freedom.

Why continue to live? Because now we have the ability to give our lives our own meaning, we give our lives our own purpose... now we gain the ability to live in the now, because we understand that this "as far as we can tell" is the very first and last time we have ever, or will ever will have to be here. To live for joy, to experience happiness, to strive for it, and to help others do the same.
Hey, Zat! You still around? How did the quitting go? It's been a week since your last post, please give us an update to let us know how you're doing...