Well-Known Member
becuase people feel secure and comfortable in knowing at least we are tryingIf nobody is scared of terrorists why do we need the tsa?
and terrorists actually think twice before attempting something
becuase people feel secure and comfortable in knowing at least we are tryingIf nobody is scared of terrorists why do we need the tsa?
You know those body scanners aren't even full proof. A guy video taped himself getting on a place with a metal box sewed into his shirt. So you can either get blasted with radiation or get molested by some registered sex offender. The TSA is another waste of money. Just like drones.
You know those body scanners aren't even full proof. A guy video taped himself getting on a place with a metal box sewed into his shirt. So you can either get blasted with radiation or get molested by some registered sex offender. The TSA is another waste of money. Just like drones.
Lol whether they are or aren't it isn't necessary to treat toddlers as security risks. You know if you're on the no fly list you can't own a firearm.Any evidence that a TSA employee is a registered sex offender? evidence that a TSA employee is a registered sex offender?
(CBS) PHILADELPHIA - A Catholic priest who was removed from the ministry over sex abuse allegations now holds a sensitive security post at Philadelphia International Airport,
CBS Philly reports. Until 2002, Thomas Harkins was a Catholic priest working at churches across southern New Jersey, the station reports. But the Diocese of Camden removed him from ministry because it found he sexually abused two young girls. Now, in a new lawsuit, a third CBS woman is claiming she is also one of Harkins' victims.
CBS Philly reports that this week it observed Harkin working as a TSA checkpoint supervisor between airport terminals D and E, where thousands of people - including lots of kids - pass through every day.
The new lawsuit, filed in federal court against the Camden Diocese, accuses Harkins of sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl 10 to 15 times in 1980 and 1981, the station reported. Filed on behalf of the alleged victim, the suit alleges the abuse occurred while Harkins was a priest at Saint Anthony of Padua parish in Hammonton, N.J., with one alleged assaults occurring in Harkins' bedroom at the rectory.
"They should know who they're hiring," said Karen Polesir, a spokeswoman with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP). She believes Harkins' TSA job is inappropriate.
"As the public, we are screened to our underwear getting on a plane, and yet they hire a man like that," she told the station.
A TSA official told CBS Philly Harkins' title is "Transportation Security Manager, Baggage," meaning he deals mostly with luggage, not passengers.
"Sure, that's his title," Polesir said. "That doesn't mean that's where he stays, that doesn't mean he doesn't fill other roles when necessary."
The TSA says all its employees go through a criminal background check before they're hired, but because the allegations are so old, criminal charges were not filed. A spokesman said the Camden Diocese settled the first two lawsuits with Harkins' accusers, and that it had not yet seen the latest lawsuit.
Harkins was asked about the newest filing as he was leaving his shift at the airport.
"I have nothing to say," was Harkins' reply.
Asked if the traveling public should be worried, Harkin responded, "No, they shouldn't be."
"The public should not be worried with you in a position like this despite your past?" reporter Ben Simmoneau asked.
"I have nothing to say," Harkins repeated.
He then used his TSA badge to walk into a restricted area where CBS Philly cameras could not follow.
a textbook example of a false choice.Are you scared of terrorist? And can magical unicorn governments protect you from them with their magical unicorn powers?
Straightforward question.
So you believe that the millions/billions spent on building offshore bases and amassing a army on every continent is a good idea? Why is it ours is the only country stationed everywhere? You're right we are secluded we only have Mexico and Canada to worry about. Both countries are in danger of becoming part of the US where we would have a single form of currency called the Amero just like Euro. Both those countries aren't shit and Mexico only gets its weapons and things from us anyways. I don't see the common sense in leaving tons of troops and bases scattered on the map when all that money could be going towards further developing/fixing our own country. Why not have an army on shore (not patrolling our streets) but just ready to defend us. It's idiotic. Our country is strong but the government makes us weak. How the fuck do you let 2 commercial airlines through air support to hit 2 buildings in a densely populated city? How is it that those 2 planes said to have flown weren't even registered as leaving the hangar that day? How do you pass laws that are designed to bankrupt us? Yeah lets pull more money out of our ass just so that our debt goes up higher. Fuck school. Fuck work. Fuck this society. We work towards our own goals that are within the range of theirs. I'm moving anyways by the end of next year. If not out of the country. Then somewhere less populated where I can grow bud and be in peace then I won't have to think about this bullshit.a textbook example of a false choice.
in many countries terrorism is a real and deadly threat, and the government has failed to protect the people. heres some examples:
Colombia where kidnappings are common as dirt, and judges who stand up to the narcoterrorists explode without warning.
Somalia where the terrorists are the only government, and submission to their anarcho-shoot-you-in-the-faceism is the only choice.
Yemen where the terrorist organizations rule over half the country and operate with impunity.
Talib-controlled Afghanistan where the terrorists WERE the government and any resistance to their rule was punishable by death for your entire family
the "Palestinian Territories" where the terrorists are in control, and they use your neighborhood as human shields while they lob rockets, and machinegun weddings of the children of the opposition
Northern Mexico where the narcoterrorists run that shit like their own personal kingdoms and any who resist lose their heads.
Southern Mexico where the Zapatistas shoot people for having a beer, and burn down libraries because they are "propaganda depots"
Peru where the shining path's 20 year reign of terror has only recently been stopped
Sicily where the mafia runs everything, and snitches and honest judges both die of accidental acute lead poisoning by shooting themselves in the back 3 times with a shotgun
Lebanon where Hamas uses hospitals and schools as staging areas for rocket attacks and raids on israeli border towns.
Uganda where you kid can be "drafted" into their army or their whorehouses at the age of 8, and nobody can seem to stop them
Sudan where the government murders the populace for going to the wrong church or being in the wrong ancestral tribe
The Philippines where abu saif can do anything they like to anyone they please before disappearing into the jungles while the philippine army scratches their asses
Indonesia where young girls on their way to their school get their heads chopped off for being anti-moslem
the "Tribal Regions" of Pakistan where the local tribal leadersare on the payroll of terrorist organizations
Pakistan in general where the government and military forces are led by the terrorist organizations, and reform politicians randomly explode for no apparent reason
Chechnya nuff said
america has the advantage of distance and oceans to keep the various terrorist forces out, yet we still get hit occasionally. the bullshit question you are begging is "why are we causing these assholes to be so mad at us".
we dont have to do anything to cause terrorists to want to do us harm, the communist manifesto and the koran both insist all the world must submit to their rule or die. thats all the motivation terrorists need.
if american forces withdrew from the rest of the world, and secured our nation exclusively, europe and the civilized nations of asia and the orient would either burn to the ground, convert, or engage in all out war against the nations that harbour terrorists.
rational measured concerns about the growing threat of political and religious extremism around the world is not the abject unthinking terror you wish to portray.
no, i believe we should defend our borders with the coast guard, the citizen militia and small corps of officers and non-coms required by our constitution, and patrol the seas with our navy where maritime shipping is threatened.So you believe that the millions/billions spent on building offshore bases and amassing a army on every continent is a good idea? Why is it ours is the only country stationed everywhere? You're right we are secluded we only have Mexico and Canada to worry about. Both countries are in danger of becoming part of the US where we would have a single form of currency called the Amero just like Euro. Both those countries aren't shit and Mexico only gets its weapons and things from us anyways. I don't see the common sense in leaving tons of troops and bases scattered on the map when all that money could be going towards further developing/fixing our own country. Why not have an army on shore (not patrolling our streets) but just ready to defend us. It's idiotic. Our country is strong but the government makes us weak. How the fuck do you let 2 commercial airlines through air support to hit 2 buildings in a densely populated city? How is it that those 2 planes said to have flown weren't even registered as leaving the hangar that day? How do you pass laws that are designed to bankrupt us? Yeah lets pull more money out of our ass just so that our debt goes up higher. Fuck school. Fuck work. Fuck this society. We work towards our own goals that are within the range of theirs. I'm moving anyways by the end of next year. If not out of the country. Then somewhere less populated where I can grow bud and be in peace then I won't have to think about this bullshit.
Does your 9/11 report account for the presence of thermite? Or the reason why the steel beams at the bottom were cut at a diagonal just like in a controlled demolition? I would like to believe your book report but I don't. Nor do I believe your eyewitnesses. There is no accounts for why there were explosions going off in the building before it collapsed or why a van with explosives like something out of Fight Club was planted at the in the parking garage. Maybe it is all speculation but again so is your eyewitnesses. You can believe what your government says I don't, i believe we should defend our borders with the coast guard, the citizen militia and small corps of officers and non-coms required by our constitution, and patrol the seas with our navy where maritime shipping is threatened.
our entire nation is overstretched trying to protect half the world from aggression by the other half.
the Amero and north american union is a silly conspiracy theory. there is no such thing. though i do oppose nafta and gatt on principle, as they are directly responsible for a lot of lost economic independence. "free trade" never works. it is actually unrestricted trade, which rapidly becomes expensive trade for us here in the US.
mexico is teetering on the brink of collapse. the north of the country is under the complete controll of narcoterrorist, and the south is dominated by zapatista socialist revolutionaries. if you think mexico gets it's guns from the us you have been lied to. mexico's army is equipped from a variety of sources in the former soviet bloc, western europe, china and the US. the narcoterrorists get most of their guns fgrom the mexican army (google mexico arms depot robbery for more details) brazil, china and former soviet nations who sell guns to anybody. the zapatistas are armed by china, and cuba and they buy guns from brazil's enormous small arms industry.
the 9/11 attacks are shrouded in a pall of disinformation, bullshit and lies crafted by conspiracy theory nutjobs, and propagated by self serving opportunists like Alex "Ill Sell Anything" Jones. read the commission report, and listen to scientists engineers and people who saw it with their own eyes. 3 airliners were hijacked by mohammedan radicals of the sunni wahhabist persuasion. they plotted to use the planes as missiles, and were largely successful in this unexpected new twist on their usual tactics.
the current debt crisis is the result of more than 120 years of dumbass deficit spending (even clinton's claimed "surplus" was accompanied by increased debt far in excess of any claimed surplus) the last time the US had a balanced budget (spending not in excess of income) was under Andrew Jackson's administration.
withdrawing to the hinterlands is becoming a more popular solution every day, but when the collapse comes, youll be fucked just like everybody else, unless you come up with an amish style self-sufficiency plan. being a farmer is hard work, and unless you move to a region where you dont have to pay cash for your taxes and other governmental demands you will face the same crisis as the rest of the country. when there is no economy left to allow you to sell your surplus crops, you will lose everything to either government seizure or anarcho-shoot-you-in-the-faceist raiders.
That would all be true if your definition of terrorism is: Doing anything I don't like.a textbook example of a false choice.
in many countries terrorism is a real and deadly threat, and the government has failed to protect the people. heres some examples:
Colombia where kidnappings are common as dirt, and judges who stand up to the narcoterrorists explode without warning.
Somalia where the terrorists are the only government, and submission to their anarcho-shoot-you-in-the-faceism is the only choice.
Yemen where the terrorist organizations rule over half the country and operate with impunity.
Talib-controlled Afghanistan where the terrorists WERE the government and any resistance to their rule was punishable by death for your entire family
the "Palestinian Territories" where the terrorists are in control, and they use your neighborhood as human shields while they lob rockets, and machinegun weddings of the children of the opposition
Northern Mexico where the narcoterrorists run that shit like their own personal kingdoms and any who resist lose their heads.
Southern Mexico where the Zapatistas shoot people for having a beer, and burn down libraries because they are "propaganda depots"
Peru where the shining path's 20 year reign of terror has only recently been stopped
Sicily where the mafia runs everything, and snitches and honest judges both die of accidental acute lead poisoning by shooting themselves in the back 3 times with a shotgun
Lebanon where Hamas uses hospitals and schools as staging areas for rocket attacks and raids on israeli border towns.
Uganda where you kid can be "drafted" into their army or their whorehouses at the age of 8, and nobody can seem to stop them
Sudan where the government murders the populace for going to the wrong church or being in the wrong ancestral tribe
The Philippines where abu saif can do anything they like to anyone they please before disappearing into the jungles while the philippine army scratches their asses
Indonesia where young girls on their way to their school get their heads chopped off for being anti-moslem
the "Tribal Regions" of Pakistan where the local tribal leadersare on the payroll of terrorist organizations
Pakistan in general where the government and military forces are led by the terrorist organizations, and reform politicians randomly explode for no apparent reason
Chechnya nuff said
america has the advantage of distance and oceans to keep the various terrorist forces out, yet we still get hit occasionally. the bullshit question you are begging is "why are we causing these assholes to be so mad at us".
we dont have to do anything to cause terrorists to want to do us harm, the communist manifesto and the koran both insist all the world must submit to their rule or die. thats all the motivation terrorists need.
if american forces withdrew from the rest of the world, and secured our nation exclusively, europe and the civilized nations of asia and the orient would either burn to the ground, convert, or engage in all out war against the nations that harbour terrorists.
rational measured concerns about the growing threat of political and religious extremism around the world is not the abject unthinking terror you wish to portray.
No apparent political motive. cndo we consider the idiot who shot up the movie show in Colorado a terrorist ???
Does your 9/11 report account for the presence of thermite? Or the reason why the steel beams at the bottom were cut at a diagonal just like in a controlled demolition? I would like to believe your book report but I don't. Nor do I believe your eyewitnesses. There is no accounts for why there were explosions going off in the building before it collapsed or why a van with explosives like something out of Fight Club was planted at the in the parking garage. Maybe it is all speculation but again so is your eyewitnesses. You can believe what your government says I don't care.
the presence of aluminium and steel accounts for that possibility, and no reputable source has ever asserted that there was any large rsiidue of thermite especially not the "nano thermate" claimed by loose change versions 1-3, nor any cutting of beams by any force other than shearingDoes your 9/11 report account for the presence of thermite? Or the reason why the steel beams at the bottom were cut at a diagonal just like in a controlled demolition? I would like to believe your book report but I don't. Nor do I believe your eyewitnesses. There is no accounts for why there were explosions going off in the building before it collapsed or why a van with explosives like something out of Fight Club was planted at the in the parking garage. Maybe it is all speculation but again so is your eyewitnesses. You can believe what your government says I don't care.