Well-Known Member
you see the sins of your opponents but fail to identify the wickedness of your allies. heres a few things you might have missed from the "mainstream media" the "fourth estate" or the "guardians of truth"
in the 1990's the JetStream (google it if you dont know what it is) dropped several thousand feet in altitude aand knocked down a 200 mile wide swath of forest in the rockies. 2 years later PBS rolled the stock footage from this event (miles if trees laid out like they were hit with a giant comb and a massive dose of pomade) to "prove" that clear cutting was destroying forests in the pacific northwest. LIE
early 2000's: maria shriver held up a .22 LR and claimed it was a "high powered magnum cartridge" on a special report about how we need more gun control. LIE
Walter Duranty, the New York Times "Man in Moscow" lied through his teeth for years praising stalin's glorious leadership, and calling all those who said there was a famine in the ukraine liars. the times editorial staff KNEW he was lying, and printed it anyway. LIES, DOZENS OF THEM!!
BHO declared that obamacare would reduce the deficit and the debt. LIES! ALL LIES!!! yet the press still tells that tall tale. EVEN MORE LIES!
the entire washington pres corps KNEW FDR was a cripple, yet concealed this fact for his entire life. LIES!
the entire washington press corps knew JFK had a loose zipper, and concealed this fact for his entire life. LIES!!
the entire washington press corps knew that the clinton impeachment was NOT about his sexual depravity, but thats the story they told even still tell today A GIANT BUCKET OF LIES SOAKED IN GASOLINE, PINNED TO THEIR TROUSERS AND SET AFLAME!!!
i dont even feel like continuing with the PANOPLY of baldfaced lies, deliberate deceptions and outright falsehoods perpetrated by the leftist press, or leftist politicians.
Got a bit of stacking going on here, as only three of your examples have any pertinence to your discussion, that FDR's infirmity and JFK's proclivity were not common knowlege was not due to a particular sect of the media but ALL of them, as what was then perceived as a courtesy.