vulcanism, the philosophy and teachings of Surak of Vulcan? or do you mean perhaps the heating of rubber and latex to create a harder more durable finished product?
Volcanism which is to say the geologic processes which vent heat, magma and gasses from the mantle to the crust and surface releases vast amounts of carbon dioxide with every eruption, but also through geysers fissures fumaroles etc...
heres some links for your perusal.
put on your math hat...
global co2 estimates from surface volcanoes is estimated by these eggheads to be between 6 and 7 x 10 to the 12th power mols per year. i cant do that kind of math! my brain stopped counting at "thats a fucking shitload"
these seeps and gyesers and volcanic vents release millions of tons of co2 and so2 every year, and there are thousands of these things all over the earth including many we dont even know about and cant even measure at the sea floor.
the usgs offers some interesting "insights" but their sources and motivations are dubious, and they dont even bother to show you their math.
the usgs holds your view that human activity has eclipsed volcanoes (but they only mention volcanoes, not seeps fumaroles geysers etc...) as a source of co2, but they offer no sources for their claims and i find their support for global warming theology suspect at best.
heres the numbers they deign to offer with no sourcing or explanation of how they were determined :
"Our studies show that globally, volcanoes on land and under the sea release a total of about 200 million tonnes of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] annually." 200 million metric tons. sounds a little light to me when they also declare: "Our studies here at Kilauea show that the eruption discharges between 8,000 and 30,000 metric tonnes of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] into the atmosphere each day." thats just killauea, not aetna, jellystone, mud mountain, mount fuji etc, and thats just each day....
and they further claim that human use of fossil fuels releases 26.8 billion metric tons. and thats extremeley unlikely.
anybody who leans back and opens their mouth like a hungry baby bird waiting for the un climate clowns to regurgitate some sweet vectar for them ought to have their lab coats taken away.