Portland area greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member

next time i get a haircut, i'll save the hair and dye it red and give the mannequin a wild red goatee like my friend has.

better yet, a robot that smokes cigarettes!

i don't think those kids will be back again now. that look of horror on their faces was so great. wish i could have snapped a photo. this is the best i can do.

Haha he looks like "huh? What?"


Active Member
I have over 30 hives, been keeping bees for many years. I use Carniolan, Italian and whatever feral swarms I can capture.

Remember that they aren't "dudes". They are almost all ladies except the few 1,000 drones. A good hive will have 60,000 bees during the nectar flow.

Bees do not pollinate marijuana or forage off of it as it does not produce nectar. Marijuana is wind pollinated. You will not get "green honey" from your bees. The resin produced is a defense mechanism to keep insects off of it by trapping the bug in its sticky ickiness. Bees are wise to this as they have been around for 6 million or so years.

Honey bees could care less about us and will just go about their business. They are pretty mellow. Great little critters they are.

Wasps, which are in the same family as bees (hymenoptera) along with ants and sawflies, are good to have around. They are predatory and will kill nasty bugs that would otherwise feed on your weed.


Well-Known Member
I also accidentally call my flowering plants dudes too, I should have chose a different word, you are correct. But for the record they will always BEE my little "dudes", and I love having them around.


Well-Known Member
fruitbat, somewhere not cluttering unclebucks thread, I need to talk with you about preventing my new hive from swarming their first year. Im really getting worried one of my queens is gonna jump ship. :/


Ursus marijanus
I have over 30 hives, been keeping bees for many years. I use Carniolan, Italian and whatever feral swarms I can capture.

Remember that they aren't "dudes". They are almost all ladies except the few 1,000 drones. A good hive will have 60,000 bees during the nectar flow.

Bees do not pollinate marijuana or forage off of it as it does not produce nectar. Marijuana is wind pollinated. You will not get "green honey" from your bees. The resin produced is a defense mechanism to keep insects off of it by trapping the bug in its sticky ickiness. Bees are wise to this as they have been around for 6 million or so years.

Honey bees could care less about us and will just go about their business. They are pretty mellow. Great little critters they are.

Wasps, which are in the same family as bees (hymenoptera) along with ants and sawflies, are good to have around. They are predatory and will kill nasty bugs that would otherwise feed on your weed.
I believe they have a cream for that now. cn


Well-Known Member
one of the branches on the god plant fell over from its own weight yesterday, so i started to stake the big girls today. got 3 done, will probably wait to finish off the other three since they're much smaller.

for the record, i drill holes in the stakes and run twine through them every 8'' or so to support the branches.




Well-Known Member
Love that Green House....I might build one and live in the fucker soon!just need my lap top,tv,and cell phone.


Well-Known Member
Buy the way,

Stoner's that live on cookies are know to be way low IQ somes of bitches!

So what is your Point Uncle?


Well-Known Member
i included a 4 foot length of chicken wire in each pic for comparison.

GDP, the runt. still being runtish. runters gonna runt.

god bud. she had one of her branches fall over the other day, prompting me to stake up the monsters.

black domina. am hoping for great things from this fat bitch.

#1. she is fully revegged and a fucking bush. should be the first to flower as she is most sensitive to less light.

WMD. just huge.

star trek. also a bit runtish. i think she was a bad choice.


