Cajun Grower
Active Member
yea i hav a couple in reg pots they dont need to be watered as often gonna switch to all smartpots next round they the shit from wht i see so far ttyl gf's home and ready to play ! nooky time lol
gd morning.yea it wasnt about cheaper jus availability,i buy the product.first time someone give a neg on my, i use those as pots as well, you can get those cheap aluminum / plastic top pan for a buck at dollar isles, dollar tree, that makes for .50c a pan.. . nice looking set up. :+)
bing it on brotha.buds are gettin rock hard now ,i have another change to make to elp them out......also wen its a100F outside co2 levels are above normal at times but some co2 growers dont know that.and the weight some of these ppl claim,a cluckin duck.yea i hav a couple in reg pots they dont need to be watered as often gonna switch to all smartpots next round they the shit from wht i see so far ttyl gf's home and ready to play ! nooky time lol
lol i'd removed that crap from programs watever it is.dam wtf been tryin to log on for 2 hrs finaly got in ! kept telling me web page not available tried google chrome and intexplorer wrks now
thanx bro,i been wantin to check that out,good man.if you get a chance rdr. go to seedfinder and check out the genentics on tht blue lemon thai im growing surprised me blue moonshine black widow firecracker killa queen just to name a few !
yea i decided to start workin out in the avitar maybe it might help my plants,lol....fixin to kik some real weigt on these ladies,takes 3 or 4 days kik liken yo avy rdm
i would not want to be will
cause you seem to be firing at will
cant wait to get the project underway my friend.lookin good
a few levels above good
you have crossed 3rd base
cumin up to home plate
an i think its a home run
i think you knocked it outa da park
as the crowd stood and cheered
raiderman - raiderman he slowed up right before home plate and took a bow
as a salute back to his fans
all the pics look sweet ,so yu have some goin?if you get a chance rdr. go to seedfinder and check out the genentics on tht blue lemon thai im growing surprised me blue moonshine black widow firecracker killa queen just to name a few !