Well-Known Member
wat u - thanks Rdm
wat u - thanks Rdm
9 weex should fini.How long in flowering? Like 9-10 weeks?
Now that I have a well rooted clone, I may pull the trigger on it(OG19 weex should fini.
read the post before my answer bro
lol yure funny,the 600 is lower than the 1000.the 1000 rite in the ceiling 10 inches above canapy thank go tey didnt stretch more...also no beans today.maybe next week.lookin good
a few levels above good
you have crossed 3rd base
cumin up to home plate
an i think its a home run
i think you knocked it outa da park
as the crowd stood and cheered
raiderman - raiderman he slowed up right before home plate and took a bow
as a salute back to his fans
i hope u come through with those. dont water to soon between waterings,thats the worst thing u can do as seedlings.yep theres alot of people on here who try to start growing wthout a clue and expect everyone to hold there hand all the way ! had to bring gdp in starting to flower outside alittle to hot for it to i think leaves wanting to taco curl up squeezed it in wth the rest of the girls BLT's starting to put on weight abt 3 weeks left on it suppose to be 8wk strain we'll see
i had around 125 in storage,lol.i have alot of siamese friends here get only the, i use those as pots as well, you can get those cheap aluminum / plastic top pan for a buck at dollar isles, dollar tree, that makes for .50c a pan.. . nice looking set up. :+)